Basic Pulse Symptom Manifestations

floating pulse

The veins are swollen like a floating pulse, and it is not enough to press lightly. At the beginning of the disease, the floating pulse is the main external factor, and after the long-term disease, the floating pulse is caused by the internal injury.

The pulse that rises and disappears becomes flood, and the pulse that floats, large and hollow is phlegm. Void big soft leather drum skin, loose touch toothpaste boundless.

The turbid pulse is like a muddy tube rushing in, firm, long, strong, moist and delicate. The number of late wind and heat is tight as cold, wind-cold wind-heat or wind-phlegm.

Cunfu suffers from epilepsy in the chest and neck, close to the liver, gallbladder, breast and gastritis; Chifu lowers the body to urinate and fire, all of which are manifested by yin deficiency and yang.

Chifeng pain in the limbs and skin troubles, especially in the nasopharynx due to wind and cold inflammation. Wind-heat sore toxin slipping wind-phlegm, anemia and tuberculosis consumption infection.

Optonia is in the brain, and seasonal meningitis is prevalent. Chronic inflammation floating string disease in the chest, floating long epilepsy or stroke.

Foggy, high fever, faltering, cold pulse and joint stiffness. Cunfu exogenous cough and phlegm inflammation, double breast hyperplasia floating pun.

The buoyancy of the epigastric disease, hepatosplenomegaly, and giant lymph nodes. Right ulnar pulse floating blindness, left chiral floating constipation.

Female genitouritis, skating a few months beforehand. Shuangcunguan floating intestinal disease, double-channel floating gastroenteritis.

Sciatica is like electricity, and the pulse is floating and stringed on the feet. An inch of labor’s heart can be flat, and an inch of labor’s head is dizzy.

For labor, the buoyancy can be flat, and women will suffer from buoyancy. The man is inch floating and the woman is right foot, and the old man is dizzy.

The right foot and the left foot were slippery, menopause, vomiting and early pregnancy.

Shen Mai

There is more than enough to do, False decline and real evil pulse force assessment. The left ulnar pulse can be seen to be flat, and the infection is extremely severe.

Fu meridian pushes the tendon to the bone, and the string is long and long, showing a prison shape. Shen and weak Qi and blood deficiency, Shen and powerful cold and accumulation.

Shen Hou’s liver, spleen, kidney, spine, several heat, slow cold, slippery phlegm and push. Shen Shuyan was diagnosed with internal heat, and the blood stasis was submerged.

Shen Xian, fine veins and kidney deficiency are many, and the number of pregnancy infections is very high. Shen Wei suffers from gastrointestinal deficiency and cold, and chronic gastropathy has a short pulse.

Spleen deficiency leads to sluggish limbs, swollen and shabby limbs. Shen and promote the knot on behalf of Yangbian, heart disease check ECG.

Cun Shen has chest tightness and poor memory, and Guan Shen Zhong has a poor appetite. The feet are like ice in the cold weather, and the performance is low after a little push.

Cun Guan Shen astringent shock elephant, Guan Chi Shen Shen pulse without root. Zuo Cun pulse was dull and distressed, while Right Cun was heavy with cough and asthma.

The Zuoguan pulse is cold, and the right channel is turbid and fatty liver. The left chi pulse is not well in the intestines, and the right chi is fine and difficult to get pregnant.

Inflammation in the Sanjiao pulse is fine and deep, and yang deficiency and fire decline are the internal symptoms. Blood stasis and qi stagnation, the pulse sinks, and the liver qi goes up against the cerebral blood vessels.

In the pancreas, liver, gallbladder and pelvis, either a mass or inflammation. Shen tight bronchitis asthma, abdominal pain due to cold blood.

The pulse was slow and slippery on the left foot, and colon cancer became itchy. Shen Slip, Shen Feng and Nao see ailments, Shen Chi has a yellow face due to liver and gallbladder disease.

Late pulse

One breath and three pulses are delayed , Yin cold dampness stagnation of qi and blood. Deficiency is like a large and soft vein, and every breath and four pulses are slow.

Scratch the bamboo veins with a light knife to see astringency, and then it stops and comes back to knot. Fuchi deficiency and cold catarrhalitis, urticaria rash epidemic.

Chi Xianxiao is timid and timid, and Chi Xian’s limbs are cold. Chi Xian suffered from hepatobiliary gastropancreatitis, and cold and dampness occluded limbs and vessels.

Joint varicose vasculitis, genital inflammation and vexation. Various anemias with slow pulse. Diarrhea enteritis delayed slip view.

