Avanafil takes effect in 15 minutes and tadalafil takes effect in 30 minutes. How should the elderly choose?

Uncle Wang, 63 years old, has had sex recently, and always appearsweak, early ejaculation ‘s situation seriously affected Uncle Wang’s quality of sexual life, so Uncle Wang decided to go to the hospital for an examination.

Uncle Wang’s penis morphology was observed through the secondary sexual characteristics without any abnormality, through Neurological examination of the penis area revealed decreased nerve sensitivity.

Uncle Wang suffers from high blood pressure and has been taking antihypertensive drugs all year round. It was found that the blood pressure in the penis is relatively high and the hemodynamics is low, which is an important cause of erectile dysfunction in Uncle Wang. disfunction.

Through consultation,decided to treat erections with the drug Avanafil Dysfunction, after understanding the treatment plan, Uncle Wang proposed the idea of ​​changing the drug, Uncle Wang thinks that tadalafil is more effective , wanted to use tadalafil instead of avanafil for treatment, but rejected Uncle Wang’s idea for safety reasons, and at the same time gave Uncle Wang health education, Explain the reasons for choosing avanafil for erectile dysfunction.

Avanafil and Tadalafil, which should the elderly choose?

Avanafil is recommended for older adultsfor the following reasons.

①Avanafil has few side effects. Avanafil and tadalafil are both drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. The flow increases and the blood flow increases, which is conducive to the filling of the cavernous body of the penis with blood, thereby making the penis erect.

However, due to the different mechanism of action of the drug, the side effects of the two are different. The onset time is short, so the side effects of avanafil are very few and almost negligible.

Tadalafil has longer side effects than avanafil due to its long duration of effect. The physical function of the elderly declines. We first consider the safety of the drugs when choosing some drugs. Drugs with less side effects can reduce the risk of critical situations in the elderly, so it is recommended that the elderly When choosing a drug to treat erectile dysfunction, try to choose avanafil with fewer side effects.

②The duration of drug efficacy is more suitable for the elderly span>

The role and side effects of the drug are corresponding, the drug effect of avanafil is short and it has fewer side effects. People’s requirements for sexual life are lower than that of young people. After taking avanafil, the drug effect can basically be maintained for about six hours, and the drug concentration reaches a maximum of about half an hour. The drug maintenance time can meet the requirements of most men for sexual life. Avanafil can also meet the basic requirements of the elderly for sexual life, and the maintenance time of avanafil is more suitable for the elderly.

The effect of tadalafil can last up to about 17 hours, and tadalafil requires long-term Only by taking it can the effect of treating erectile function be maximized. The effect of the drug is maintained for about 17 hours, which means that the longer the effect of the drug is maintained, the longer it is affected by the side effects of the drugThe longer the time, the poorer the body mechanism of the elderly.In the case that both drugs can treat erectile dysfunction, it is more recommended for the elderly to choose avanafil.

③Fast onset time

Avanafil takes 15 minutes to take effect, while tadalafil takes 30 minutes to take effect. With the decline of physical function in the elderly, various hormones are also affected. There will be a decline, and the secretion of androgens and other substances that maintain sexual desire will decrease, resulting in a decrease in the sexual desire of the elderly, and the maintenance of sexual desire for a short period of time. In the face of this situation, we have to choose the drug with fast efficacy, so we should choose the efficacy of the drug. Play fast medicine.

Under normal circumstances, the elderly do not have the concept of planned sexual life, and it takes half the time for tadalafil to take effect. hours, so we need to take tadalafil half an hour before having sex. After taking the drug, we need to get an erection under the condition of sexual stimulation. The duration of sexual stimulation is short, which means that taking tadalafil requires planned sex. , not suitable for the elderly.

④High drug clearance rate

Drug clearance refers to the rate of drug catabolism in the kidney and liver. The faster the flatulence catabolizes the drug, the higher the clearance rate of the drug. The burden of drugs on the organs of the body is small. Most of the elderly will have underlying diseases and need to take a variety of drug treatment, resulting in a larger burden on the liver and kidney functions of the elderly. Compared with tadalafil, avanafil is more effective in The liver and kidneys are less affected, so avanafil is recommended for the elderly.

And a high drug clearance rate means that the effective concentration stays in the body for a short time,< strong>Many drugs cannot be taken at the same time, we should take the drugs at different peaks, so the elderly who need to take multiple drugs should choose avanafil with high drug clearance rate, because avanafil stays in the body for a short time , almost will not affect the performance of other drugs, more suitable for the elderly. Elderly people should take avanafil under the guidance of a doctor and choose the correct method of taking the medicine.

How should older adults take avanafil properly?

1. Take medicine under the guidance of a doctor

With the increase of age, most elderly people will have erectile dysfunction problems. Medications are not recommended for sexual erectile dysfunction, even if they are to be taken after a doctor’s diagnosis.

