Be wary of heat stroke! Health tips for hot weather

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heat stroke is the most serious heat-related emergency Severe heatstroke, which is due to the imbalance of body regulation function in exposure to high temperature and high humidity environment, heat production is greater than heat dissipation, resulting in a rapid increase in core temperature, exceeding 40 °C, accompanied by skin burning, disturbance of consciousness (such as delirium, convulsions, coma) ) and multiple organ dysfunction serious and fatal diseases, is the most serious type of heat stroke, once it occurs, the mortality rate is extremely high.

Why do I get heat stroke?

Climatic factors of high temperature and humidity and high-intensity physical activity< /strong> is the most important risk factor for heat stroke.

According to the different causes and susceptible groups, heat stroke can be divided into exertional heat stroke and non-exertional heat stroke (also known as classic heat stroke). Exertional heat stroke is mainly caused by the imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation caused by high-intensity physical activity. Classic heat stroke is mainly caused by high temperature and/or high humidity environmental factors, usually without strenuous physical activity.

What are the common symptoms of heat stroke?

Common symptoms of heat stroke are:

1. Elevated body temperature: Elevated body temperature is the main feature of heat stroke. The patient’s core body temperature mostly above 40℃.

2. Symptoms of the central nervous system: The dysfunction of the central nervous system is the main feature of heat stroke. : Delirium, lethargy, seizures, coma, etc.; other abnormal neurological manifestations may also occur, including bizarre behavior, hallucinations, opisthotonos, and tonicity. Some patients may have long-term central nervous system damage in the later stage, mainly manifested as inattention, memory loss, cognitive impairment, language impairment, ataxia, etc.

3. Other symptoms: headache, nausea, redness, increased skin temperature, shortness of breath, heart rate Acceleration, muscle cramps, or weakness.

What should be the first aid treatment for heat stroke?

Heat stroke can be life-threatening, and others around you should help call emergency services while trying to cool the patient.

1. Move the patient to a cool place.

2. Regardless of the method used, cool the patient quickly. Such as soaking the patient in cool water in a bathtub; placing the patient under a cool shower; spraying the patient with cool flower water; wiping the patient’s body with cool water; compressing the head with a cool wet towel or ice pack In dry weather, wrap the patient in a sheet or clothing soaked in cool water and blow hard with a fan.

3. Patients with heat stroke may experience involuntary muscle twitching. When this happens, avoid the patient from hurting himself. Do not put anything in the patient’s mouth and do not attempt to give the patient water. If the patient vomits, turn the patient on their side to ensure their airway is clear and avoid aspiration.

How to prevent heat stroke?

The key to reducing heat stroke mortality is prevention. The most effective preventive measures are to avoid high temperature (high humidity) and unventilated environments, reduce and avoid risk factors for heat stroke, ensure adequate rest time, and avoid the occurrence of dehydration, thereby reducing the incidence and mortality of heat stroke.

Hot weather

< strong>Health Tips

1. When older, Strong physical labor should be avoided as much as possible. If you need to walk or exercise in hot conditions, don’t start strenuous exercise right away, Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity, allow your body to adjust to the outside environment. When you already feel aggravated heartbeat and chest tightness and suffocation, especially when you feel dizzy, confused, weak, or even fainting, you should stop all activities immediately! Quickly find a cool and ventilated place to rest. 2. Reasonable arrangement of work and rest time, appropriate supplementation of heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks containing potassium, magnesium and calcium salts, and heatstroke prevention and cooling drugs (such as cooling oil, wind oil essence, Rendan or Huoxiangzhengqi water). Those who need a low-salt diet should consult a doctor before supplementing with salt. 3. In hot weather, do not drink alcoholic or sugary beverages, which can cause loss of energy. a lot of body fluids. At the same time, you should also avoid drinking too cold frozen drinks to avoid stomach cramps. For some patients who need to limit their fluid intake, the amount of water they drink during high temperatures should be as directed by their doctor. 4. When cooling down, the ice pack should be placed on both sides of the neck, thigh roots or underarms. These places are rich in blood vessels and have a good cooling effect. Pay attention to avoid the back of the pillow, the auricle, the precordial area, the abdomen, the scrotum, the sole of the foot and other parts to prevent side effects such as diarrhea. An ice pack can be wrapped in a towel to prevent frostbite.

5. To relieve the heat, but consider whether the patient tolerates it. Confused patients may not be eligible for medication; children and pregnant women should be prescribed; Drivers and aerial workers should consider alcohol in medication; Patients taking cephalosporin antibiotics cannot take Huoxiangzhengqi water at the same time. 6. Sometimes in seemingly “cool” muggy and humid weather, the body can hardly dissipate heat even with a lot of perspiration If you go out, if you don’t add water in time, your body temperature will rise rapidly, and it will also cause heat stroke. 7. Do not leave infants or children alone in the car, even in fairly cool weather . Because, under the sun, the temperature inside the car will still rise rapidly, which will cause severe heat stroke and even death in children. 8. Wear appropriate clothing and sunscreen. Outdoors, you should try to choose light, loose and light-colored clothing, and pay attention to sun protection and cooling. Wear a wide-brimmed sun hat, sunglasses, and apply sunscreen (UVA/UVB protection) with an SPF (sun protection factor) ≥ 15.

content source : Comprehensively compiled from the official website of the National Health Commission and the People’s Medical Publishing House, “How to give first aid in a critical moment? –Home First Aid Manual