Bathing the uterus? Eliminate uterine “garbage”? Don’t believe these tricks!

Author: Sister Sa (attending doctor of obstetrics and gynecology)

After exercising every day, Sister Sa would be sweating all over. It would be really uncomfortable if she didn’t take a bath!

Washing off the stinky perspiration and making yourself refreshing and fragrant is really a relaxed and comfortable thing.

Cleanliness is important, and each of us should practice good personal hygiene. But the matter of “bathing” has also made people use the topic to use their brains, and it has become another weapon for collecting women’s IQ tax!

If you feel that taking a bath is not technical at all, how can you use the topic to collect IQ tax? Then the following picture should refresh your view:

Source: The True Story of a Doctor

When Sister Sa saw this picture for the first time, there were literally 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping across the grassland in her heart:

Take a shower? Bathing the uterus?

People’s uterus stays in the depths of their stomachs honestly, how can you take them out?

Look at what’s on sale, oh, so what’s the so-called “Personal Care”!

Let’s take a look at this one-by-one IQ tax collection poster with an offline IQ. The person who designed this poster seems to have a bloody feud with the uterus, as if he should be jumping through the cracks of rocks Just like what came out, the uterus here has become a “garbage dump”.

But do these so-called “rubbish” really exist?

1. Fertility residual waste: lochia?

Amniotic fluid is an appendage for the growth and development of the fetus in the body. Everyone grows up in amniotic fluid and comes into this world. If you want to say that it is a bit dirty, you can’t say that. Say it doesn’t make sense.

Because the fetuses eat, drink and lax all in the amniotic fluid, including excrement, of course, it is the most basic operation to urinate and drink by oneself, but this is done regardless of men and women, all human beings, Mammals do this.

After childbirth starts, the amniotic membrane ruptures, and the amniotic fluid will flow out. After completing the task, it will be gone after the flow is clean. How can you talk about amniotic fluid waste?

Could it be that your amniotic fluid is still “hanging a cup”?

Lochia is the blood, necrotic decidual tissue, etc. discharged by postpartum women. If you say it is garbage, it is true. After the baby is born, the uterus is no longer needed. They are discharged as garbage, but they will not be discharged all the time, and they will be clean when they are discharged.

Generally speaking, postpartum lochia is dripping and unclean, it is a disease, such as poor uterine involution, poor contraction, placenta residue and other problems caused by lochia, but even if it is really dripping, It should also be symptomatic treatment, such as strengthening contractions or even clearing the uterus.

A little bit of gel? You can pull it down!

2. Sexual waste

Sister Sa thought about it, and it seemed that there were two different kinds of garbage produced during sex, except for excrement, urine, and farts, which either came from female secretions or male secretions.

But no matter which secretion, as long as the source is healthy and there is no sexually transmitted disease, then they are the normal body fluid composition of our body and are not poisonous.

Say something exciting, even if you eat and drink it, it won’t be poisonous.

Also, apart from the tadpoles that can run into the womb, the others don’t seem to be that great. If the tadpoles succeed in creating humans, they will become adults. If they fail to create humans, they will be silent. Disappeared in the channel of vagina-uterus-fallopian tube, one does not affect health, and two does not take up space.

Source: Zhanku Hailuo

How can such a poor and quiet little guy become “garbage”?

Does your conscience not hurt when you call people “rubbish”?

3. Monthly Menstrual Waste

This is really believed. Someone once came to ask Sister Sa how to remove the residual toxins from her menstrual period, but your menstrual period is obviously clean, where did the residual toxins come from?

As for the so-called toxins, junior high school biology taught us, Women’s menstrual cramps are due to the shedding of the endometrium caused by hormonal changes, where are the toxins?

Could it be that this toxin is colorless, intangible, odorless and tasteless, and it has a match with the legendary “ghost”?

Menstruation is not detoxification. If menstruation is always heavy and dripping, you should consider endocrine disorders, endometrial polyps, uterine fibroids and other problems. This is a disease, and you must find the cause and then treat it. , it’s not a “garbage toxin” problem!

Source: Zhanku Hailuo

4. Metabolic junk

Sister Sa really couldn’t help laughing when she wrote this:

You must know that our metabolism itself is the process of garbage cleaning, it is the physiological activity of the normal human body, strictly speaking, this is even a sick sentence!

The carbon dioxide we exhale, the sweat we produce, and the urine and feces we produce are all wastes from metabolism. As long as people are alive, this activity will be carried out all the time. Why do you need to use a vaginal stuffer? Gel to help clean up?

At this point, you must have understood that the characters above are all correct Chinese characters, but the things they say together are simply nonsense!

The uterus doesn’t need a bath at all, and nothing has the ability to help you clean up a pile of garbage that doesn’t exist in the first place.

In ancient times, there were many periods and regions in China and the West. People thought that women’s menstruation was unclean and filthy, because at that time people were too ignorant, afraid of blood, and didn’t know what happened to menstruation. .

At that time, women who were menstruating could not participate in various sacrifices and activities, and even had to be isolated to prevent this kind of uncleanness from affecting men.

There was a time when the Swahilis set up a hut in every village and town for accommodating menarche girls, and kept the girls in confinement for 3 months. The Shelisi and Walla Walla people of Oregon in the United States also have the custom of women living in special rooms during menstruation.

Up to now, some settlement areas in China do not allow menstruating women to be present at funerals or ritual sweeping ceremonies. They believe that menstrual belts used by women in ancient times should be buried secretly. The whole family will be spoiled.

“Trash”, “Toxins” and “Dirty”, these things are often placed on the description of the female reproductive system, making people feel uncomfortable when they look at them.

The so-called “cleanliness” is a curse that has plagued Chinese women for thousands of years!

Not only because of the fallacies they spread, ignorance that makes people sick, not only because of their money-making routines, inversion of right and wrong, but also because of this intentional or unintentional Belittling for women!

In the mouths of these people, the female reproductive system is garbage all the time, as if women themselves are born closer to the filth, and this is not just stupid and bad for the IQ tax , It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an insult to women!

Source: Zhanku Hailuo

Without the female reproductive system, no menstruation, no sex life, no amniotic fluid lochia, how can human beings survive and reproduce?

If all this is trash, who wasn’t born out of trash?

Those who distort normal physiological phenomena into filthy rubbish and create women’s panic for the sake of profit are the ones who should most bathe their brains and IQs. clean!

It is not the wombs of Chinese women that should be cleaned, but your ignorant brains, and those who are blinded by the silt of money and have no trace of conscience!

* This article is reproduced with the authorization of the WeChat public account Doctor Girl Zhengzhuan.