Three energizer cold evil pulse is slow, lower back pain and radial side of the pulse. Delay due to slow metabolism, conduction block or sinus slow.

Counting the pulses

One breath and six pulses , Qi and blood to accelerate the evil heat more. The fiery heat and heat are the cause, and there is a difference between the virtual and the real.

For those with heat, treat deficiency with cold and clear tonic. The number of lung diseases in autumn is shocking, and it is common to see children with pulses.

The arterial slippage is accompanied by bean garden, and the pulse is diseased after one breath and seven pulses. Slip a few pulses to see Sanjiao inflammation, Shangyan cough, asthma and phlegm heart trouble.

Zhongjiao gastrointestinal hepatocholitis, Xiayuan inflammation or pregnancy. The number of strings is dizzy due to liver fire and tinnitus, and Shangyuan epistaxis is entangled.

Transverse gastroenteritis and pancreatitis, eclampsia, women’s inflammation and menstrual disorder. Counting yang deficiency, qi and blood anemia, Hong Shuyang is frightening.

The number of strings is thin to see neuropathy, and the number of strings is slippery to prevent cerebral embolism. Hong Shu’s carbuncle is stranguria with redness, and several veins of urolithitis are slippery.

The number of winds and pulses can lead to nine deaths.Heart disease is seen in several pulses. Difficult to give birth to a few feet weaker, slippery several pulses, polyenteric disease.

Two defeats, nine deaths and eight escapes, too much or too little will be fatal.

Virtual veins

The large and soft veins are Deficiency, the brachial veins are flat. The seven emotions are tired and hurt more, and improper diet hurts the spleen and stomach.

Cun Shen Qi and blood are not proud of the heart, close the Shen shrink, eat the liver and spleen. Deficiency of the kidneys, irregularity of the meridians of Guzheng, loose stools, urogenital inflammation and chi deficiency.

The pre-imaginary period has a lot of menstrual blood, and the deficiency slows down the breast and young gynecological inflammation. Frightened, palpitations, palpitations, palpitations, heartache due to qi deficiency and blood loss.

You cun pulse deficiency cough and asthma, Zuo cun tinnitus and red tongue. Left spleen deficiency shortness of breath, right rib pain tinnitus dizziness.

The left ulna was deficient and the stool was clear and loose, and the right ulna was numb and had a long menstrual period. If the righteousness is insufficient, the pulse is deficient, and the chronic inflammatory tumor is deficient in the Qi.

Yin deficiency and Yang deficiency delay, blood deficiency and floating qi deficiency. This is not suitable for the virtual pulse, and it is called virtual in a broad sense.

Real pulse

The pulse grows and grows stronger , Delirium spit frequent and vigorous. Pulse full cun floating, sore throat, headache, nasal congestion, tongue sore and sore throat.

Guan Li suffered from severe liver and gallbladder disease, and Chi Li suffered from lumbago and intestinal pain. The real flood pulse is dominated by yangming madness, and the mental illness is strong-tempered.

Xianshi pulse is mainly due to heat and spasm, and severe infection of the traction nerve. Strength Qi stagnation and blood stasis accumulation, visceral tumor liver and spleen enlargement.

The six meridians are all seeing the virus. Blood points have hot spots and redness. Zuo Cun’s strength is full of fire, and he is upset, sore throat, sore mouth and tongue.

Left Guan Li Shi had swollen liver and spleen, abdominal distention and lymphatic enlargement. Abdominal distention, constipation, left foot solid, Xiajiao damp heat and frequent urination.

Youcun strength had cough and phlegm, and Youguan strength had hepatobiliary swelling. Guan Chi’s strength is strong and the waist is protruding, and which side is strong, which side is protruding.

Weak inch cross checkpoints, high pressure stroke people are crazy.

Long pulse

Too long and long pulse , Yangming’s liver and gallbladder are full of fire. Slippery and astringent, relieve intestinal pain, and internal heat injury in several strings.

Cun-long heart fire, dry mouth and throat, chi-long nerves and less abdominal distension. The long pulse is Ping pulse, and the thin pulse is long and smooth.

The four seasons are quasi with the four seasons, one hundred pulses and long softness.

Short pulse

Short view size indent Close, qi does not control blood to view emptiness. Floating and short pulse see qi and blood anemia, and Shen and short pulse lead to chronic disease.

Short and short gastrointestinal causes of cold, short number of cardiopulmonary insufficiency. Short astringent stasis microcirculation, short and slippery pulses of alcohol and poison.

Short coronary heart and cerebral blood with turbidity and short palpitations. Shuangchi pulse is short and yin and yang deficiency, chronic anemia has no success.

The pulse with short chi should be carefully identified. A small pulse is not a short pulse, and the force is strong according to the inch.

The pulses of two fingers should be long and three separated.


Bow string and straight finger pulse as string , Malaria function hepatobiliary disease. Tight as a rope to play left and right, the pulse is firm and chord long and subsides.

The vein is too long, and the leather is pressed against the skin of the drum to fold the strings. The fenugreek touches the two sides of the ulna and radius, and the empty space resembles the blood-less margin of the onion tube.

The side pulse is on one side of the ulnar and radial chord, and the pain is mostly muscle inflammation. Cunxian has headache or expectoration, and Zhongjiao is swollen.

Chi Xian has soreness in the leg below the navel, and the pulse is smooth and gentle in spring. Tumor inflammation and liver and gallbladder, as fast as the blade phenomenon crisis.

Liver yang upsurges the meridians, bows the head and exerts force to prevent hemiplegia. Thin strings are more common in neurosis, hepatobiliary, stomach and spleen swelling or inflammation.

The rest of the body is not a pulse string, and the pulse and qi can no longer be hard and firm.
Tight pulse

Tightly cut the rope and taut the end of the rope, and the gecko snaps left and right after its broken tail. Floating tight on the outside and cold on the inside, all pains inside and outside are dominated by the cold.

Cinch tightness, head, chest, gas and blood spasms, and epigastric spasms. Chi-tight yang deficiency, pain and cold in the limbs, vomiting and diarrhea, and testicular stiffness.

External cold and internal heat pulse are tight, clearing the inside and removing the external Qinglongjian. Zuo Cun’s pulse was tight and short of breath, and the head was dazzled by the wind and cold.

You cun pulse is tight in cardiopulmonary disease, and qi stagnation and blood stasis are first. The left Guan pulse is tight with epigastric pain, and the right Guan pulse is tight with intercostal pain.

The left chi pulse is tight and cold in the waist and legs, and the right chi pulse is tight and frequent urination. Epilepsy due to tightness of the six pulses, opisthotonus and salivation

Hua pulse

The beads on the plate are like a slippery pulse, and the blood flow is fluent and the metabolism is fast. Seeing cough and vomiting, inflammation, ancient Huamai will have a baby.

Zuo Cun pulse slippery heart palpitations, right cun pulse slippery chest pneumonia. Guanhuasu eats liver and spleen heat, and chi inflammation before genitourinary.

Xianhua phlegm fire, tinnitus and deafness, qi stagnation and blood stasis, liver and gallbladder swelling. Phlegm, headache, cold limbs, gynecological inflammation, difficult pregnancy.

The pulse is thin and slippery, the liver is deficient in yin, and the spirit or function is hysterical. Shijue Zhongjiao pulse is slippery and solid, abdominal mass is constipated and red.

Smoothing the slippery pulse is the main cause of motion sickness and boating, and bronchiectasis and pneumonia. Intracerebral diseases have thin and slippery pulses, and the spirit is apathetic.

The pulse is slippery, weak and turbid, and frequent constipation occurs during pregnancy. Zuocun pulse slippery heart meridian phlegm, manic stroke or confusion.

Zuoguan vein slippery liver and spleen inflammation, rib distention, tiredness and anxiety. Left ulnar subomphalitis, urogenital anteriorgland.

Zuocun pulse slippery diaphragm pleurisy, pulmonary disease pleural effusion bronchitis. Youguan pulse smoothes the liver and gallbladder heat, soothes the liver and clears fire and then removes phlegm.

Women’s pulse is slippery and needs to be carefully identified, and the face is flushed before ovulation or menstruation. After the menstruation and menstruation of the palpebral white, Hugh connects the Huamai with the pregnancy.

The amenorrhoea is amenorrhoea with the left inch and the right inch, so it is reasonable to check the pregnancy. The left pulse of the male is slippery and strong, but the female is swaddled with a weak right.

Right ulnar pulse slippery right abdominal disease, right appendix ileocecal.

Astringent pulse

Lightly scrape the bamboo Difficult, there is no difference between ups and downs. Astringent blood less or injury to the body fluid, shock and blood stasis disease head and heart.

Cun astringent heartache, cerebral blood stasis, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and stomach astringency. Blood stasis and cold deficiency are more common in the pelvic cavity of chi injury.

Hepatic cholecystitis with swollen and astringent pulse, abdominal fullness and collateral distention and gray face. Postpartum infection, astringent pulse, lochia, dizziness.

Asthenia and astringent pulse see dysfunction, general discomfort and sleeplessness. Deficiency of camp blood, few pulses and slow pulses, people have no spirit and limbs are cold.

Chest tightness, heartache and pulse, and short life.


Hongmai points to the next Gone with the waves, the waves are pushing the shore and the waves are high. The pulse is really floating and sinking, with a long chord, and the turbid blood is thick like mud.

Void large soft leather drum skin with strings like bowstrings tightening the reins. Cunhong’s heart burns with scorching inflammation, chest pain, expectoration of phlegm and asthma.

Liver-fire and stomach-deficiency flood in the pass, and kidney-deficiency yin-fire is found in the ruler. Hong Damai sees stomach fire rushing, tinnitus and swollen teeth lead to headache.

The Honghuamai sees cerebral apoplexy, the right limb is paralyzed in the left cun, and the brainstem is completely paralyzed two cun in. Living with dementia is the same as death. .

The pulse is weak and the yin is injured, and the evil is not empty. Zuo Cun pulse is full of scorching inflammation, the throat is red and the gums are rotten and the tip of the tongue is red.

Chest pain and thick phlegm in the right cunhong, X-ray to exclude lung abscess. Zuoguan pulse is hot in the stomach, and the lymph nodes in the neck can be swollen.

The right Guan meridian was flooded and dulled, and the veins in the abdomen of the frog were exposed. The left chimai is swollen around the liver, and the right chiguan is full of sexual desire.

Shuangcun is full of heat in the lungs and heart, and heat in the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach. Both feet are full of vigor and uprightness, and the eighty old man does not hold a stick.

Leather veins

The veins are like drums Skin, hollow winding main cold deficiency. There is no hollow ulnar-radial line on the side, and the two sides of the hollow are soft.

The main cause of pain is aseptic inflammation, and the deficiency of yin and yang leads to the decrease of essence and blood. Women suffer from uterine bleeding or miscarriage, while men suffer from emptiness or dreams.

Zuo Cun Maige suffered from palpitations, chest pain and cardiomyopathy. Right cun pulse leather thoracic pneumonia, symptoms are rib pain and cough.

Zuoguan meridian is deficient in the spleen and stomach, and abdominal distention is full of fatigue. Youguan pulse leather liver and gallbladder disease, upset stomach, nausea and sour.

Left chimai will be deficient in leather and yang, and kidney deficiency will cause backache and frequent urination. The right ulnar pulse is gynecological disease, and the right lower quadrant pain is more acute.

Lao Mai

Shen Xian Shi Shi Long Mai Prison, yin, cold and yang will accumulate inside. The leather pulse is in the floating position, and the leather is fast and the position of the real pulse is different.

Stagnant blood sclerosis suffers from cancer, nephropathy, rheumatic spasm and ulcer. The left prison is mostly the heart and brain tubes, and the right prison is the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

The pulse of the ruler is firm to the pancreas, intestines and kidneys, and the urogenital ruler is firm.

thin pulses

the pulses are as thin as the median line Obviously, yin and yang qi and blood deficiency performance. Arteriopathy in the young and strong in spring and summer, and flat in autumn and winter in the old and weak.

The inch is thin and heavy, with chest tightness and phlegm, and the middle-jiao deficiency inflammation is fine. Cunguan are all thin and short pulse, limb soft intestinal pelvic inflammatory disease.

Diarrhea and diarrhea, the left chi is thin, and the right chi pulse is thin and cold to the kidney. Relieve gastrointestinal joint pain, short and thin Qi and blood are depleted.

Sputum in the slippery center, tight and painful joint spasms. The string is fine and absent, and the pain is slow, and the number is fine and the deficiency is often infected.

The nerve function veins are thin, and the search for medicine is unsuccessful.

moisturizing pulses

moistening and floating soft and thin pulses depletion , Tentacle vein thirteen children. Extremely thin is called micro, and the thin and weak lines are thin.

Scratch the bamboo and blood with a light knife, and the generalization is different. When I saw Cunfu, I was sweating, and I felt a weak load on my heart and brain.

If the spleen and stomach are deficient in coldness, the spleen and stomach will sink, and if the spleen and stomach are emptied, the yin will be deficient. The pulse is moistened by the chi, and the kidney is deficient and cold, and the chi is floating under the umbilicus.

Relieving pain in the joints, palpitations and chest tightness. Weakness of the body and a lot of upper senses, all kinds of depletion and deficiency are all seeking closure

Weak pulse

The pulse is weak and soft and the pulse is deep, and the qi and blood are both deficient and cold. Weak, soft, moist, and floating, the pulse of yin and yang is estimated.

Cun Weak Yang deficiency in the heart and lungs, Guan Weak spleen and stomach function. Tinnitus, meridian stagnation, inability to conceive, cold limbs and bowel disease in Shenmen.

Zuo Cun has a weak pulse in the chest and sighs, and the right Cun suffers from spontaneous perspiration and shortness of breath. If the spleen is out of health, the left gate is weak, and the qi depression and upset see the right gate.

The left ulna is weak for the deficiency under the navel, and the right ulnar limb is swollen and cold. The postmenstrual small birth vein is weak and slippery, and the eyes are dizzy with weak shock.

Weak astringent pulse and weak microcirculation, weak knot and weak generation have heart disease, also see blood deficiency and meridian stagnation of pregnancy, esophagus cancer swollen and vomitingsaliva.

Weak pulse in a broad sense refers to weakness, and the pulse is weak, soft, fine and deep.


If there is any , Qi and blood deficiency and Yang deficiency. Cunwei shortness of breath or heart failure, close Weizhongjiao for a long time.

The feet are slightly below the umbilicus and all cold and weak, the male is extremely labored and the female is stagnant. Micro but want to stop blood deficiency collapse, functional hemorrhage postpartum wind.

Cerebral and cardiac ischemia was slightly left inch, tinnitus, dizziness and blindness. The left Guan vein is slightly depleted of stomach qi, and the right vein is slightly stagnant in the liver and gallbladder.

The right chi pulse is slightly deficient in kidney yang, and the sink is deficient in yin for a long time. Floating micro-low fever gradually subsided, and frequent frights and qi deficiency saw micro-shortness.

A small amount of blood is low and the heart rate is frequent.

The veins

The veins are floating like green onions , the veins over the head are deflated and empty. Summer heat, sweating, body fluid injury, blood deficiency, qi deficiency, and pulse depletion.

The large floating hose is round in diameter, and the hollow floating tube is flattened. The leather is on the upper side of the string, and the side is the radial border of the ulna and the pulse.

Cunqin suffered from hemorrhage in the chest, and Guanqin suffered from gastrointestinal pain. Blood loss below the umbilical cord, red uterine bleeding and red diarrhoea.

Postpartum wind, dizziness, dizziness, bloody metrorrhagia, swollen liver and spleen, full black stool and pain in the ribs.

In the middle of nourishing the blood for phlegm and vomiting, and supplementing with serum for vomiting. Zuocunmai collapsed after giving birth, anemia, palpitations, deafness.

Intra-injury congestion and intercostal pain, pleural inflammation and pus. The right cun pulse is coughing up epistaxis, and the chronic illness consumes the blood of Zuoguan.

Gastrointestinal pain in the veins of Youguan, and various diseases of the blood in the right chili. Left ulnar vein red anus, chronic intestinal ulcer or tumor.

Third-high syndromes are more common in turbid glutinous rice, which is too blood pressure.


Touch the creamy pulse Disperse, press the pulseless gas side to be chaotic. Scattered floating without root and uncertain, severe infection with cardiopulmonary failure.

The summer heat shock is a sign of premature birth, and the vitality is dissipated near Jiuquan. The left cun pulse is scattered and the heart rhythm is scattered, and the right cun pulse is scattered and sweaty.

Zuoguanmai disperses cold in the spleen and stomach, and Youguanmai disperses hepatomegaly. Left Chimai San-type stroke, the disease is critically ill Sanchiguan.

Sclerotic shock acidosis, Sanshen congestion liver tumor. Scattered infection of sepsis, a few knots to promote the generation of critically ill heart disease.


pulsating like bean slips and shaking, The rest leans down and moves high. The yin and yang fight against each other, causing pain and shock.

Insufficient inch size and short pulse name, the pulse slides on a swing. Cinch cerebral and cardiac spasm, tumor pain vascular embolism.

Enlarged liver and spleen, and double breasts are painful before menstruation. Also see lumbago and kidney disease, usually see polyphagia and muscle plumpness.

Urinary and genitourinary inflammation pain tumor, move the left and right feet to seek. Zuo Cun was terrified of palpitations, and Right Cun suffered from spontaneous sweating and low fever.

Youguan’s pulse is heart-wrenching, and when something happens, you get angry and dream. Zuoguan splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, hematemesis, melena and stomach disease.

Pun left foot and three bean circles, gout and diabetes will not be confused for years. Cunkou jumped out of a few bean circles, and the pulse is faint.

