Back pain can actually be cured by yourself (with self-test)

According to statistics, about 70% to 80% of people have experienced back pain in their lifetime, and 35% to 40% of people have been troubled by back pain for a long time.

Although this problem is common, many people tend to despise it, thinking it is a small problem of muscle fatigue. Some doctors don’t even pay attention to it. It seems that only when the disc herniation or spondylolisthesis needs surgery can it be considered a real illness. In fact, this view is very wrong. The spine is like a telephone pole. The key point for the pole to stand firmly is that there must be pull lines on both sides, and the pulling force must be balanced and strong, so that the pole is not easy to fall.

And what is the pull wire for the spine?

Obviously, muscle!

Spine stabilization requires muscle balance, strength control. When one side of the muscle is strained and weak, it will inevitably affect the stability of the spine. The instability of the spine will cause a series of problems such as disc herniation and spondylolisthesis. So today, the editor of the yogi will teach you some daily health care tips, so that you can avoid going to the point of surgery because of back pain.

Five reasons for your back pain

Cause 1: Sedentary and incorrect posture

In fact, most people have a relatively balanced muscle strength in the lower back after birth. One of the most common culprits for causing back pain in the future is “incorrect posture”!

When standing, the lumbar spine load is 100 kg;

When sitting, the upper body is upright with the lumbar spine The load is 140 kg.

However, whether standing or sitting, the forward leaning position will greatly increase the load on the lumbar spine:

When standing, the body leans forward, and the lumbar spine load increases to 150 kg;

When sitting, the body leans forward, and the lumbar spine load is close to 200 kg!

This is because when the upper body leans forward, the weight of the head, torso and upper limbs will be concentrated on the lumbar spine, the lumbar intervertebral disc. maximum pressure.

Cause 2: Lack of exercise

Not exercising The proportion of people with back pain is higher. Long-term inactivity will reduce muscle strength and the ability to protect the spine.

Cause Three: Aging

Generally, back pain starts from about 30 to 40 years old, and as the age increases, the degree and frequency of the pain will increase.

Cause Four: Obesity

The pressure on the spine is related to body weight, especially those who are obese at the waist are prone to increase the burden on the lumbar spine, and the abdominal and lower back muscles are also prone to weakness, increasing the risk of intervertebral disc herniation.

Cause Five: Osteoporosis

< p>Osteoporosis can lead to changes in the thickness of the spine, shorter stature, and problems with stress. This usually causes back pain in women to come on earlier and last longer.

Is your waist age up to standard?

To judge the “waist age” status, you can use the following methods to test yourself. If one of the lumbar spine, psoas muscle and waist circumference is unqualified, it means that your “waist age” may not meet the standard.

Sit-ups can measure a person’s waist and abdominal muscle strength and continuous work ability. The “National Physical Fitness Determination Standard” issued by the State Sports General Administration stipulates:

  • 20~24 years old of women, 16~25 reps in 1 minute are pass,

  • 26~ 36 are excellent, and the number will decrease by 1 to 2 for every 5 years of age.

  • Mature women under 40, on average, do 20.

  • 60-year-old women do 12-16 reps per minute,

  • males should be increased by 5~10 females.

It should be noted that elderly people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease should do what they can , so as to avoid accidents due to excessive force.

Guidelines for the prevention and control of overweight and obesity in Chinese adults, The waist should preferably not exceed 85 cm, and the waist should not exceed 80 cm for women.

<600">lumbar muscles Back fascia pain, the location is relatively shallow, if you feel back pain, and you can feel it, there is pain when pressing, it may often be low back fasciitis (ie, lumbar muscle strain).

When lumbar disc problems occur , the pain location is deep in the back center of the body. It hurts a lot, and even movement is restricted and I can’t bend over. But when touching the waist and back, there are no painful tender points.

, Pain in a line on the sole of the foot, or symptoms such as numbness, inability to walk on tiptoe, lower limb weakness, etc., may be caused by nerve involvement, and you need to go to the hospital to check the degree of compression and the location of compression.

I can’t find a special waist pain for unknown reasons The tenderness point, and the pain is severe when falling asleep at night. It is necessary to go to the hospital in time to rule out whether it is a tumor, so as not to delay treatment.

Back pain commonly used simple self-care exercise



If your job requires standing for long periods of time, then you must pay attention to your posture.

First of all, your feet should not be completely close together, but slightly apart from your shoulders. Stand with your back as if you were leaning against a wall, don’t stand with your legs crossed.

Secondly, your arms should hang down naturally at your sides, tighten your jaw, and keep your head away. Feel the center of gravity of your head and body in line.

Many people have a feeling that standing for a long time will cause heel pain, which is actually how we stand , subconsciously, we should put our body weight on the arch of the foot, not the ankle.



< /p>

Many people have a symptom, that is, the cervical and lumbar spine will be in severe pain when they wake up in the morning. In fact, this is likely to be related to our sleeping position.

When sleeping, the pillow needs to be suitable to support our head, neck, and shoulders .

About the sleeping position, you can lie on your back and side, but do not lie on your stomach. When sleeping on your back, you can use a rolled up towel behind our neck or under our knees to help support our spine better; when sleeping on your side, you can sandwich a softer pillow between your legs. Contributes to the verticality of the spine.



Choose a chair with a back that supports the lumbar spine. When sitting, lean back against the back of the chair and do not lean forward.

Sit at the desk, the angle between the upper arm and the forearm is preferably 75-90 degrees If it is lower than this angle, it means that the body is leaning forward, and if it is greater than this angle, it means that the body is leaning back.

Put your feet flat on the ground. If the chair is too high and your feet cannot reach the ground, it is best to find something to put under your feet. The height of the knee is generally the same as the height of the hip, or slightly higher.

But even with the correct posture, don’t sit in one place for too long. Get up and move around every once in a while.


Position for Carrying Heavy Objects

When moving things, if the method is not mastered well, it will often hurt the waist. If we want to understand the right way, we should look at how powerlifters work.

Bend your knees first, not your waist. Use your thigh and abdominal muscles, not your lower back. If the object to be moved is too large and heavy, it should be as close to the chest as possible, and a lumbar support can be used to protect the waist if necessary.

If you use heavy objects in your hand, you need to exchange arms frequently to balance. In addition, when we carry the backpack, try not to carry it on the bodyfront of the body.

Back pain commonly used simple self-care exercise

1. Foam Rolling to Relax

< img class="content_title" height="300" layout="responsive" sizes="(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw" src=""600">

  • Lying on your back

  • Place the foam roller on your upper back

  • Bend your knees and lift your hips< /p>

  • Put your hands on the back of your head

  • Roll back and forth until the back is completely Relax

2, Downward Dog< /span>

  • Lie prone on the mat

  • Hands at sides of chest, feet hip-width apart

  • Inhale to extend the spine, exhale to lower the hips back and down

  • Straighten your legs and arms in an inverted “V” shape

  • hold for 5-8 breaths< /p>

3, double angle variant< /p>

  • mountain stance with proper feet apart Distance

  • Toes face forward, inhale to extend spine

  • < span>Put your hands up and over your head, exhale forward and bend down

  • Place your hands in front of your body

  • Inhale again, extend both hands forward to the farthest end

  • Exhale, the whole The spine is completely extended and relaxed

  • maintain 5-8 breaths

4. Plough

  • Lie on your back on the mat and lift your legs up

  • over Head, back down on the pad on the back of the head

  • Press the arms down on the pad, extending the spine< /p>

  • Keep your back vertical for 5-8 breaths

  • Yes People with cervical spondylosis should not do this exercise

  • 5, supine spinal twist< /span>

  • Lie on your back on the mat and raise your hands laterally

  • bend your right knee and place your right foot on Upper left thigh


  • Exhale, twist your torso to the left

  • turn your eyes to the right

  • Hold for 5-8 breaths, switch to the other side

  • 6. Inclined plate type

  • Lie on your stomach on the mat with your hands on either side of your chest

  • Inhale, prepare, exhale, engage your core

  • Extend your arms and keep your body in a straight line

  • Maintain 5-8 breaths

  • < span>7. Side panel

  • Start from sloping plank

  • Open your body to the right and support your right arm on the pad

  • Extend your left hand straight up and your body in a straight line

  • hold for 5-8 breaths, change The other side

  • 8, small bridge

    • >Lie on your back on the mat, bend your knees close to your hips

    • Open your feet hip-width apart and your calves perpendicular to the mat span>

    • Exhale, lift your hips up, and press your arms against the pads

    • Maintain 5-8 breaths

    9< /strong>, Locust

    • Lie prone on the mat, hands on your body Side

    • Exhale, lift your legs back and up

    • < span>Open the ribcage at the same time, and extend the arms backwards

    • palms facing each other, eyes looking forward, and the back of the neck extending p>

    • Maintain 5-8 breaths

    10, Cat Cow Style


    • Kneeling on the mat

    • double Open legs and feet hip-width apart

    • Inhale, look up, cervical, thoracic, lumbar

    • Extend section by section

    • Exhale, turn pelvis back p>

    • lumbar, thoracic, cervicalSection section extension

    • Repeat 5-8 sets

    ● Do this exercise 2~3 times a day, 5 to 10 groups at a time, and gradually increase.

    ● Suitable for people of all ages, almost everyone can practice. It can relax the psoas muscle, soften the ligaments, restore the physiological curvature of the lumbar spine, and reduce the intradiscal pressure.

    ConclusionBack pain is not a small problem, so please do not ignore it! Usually pay attention to maintain the correct posture, as well as the correct use of waist movements, coupled with continuous exercise of self-care exercises, can prevent back pain from coming to the door. If you already have symptoms, don’t believe in home remedies. You should seek the correct medical treatment. Through scientific examination and diagnosis, you should receive professional rehabilitation treatment and implement a rehabilitation plan based on the cause. Only then can you prevent deterioration and improve symptoms and say goodbye to backache. Troubled back pain.

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