2. Start with a small dose span>

When you start taking avanafil, you should start with a small dose. The function of the elderly declines, and the ability to metabolize and decompose drugs also declines. Therefore, the elderly should appropriately reduce the dose, start with a small dose, and increase or decrease the drug under the guidance of a doctor according to their own conditions.

3. Appropriate course of treatment

It is not recommended for the elderly to take avanafil for a long time to treat erectile dysfunction. Long-term use of the drug will affect the body of the elderly, so the elderly should reduce avanafil in moderation Naphi’s treatment.

4. Prioritize sudden emergencies

sudden emergencies in the elderly The risk will increase, so we must give priority to the treatment of sudden emergencies. In the face of cardiovascular disease and erectile dysfunction in the elderly, we must give priority to the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is prone to sudden emergencies. When medications for disease conflict with medications for erectile dysfunction, we prioritize cardiovascular medications.

< span>The erectile function of the elderly will gradually decline with age. Most erectile dysfunctions do not require special drug treatment. Changing their living habits in daily life can effectively prevent erectile dysfunction. A healthy lifestyle can also be effective in altering erectile function.

How to prevent erectile dysfunction in older adults ?

1) Actively treat primary disease

Many primary diseases can affect the occurrence of erectile dysfunction, some indicators too high can also lead to erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high blood sugar, etc. will affect erectile function< stron g>. Excessive blood pressure will reduce hemodynamics in the penis, resulting in the inability of the corpus cavernosum to be irrigated by blood, and the hands-free will not be able to support penis erection, so we need to maintain blood pressure to Normal value to prevent high blood pressure from causing erectile dysfunction.

Blood concentration also affects the amount of blood irrigated in the cavernous body. Too high blood concentration will result in slow blood flow , The corpus cavernosum to support the erection of the penis requires a large amount of blood to quickly irrigate, and the slow blood flow will lead to a slow erection time of the penis, which is easy to induce psychological erectile dysfunction.

Fat and sugar in the blood will affect blood concentration, blood lipid and blood sugar will stimulate the endothelium of the penis Long-term high blood lipids and blood sugar will damage endothelial cells, resulting in decreased blood vessel elasticity in the penis, which is detrimental to erectile function, treatment for the elderly Erectile dysfunction should be actively controlled for the primary disease.

2) Healthy Eating

A healthy diet can help reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction and improve some erectile function. A healthy diet should ensure a daily dietary fiber balance to ensure adequate nutrition. The elderly absorb nutrients slowly. Fresh vegetables and fruits are conducive to promoting nutrient absorption. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber. Vitamin can promote the metabolism of endothelial cells, ensure the activity of endothelial cells, improve the function of endothelial cells, and achieve the purpose of improving erectile dysfunction, cellulose in vegetables and fruits has Helps to promote body metabolism and increase body activity.

The elderly should ensure a healthy diet in their daily life, adhere to a light diet with less salt and less fat, and contain sugar Eat less food with a high amount of food, and try to eat less spicy and stimulating food. In addition, we can supplement trace elements through diet. The elderly should supplement calcium in time. .

3) Exercise reasonably

Appropriate exercise can improve physical fitness. The occurrence of erectile dysfunction is related to the decline of body activity in the elderly. Exercise can promote the improvement of body activity. During exercise, the blood flow speed is accelerated, and the metabolic decomposition The ability of the body will also be improved, and the waste in the body will be excreted with the exercise, which is beneficial to the health of the body.

For the elderly to choose a suitable exercise method, you can choose some interesting sports, such as playing sports. Tai Chi, playing table tennis, etc., increase the desire for exercise of the elderly, which is conducive to promoting the long-term exercise of the elderly.

The elderly should fully warm up before exercising, stretch in time after exercising, and insist on gradual and gradual exercise. the main way of exercise.

4. Stay in a good mood and avoid bad habits p>

Mood affects erectile dysfunction, and a good mood can promote hormone secretion, which is beneficial to relieve the decline of libido in the elderly. The elderly should maintain a regular schedule, insist on going to bed early and get up early, ensure adequate sleep, and avoid some bad habits, try to reduce smoking and drinking less, cigarettes and alcohol will stimulate endothelial cell damage, which is not conducive to the recovery of erectile dysfunction.

In recent years, the sex life of the elderly has been neglected, and many people think that the elderly do not need sex. The concept is wrong, there are many benefits of proper sex life in the elderly.

A moderate amount of sexual life can enhance the physical fitness of the elderly, which is beneficial to the physical and mental health of the elderly. Life can effectively prevent diseases of the urinary system, and it is recommended that the elderly have appropriate sexual life.

Avanafil takes effect in 15 minutes, Tadalafil takes effect in 30 minutes, and Avanafil takes effect quickly , It is more suitable for the elderly with low libido. Avanafil has less side effects and high safety. It is suitable for the elderly. The maintenance time of avanafil and the clearance rate of the drug are more suitable for the elderly. Therefore, it is recommended for the elderly to choose avanafil Treat erectile dysfunction. The above-mentioned Uncle Wang chose Avanafil when treating erectile dysfunction, which effectively improved his quality of life.