The arterial movement is half diseased, and the function is reduced in the lowering position.


fumai, deep and deep , severe stroke pain or shock.

Cunfu heart disease suffers from chest and rib tightness, many diseases and liver disease.

Gynecological disease of Chi Fu Yin-cold, encephalopathic spasm of the six pulses.

Stimulate the pulse

Stimulate the pulse and stop Rest, stop the indefinite number of self-returning, Yan Sheng’s heart rhythm is irregular, and it is difficult to get medical treatment.

Slowly and then stop repeating, only if there are constants that will not be replaced. Slippery promotes expectoration of phlegm and eating Jue, and floating promotes enteritis and gangrene.

Promote long-term consumption of qi and blood stagnation, rheumatism and joint pain are difficult to rest. The pulse promotes the cerebellar hypoxia, and the heat toxin damages the body and the life is difficult to prolong.

Rapid pulse with toxemia, purpuric ecchymosis or mania. The pulse is fast, the left cun is floating, and the yin deficiency and blood are cold and the heart is entangled.

Rapid pulse with floating phlegm, cough and asthma, emphysema or bronchitis. When the pulse is fast, the middle Jiao is affected, and the liver, spleen, gallbladder and pancreas can be enlarged.

The chi-floating pulse promotes caustic inflammation, and the pain and circulatory failure are caused by burning urine.


knots stop when they are slow , Yin-cold qi failure heart pulse Jue.

The knot is delayed for several generations, and the disease is in the heart rate rhythm.


Regular non-regeneration , and even more infrequently sparse numbers. There is no fixed number when the end is delayed, and there is no fixed number when the number is accelerated.

All generations are due to the decline of vitality, and it is common for women to give birth every 100 days. Intergenerational heart disease, multiple heart rhythm life is short.

turbid veins

turbid veins flow in the mud tube, Floating and sinking are vigorous and vigorous. Gluttony is heavy and greasy, labor is little, three highs and severe severe fifty worries.

It can be seen that the ups and downs are large and long, and the fluctuations are strong. In fact, it is positive and full of evil, and the pulse is thick and blood vessels are turbid.

vascular sclerosis, tight pulse, high pressure stroke and coronary heart disease. The pulse was cloudy and closely accompanied by the cun bean circle, and he bowed his head and exerted force to break the brain tube.

The pulsating and turbid blood vessels are hard, not paralyzed or insane. Turbid pulse, high arterial blood pressure, hyperactive diet pressure since childhood.

Hypertension is usually genetic. Left inch turbid wind left limbs crippled, right inch turbid wind left body paralyzed.

Zuo Cun has weakness and turbid pulse, with less coronary heart blood and chest pressure stones. Zuo cun is like a turbid pulse of beans, high-pressure encephalopathy and heart failure.

Youguan Dou suffers from dizziness and turbid pulse, fatty liver, big eyes and blurry eyes. Zuoguandou has a faint, turbid pulse, strong appetite, and thick abdomen and waist.

The turbid and slow pulse is seen in a cun bean circle, and the mind is dizzy and the lower limbs are shaking. The turbidity and the generation or the number of generations are short, and the life of this body is short due to the blessing of the mouth.

Wind pulse

cardiac and cerebrovascular disease with early pulse The wind, the cross between the dimensions and the dimensions are the same. It indicates that three months before the stroke, the remnant will regret it late.

The turbid wind cun sees the yin and yang points, and the yin and partial residual of the Guanchi pulse. When Xianfeng Sangao was calm, Xinshuan was paralyzed after Cun Yin moved.

The neck wind will hit the lesion point, and the blood wind will be reduced. All winds are due to lack of good habits, childlike exercise and food should be festive.

Odd pulse

Strong and weak breathing abnormally , Lung robbery heart blood is low. The rippling main wave has a small amplitude, and the tidal pulse alternates between strong and weak pulses.

Odd-slow vagal irritation, odd-infected pericarditis. Qidai’s myocardium is stagnated, and Qiyang’s pericardium is stuffed.


Amplitude reduction of the main wave , a river of autumn water ripples. Cat wheezing is seen on the thoracic stalk, and the main valve stenosis is difficult to bleed.

The left inch is like a bean’s heart like a boot, and the cat’s pant is seen at the apex of the left heart. The cat under the sword is panting, and the right heart is big, and the inch of the gate is like a bean not a Yangguan.

Heart ischemia in Zuocun pulse and ventricular ischemia in Yang pulse.

Tidal pulse

The pulse is alternately strong and weak. Tide disease see myocardium. Nine dead saw Shen Zuocun, shortness of breath, chest pain and chest tightness.

