Bankruptcy and reorganization of a tertiary general hospital

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Anhui Fuyang First and Third Grade General Hospital Bankruptcy and Reorganization

On April 15, the Fuyang Intermediate People’s Court of Anhui Province issued an announcement announcing that on March 24, it ruled to accept the bankruptcy and reorganization of Fuyang Minsheng Hospital. On April 26, Fuyang Minsheng Hospital issued the “Notes on Bankruptcy and Reorganization”.

The picture comes from the hospital’s official website

Fuyang Minsheng Hospital stated that according to relevant legal interpretations, bankruptcy reorganization procedures refer to protecting the continued operation of enterprises, realizing debt restructuring and Enterprises are adjusted to get rid of the predicament and move towards a reconstructive system of revival. Therefore, during the bankruptcy reorganization of the hospital, all medical diagnosis and treatment services are carried out normally. Fuyang Minsheng Hospital also stated that the bankruptcy reorganization is aimed at rebirth, promoting the hospital’s sustainable and healthy development, and better providing high-quality medical services to the people of Fucheng.

The official website of the hospital shows that Fuyang Minsheng Hospital is a public welfare and non-profit tertiary general hospital planned by the Fuyang Municipal Government and approved by the Anhui Provincial Health Commission. The hospital covers an area of ​​more than 100 acres, with a construction area of ​​nearly 160,000 square meters, 1,260 beds, and a total investment of 1.05 billion yuan. (Fuyang Minsheng Hospital)

Anti-epidemic nurse recovered and returned to the village for isolationIs being abused by the village party secretary?

Local Notification

Recently, an anti-epidemic nurse in Jize Town, Jize County, Handan City, Hebei Province reported the village party secretary He Moumou in real name and insulted him in the WeChat group of the neighborhood. She said that she was infected by collecting nucleic acid on the front line. After she recovered and finished the centralized isolation, she was insulted and scolded by He Moumou during the isolation period when she returned to the village.

On April 26, Jize Town officially issued a situation report saying that after He Moumou, secretary of the Party branch of a village in Jize Town, made inappropriate remarks to Wang Mou, a medical staff, the party committee meeting studied and stopped He Moumou worked and was given a warning within the party. He Moumou has apologized to the parties. (Boiling Video)

4-year-old boy infected with H3N8 avian influenza

The National Health and Medical Commission announced on April 26 that a case of human infection with H3N8 avian influenza was found in Henan Province.

The child, male, 4 years old, now lives in Zhumadian City, Henan Province. Before the onset of the disease, the child had raised chickens and crows at home, and there were wild ducks around the home. He developed fever and other symptoms on April 5, and was admitted to a local medical institution for treatment on the 10th due to aggravation of his condition. On the 24th, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a test on the patient specimen sent from Henan Province, and the result was positive for the H3N8 avian influenza virus. Henan Province carried out medical observation and sampling tests on the close contacts of the child, and no abnormality was found.

The National Health Commission has instructed Henan Province to carry out prevention and control in accordance with relevant plans, and organized experts to carry out risk assessments. Experts’ preliminary assessment believes that the H3N8 avian influenza virus is of avian origin and does not yet have the ability to effectively infect humans. H3N8 virus has been detected in horses, dogs, birds and seals worldwide, but no human cases of H3N8 have been reported. This outbreak is an occasional bird-to-human cross-species transmission, and the risk of a large-scale epidemic is low. (National Health Commission)

A case of unexplained childhood hepatitis in Beijing?

The official response is here

Beijing Health and Health Commission announced on April 27 that, after verification by the Beijing Health and Health Commission, it was untrue that there were unexplained cases of hepatitis among children in Beijing. At present, there have been no unexplained cases of childhood hepatitis and deaths resulting from it in Beijing. In response to the relevant case information recently reported abroad, in order to prevent the occurrence of the disease and protect the health and life safety of children in the capital area to the greatest extent, the Beijing Health and Health Commission issued the “Notice on Strengthening the Treatment of Unexplained Hepatitis Cases in Children”. The purpose is to remind relevant medical institutions. Be alert and pay attention to children with hepatitis caused by unknown causes. If such cases occur, the cause should be identified as soon as possible and treatment should be strengthened. (Beijing Health Commission)

From 00:00 on the 28th,

Changchun gradually lifts city-wide social control

On April 27th, the Changchun Municipal Government Information Office of Jilin Province held the 70th press conference on epidemic prevention and control. After careful analysis and judgment, the Changchun Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters decided that the From 0:00 on April 28, the city’s social control will be gradually lifted, and the normal production and living order will be restored in an orderly manner. (Changchun Municipal People’s Government Information Office)

By the end of 2022

Strive for national regional medical center coverage in all provinces

On April 27, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Health Commission, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Secretariat of the Leading Group for Medical Reform under the State Council formulated the Work Plan for Orderly Expanding the Construction of National Regional Medical Centers (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”). The “Plan” proposes that by the end of 2022, the nationwide planning and layout will be basically completed, and the construction of national regional medical centers will cover all provinces in the country.

