Be vigilant! Many people have been diagnosed in many places, and some people have died! Why is this disease so terrible?


It is a veritable “high temperature killer”.

Source: YimaitongAuthor: Han HanThis article is edited and compiled by Yimaitong, please do not reprint without authorization. This year’s high temperature was caught off guard.

Before it officially entered the dog days, the temperature in many areas continued to exceed 40 degrees.

Air conditioners, cold drinks, swimming pools… all the measures to avoid the heat were all greeted, but they still couldn’t escape the scorching heat. The unintentional joke “It’s too hot” has unfortunately become a prophecy recently.

On July 10th, West China Hospital of Sichuan University admitted 3 patients who were referred for heat stroke in a row. Respiratory cardiac arrest occurred when he was diagnosed at West China Hospital, and he eventually passed away. The remaining two patients developed obvious coagulation disorders and liver and other multiple organ failures, and they are still being rescued in the intensive care unit.

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Heat stroke patients appear in many places, and there have been deaths

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The patient with heat stroke in West China Hospital is not an isolated case. Due to the continuous high temperature, so far, heat stroke has occurred in many places.

Lishui Central Hospital:

On the afternoon of July 6, a 49-year-old male patient suddenly collapsed while working in the workshop. When he was admitted to the hospital by a co-worker, his body temperature was 40.7°C and he was in shock. After examination, the patient was found to have multiple organ failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation. After 31 hours of rescue, he died in the early morning of the 8th.

Another 70-year-old woman did not pay attention to heatstroke prevention. She developed high fever and confusion during her nap. When she was sent to the hospital, her temperature reached 42.5°C, and she had multiple organs. Exhausted and still being rescued.

Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine: p>

On July 10, a 56-year-old male patient developed dizziness and vomiting while working outdoors at the construction site. When he was sent to the hospital, his body temperature was 41°C and he was unconscious. After treatment His condition gradually improved, but he was still hospitalized due to impaired renal function.

Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

On July 12, a 37-year-old renovation worker developed dizziness and frequent vomiting after working continuously for 4 hours, and was diagnosed with heat stroke.

Zhengzhou Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University:

A man fell into a coma after working continuously outdoors at nearly 40°C for two hours. When he was sent to the hospital, his body temperature was 42.3°C, and he suffered liver and kidney damage.

The severity of heat stroke made everyone sweat. How did this happen? If you don’t get in the sun, will you not get sick?

Heat Stroke is so serious, is it okay not to be in the sun?

Heat stroke, as the name suggests, is inseparable from the high temperature sun exposure.

As early as ancient Greece, people have realized that the high temperature in summer can cause serious diseases.

Life is at stake, people in ancient Greece have already studied high temperature protection measures. For example, in the 18th and 19th centuries, it was widely believed that heat stroke was caused by the sun’s rays penetrating the skull and damaging the brain or meninges. It is also believed that the spinal cord is also burned by the sun’s rays.

So troops marching in the tropics will wear sun hats, “spine protection pads”, and “layer upon layer” of themselves. Protect it.

Of course, we now know that “spine pads” are useless. Heat stroke occurs mostly due to prolonged exposure to the sun, coupled with high-intensity physical activity, resulting in an imbalance between the body’s heat production and heat dissipation.

Under normal circumstances, the human body can regulate its own body temperature. However, when exposed to high temperature and high humidity for a long time, the ability of the body temperature regulation center is unbalanced. At this time, the heat in the body cannot be dissipated, and the internal temperature of the body will rise rapidly.

For example, in recent cases, the majority of those with heat strokeThey are all people who work outdoors for a long time.

The officers and soldiers, traffic police, firefighters, construction workers, sanitation workers, athletes, and epidemic prevention personnel who participated in the summer training The masters of control are all among them.

“White Lynx” tweeted that several people with heat stroke were recently admitted to the ICU Among the patients, all were working outdoors, including epidemic prevention and control personnel wearing protective clothing.

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Many netizens expressed concern about these grass-roots workers, and many of them felt the same way or felt injustice for the staff.

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We cannot avoid natural disasters, but we can always avoid man-made disasters, right? Under the high temperature attack, the health and safety of front-line workers needs urgent attention!

Some people also say that if I don’t do physical work outside, is it okay?

Not necessarily. Heat stroke can come to you even when you are not exercising indoors. The most common reason is that they are reluctant to turn on the air conditioner because they want to save money, which leads to serious consequences.

For example, in 2017, a 70-year-old man in Yangzhou suffered from heat stroke because he was reluctant to turn on the air conditioner. His body temperature soared to 41°C and his body was hot. He died before being taken to the hospital.

In 2019, a 27-year-old boy in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu took a nap at home. Due to the lack of attention to heatstroke prevention, heat stroke was induced, and the body temperature was as high as 42.1°C, resulting in multiple organ damage. Despite all efforts to rescue him, he was finally pronounced dead.

“heat-killer” heat stroke, not heatstroke

Because both heat stroke and heat stroke occur in a high temperature and high humidity environment, many people confuse “heat stroke” with “heat stroke” . This kind of thinking, in fact, completely downplays the seriousness of heat stroke.

In simple terms, heat stroke is the most dangerous and severe form of heat stroke.

In comparison, the symptoms of heat stroke are much milder, including thirst and dizziness , sweating, slightly elevated body temperature and other symptoms of sweat gland failure and excessive loss of water and electrolytes.

The occurrence of heat stroke, not only the body temperature will be higher than 40 ℃, but also accompanied by symptoms such as loss of consciousness and convulsions. At this time, the body is like a stew pot, and all the organs in the body are like “boiled” in water.

If heat stroke is not treated in time, the central nervous system, circulatory system, respiratory system, etc. Multiple systems are damaged one after another, causing systemic problems. High fever, coma, and multiple organ failure are usually the most direct causes of death.

The mortality rate of heat stroke is very high, exceeding 50%. Even in intensive care with complete nursing conditions, the mortality rate can still be as high as 26. 5% ~63. 2%. It has to be said that heat stroke is a veritable “high temperature killer”.

For heat stroke, the focus is on prevention

Heat Stroke sounds so serious, what is the best way to do it?

In order to avoid the occurrence of heat stroke to the greatest extent, timely treatment and treatment are required in the early stage of heat stroke.

“Headache, dizziness, sweating, fatigue, etc. , inattention, etc., it is necessary to quickly move to a cool place, avoid direct sunlight, and replenish water and salt in time, which can be effectively relieved.” Jiang Zhen, an attending physician in the emergency department of West China Hospital, Sichuan University explained.

Timely and prompt treatment can prevent mild heatstroke from developing. If it becomes severe heatstroke, then the condition will take a sharp turn for the worse.

When it is found that the patient is confused and the body temperature is extremely high, it means that the situation at this time may have threatened the life of the patient. At this time, in addition to quickly transferring the patient and adding water, all methods should be used to quickly cool the patient, such as wiping with a cold towel, soaking in cold water…to help the patient’s body temperature drop to 38°C.

Of course, when it comes to heat stroke, the focus is on prevention.

In the hot summer, you must pay attention to protection and add water and salt during outdoor activities , or a sports drink with electrolytes. If you are in an enclosed space, you must pay attention to air circulation and control the temperature environment.

In a word: the weather is getting hotter and hotter, prevention of heat stroke and heatstroke prevention are the first!

This article is compiled from: China Youth Network, Global Network, China News Network National Emergency Broadcasting, etc.

Editor|Han Han Su Mu

Source of cover image|Visual China