Hypertrophy of the coronary heart is seen in cloudiness, and high-pressure tube is seen in strings. The tide is short-lived, and when the tide sees the pulse, it will be sick.

Pulse dizziness point

Pulse dizziness lump floating or Shen, the strength is not equal in size. Sand grains of sesame beans and thread, a few points of resonance intractable diseases.

Hou Mai should know the person in the pulse, and refer to the person in the lower pulse. The left is the left body, the right is the right, and the ulnar edge is anterior and radial.

Guan Hou’s upper abdomen is cunning to the head and chest, and the lower extremities of the ulna and umbilicus are in the middle of the ginseng. Slow inflammation of muscles and tendons floats on the edge of the pulse, and the viscera knows that the diseased pulse is faint.

The combination of dots and lines is involved in pain, and the pulse and mouth alone are more severe. The floating number promotes flooding and inflammation, and reduces the function of weak and weak functions.

Qi Yang tidal cardiomyopathy, turbid wind strikes strings to prevent cerebral embolism. Ge Lao Fu sees a disease in the brain, and the disease persists and is short and short.

cun halo point

interior forehead and extracranial Back pillow, inch on the head and neck below the chest. An inch headache, nose, ears, eyes, and viewing inflammation still need the right ginseng.

tonsils, thyroid, lymphopharyngeal, neck and shoulder pain, inch away. Left heart, right lung, trachea, pharynx, chest wall pain and pulse.

Ulnar prethoracic fascia pain, radial posterior fasciitis.

Double-inch floating point

Fine immersion Micro-neurasthenia, difficult to sleep after looking for famous doctors. The number of slips promotes flooding and hits hyperthyroidism, and the hand tremors in hyperthyroidism weakens the ulnar pulse.

The lymph nodes of the tonsils are also slippery, and the right pass will strengthen the spleen. I felt tracheal and lung infection, and I felt dizzy and headache.

Moisture allergy to nasal polyps, and several floating mouth ulcers have a pungent taste. The buoyancy is turbid, the blood is thick in the brain, and the head is vomiting.

Hong Shuhua suffered from flat, floating, sore throat, dizziness so big that he was close to the motion sickness boat, several floating conjunctivitis, red eyes, tight dizziness, and wind and liver.

Double-inch dizziness points

retarded limbs Do not swollen hypothyroidism, feet deficiency dehydration dizziness. Cerebral ischemia on the radial side of the cervical spine.

Dizziness, deafness, memory loss, and cerebral hemorrhage. An inch of blood has little heart, lungs, and brain, and it can be thrown away for a long time.

Excessive blood pressure reduction can cause dizziness, swollen paralysis, coma, and cerebral embolism.

Left inch floating point

Sinus teeth and ears Migraine, slippery headache. The turbid string is tight and the heart is hypertrophic, and it is hard to see the stagnation of blood in the brain.

Zuo-inch floating point and strong left-hand clearance, check the nasopharynx and maxillofacial area. Left lung tumor was left cun different, phlegm and blood, low fever and cough.

Pleural thoracic wall neuritis with contralateral ulnar border and radial border.

Left inch dizzy point

Right off ruler The left brain is weak, and the blood supply to the heart is low. Sweat pain left inch side of myocardial infarction, colic application of nitroglycerin.

Myocarditis after the first week of infection, chest tightness and rhythm change on cloudy days. Left lung infiltrates, left cun sinking, empty intestines slow and astringent pulse

Right inch floating point

Right migraine, ear, nose, eye, and nasopharyngeal mass refer to Zuoguan. Right cun stunned the vertebral artery wind, obstructing and embolizing the cervical arch.

The right chest was swollen and faint, and the right pulmonary bronchitis was severe.

Right dizziness point

Right lung ear Right trachea of ​​brain, right radial side of right pleurisy. In pulmonary asthma in deafness, in cerebral deafness or right wind.

Guanmai halo point

Abdominal mid-abdominal meridian Qiguanzhong Stacked, combined with the left and right pulse syndrome. Milk liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas and gallbladder, thoracic and lumbar posterior veins.

The viscera floats and sinks to the side of the external veins, and the floating and sinking is delayed according to the former sages.

Pun Floating Spots

Breast Gastrointestinal Anterior to the ulnar border, radial border of myofasciitis. Breast swollen lumps appear before menstruation, breast cancer floating halo seeks sand spots

Cholecystitis on the right radial and left ulnar side, and hepatosplenomegaly. Liver fire, irritability, congested eyes, unstable blood pressure.

Stomach pain and acid regurgitation are obvious after meal, but slow in duodenum after meal. The pun pulse is dizzy, and blood diseases need to be pierced.

Pun pulse floating at the left foot point, suspected of diabetes, gout, stomach cancer. Diabetic gout is in the right gate, and the left gate of gastric cancer is strong and wide.

The floating, tight, floating and slippery pulses are insufficiency, and the upper intestinal type feels empty and chiguan. Shun Xian senses gastrointestinal disturbances, and shuts down the frequency of bad breath strings.

Qi Chi vomited blood and constipated, and scattered ascites fluke liver. Hiccup with long strings is short and lazy, and tight strings are inevitable.

pun dizziness point

liver, spleen, pancreas and kidney Shen dirty point, liver chord right radial left ulna. Lack of milk, liver stasis, low immunity, weak stomach qi and skinny.

The vertical point of the pancreas at the ulnar margin is closed, and the pancreatitis with submerged string and fine string. The kidney points are round under the fine strings, and the urine is white in color of edema and nephritis.

The pain block is tight and painful, and the new bow of the blade is heavy.

Floating point on the left close

Floating point Breast surgery pulse reduction, stomach pain and areola power clear. Hepatosplenomegaly, buoyancy point, left off after splenectomy.

Left Guanchi solid lumbar disc process, muscle strength weakened straight leg limit. Zuoguan qi floating halo with sand, left urolithiasis, waist and back twisting

Zuoguan qi deficiency enteritis, radial fascia lumbar pain. Thrombocytopenia and purpura, Zuoguan Duo buoyancy will be obvious.

The left knee was strong before tumor surgery, and the spleen was thick and wide with lymphatic metastasis. Middle-aged frail strong left off, must check the tumor is a good word.

Physical athlete, the muscles are plump when the left hand is strong. White-collar workers have a thick salary or a faint official, and the left Guan is strong and turbid with a big round belly.

Right Guan Floating Halo Point

Breast Liver, Gallbladder and Kidney With the pancreas, the lumbar fascia closes radially. The right viscera was excised and the depression of the right gateway was removed, and the pulse and gas recovered for one and a half years.

Resection of the right viscera was performed, and the pain foci were often associated with surgical adhesions. Tumors are seen in the right Guan Zang-fu organs, and lymphatic metastasis is left Guanzhu.

Liver dizziness sinks gallbladder and breasts, and spleen and stomach sinks and retting. Liver string and gallbladder side breast milk menstruation. Spleen shows lymphatic stomach food Yin.

Biliary pain, greasy, swollen kidney, liver disease and dry eyes. Pancreatic ulnar vertical halo radial edge, pulse complementary Jiuhou Jian.

Dizzy point on the right pass

depressed chest Thinking gallbladder atrophy, lonely dry eyes full of belly. The function of hepatobiliary, pancreas and kidney is reduced, and the peritoneal parietal layer is on the radial side.

Guan Chi was dizzy and looked down from the umbilicus, with soreness in the waist and legs, soft intestines and disorder. Amenorrhea is self-absorbed, and the feet are cold even in winter when wearing cotton shoes.

Ulnar vein halo point

urogenital veins , Floating halo inflammation pain Shen Shen movement reduction. The uterus should be involved in menstrual disorder, and the chi pulse should be closed.

Urinary ruler for floating halo, bladder stone halo for pockmarks. Double halo under the ulnar side of the radius, female fibroids and male prostate gland.

The floating and sinking of the limbs and intestines is accompanied by the force of the pulse.

Song of Thirty-Five Pulses

Insufficient float There is more than enough to lift, and there is more than enough for Shen to lift enough. Late three often slow four or five arrivals, six illnesses and seven are estimated by interest.

Void large soft leather drum skin, long and short in size. The lotus dew is halo and slippery, and the varnish is actually touched by earthworms.

Moisturize the soft, thin green onion, and loosely touch the toothpaste. When you see the floating and sinking points, Hong Sheng is coming to the edge.

The wind crosses the turbulent rhythm, and the pulse is slightly blurred and smooth. Move the beans and slide the remaining parts of the volts, and make up for the delay.

The tide is alternately strong and weak, weak, subdued, soft, and oddly reversible. Gently scrape the rhythm of bamboo’s astringent pulse with a light knife, and firmly grow the string and ask for it.

Looking for the tail wagging of the gecko, it is rare to see the ten strange creatures. In Xunbian, people are dizzy and comprehended, and they can see the gods when they look at the veins of illness and death.