In addition, the “Plan” also proposes to focus on the construction of tumors, neurology, cardiovascular, pediatrics, and other diseases with high mortality, heavy disease burden, concentrated transfer of medical care, and serious harm to people’s health. , respiratory, trauma, obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, infectious diseases, oral, ophthalmology, mental health and other professional categories of national regional medical centers. (People’s Daily Health Client)

Village doctor Zhang Jizhou collapsed at the training meeting on epidemic prevention and control

According to the “Xinxiang Daily” report on April 26, 60-year-old Zhang Jizhou is a village doctor in Zhangbanzao Village, Mazhuang Township, Yanjin County, Xinxiang City, Henan Province. As usual, nucleic acid tests are carried out for the villagers who have returned to their hometown for isolation, and then the samples are sent to the Banzao Township Health Center. Although he already felt a little uncomfortable in his eyes during the nucleic acid test, Zhang Jizhou did not take it seriously, but insisted on sending the results to the health center after the last person tested, and then insisted on participating in the epidemic prevention and control training session.

When filling out the form near the end of the training session, Zhang Jizhou’s eyesight was completely blurred, and the content of the form could not be seen clearly. He was then sent to Yanjin County People’s Hospital. After examination, Zhang Jizhou suffered from cerebral infarction. Although he underwent surgery, he passed away on the evening of April 17.

It is reported that Zhang Banzao Village is a large village with a population of more than 2,000, and there is only one village doctor, Zhang Jizhou. In addition to daily health care, chronic disease management, and physical examination, he is also on duty on the front line of epidemic prevention and control. He is mainly responsible for the epidemic prevention and control checkpoints in the village, nucleic acid testing of quarantined personnel, nucleic acid testing of all members of the village, and daily sanitation. (Xinxiang Daily)

Detention! Man for venting anger

14 tubes of nucleic acid samples were forcibly removed

Recently, a man in Zhangjiakou Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province had a dispute with the staff of the nucleic acid testing point because he did not obey the order while doing nucleic acid testing. In order to vent his anger, he forced 14 tubes of nucleic acid testing samples on the table. take away. Subsequently, the police quickly locked the offender Liu (29 years old) and controlled him. All 14 specimens were recovered. According to the regulations, Liu was sentenced to administrative detention for 15 days on suspicion of picking quarrels and provoking trouble. (burning news)

The nation’s first Internet occupational disease hospital opens

On April 25, the Internet Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Institute was officially unveiled, providing online follow-up, consultation, Internet diagnosis and treatment services for occupational disease patients. It is reported that this is the first Internet occupational disease hospital in China.

According to the hospital’s statistics, a total of 71 people were admitted on the opening day, and 77 messages were answered, involving related judgments such as pneumoconiosis, noise deafness, the definition of suspected occupational diseases, occupational contraindications, and contact rhinitis. Prevention and treatment, post-pneumoconiosis rehabilitation, pre-job occupational inspection, collection of occupational disease application forms, etc. (Nanfang Daily)

RMB 2 million settlement fee + RMB 2 million annual salary!

Ningxia Medical University Global Recruitment

On April 25, Ningxia Medical University released a high-level talent recruitment announcement, throwing an “olive branch” to outstanding talents at home and abroad. Different from previous years, this recruitment has improved the treatment of introduced talents compared with previous years. Not only will the full-time introduction of high-level talents be given to the establishment, the maximum settling fee of 2 million yuan, the annual salary of 2 million yuan, but also the application for participating in the evaluation of senior professional titles and enjoy the various aspects of the autonomous region. preferential treatment policy.

According to reports, the recruitment of high-level talents specifically involves the School of Clinical Medicine, the School of Basic Medicine, the School of Public Health and Management, the School of Stomatology, the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the School of Nursing, the School of Pharmacy, the School of Medicine, and the School of Medicine of Ningxia Medical University. There are 39 teachers from 8 colleges including the School of Buddhism, and 10 researchers from 3 laboratories including the Ningxia Key Laboratory of Minority Medicine Modernization, the Key Laboratory of Craniocerebral Diseases, and the Key Laboratory of Metabolic Cardiovascular Disease Research. Candidates are required to be PhD candidates under the age of 40. (New News)

Source: Comprehensive compilation by the medical community

Editor in charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia