Australia and New South Wales break 30,000 new crown diagnoses in a single day

Source: People’s Daily Online-Australia Channel

People’s Daily Online Sydney, March 16th According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Health of New South Wales, Australia, as of 4:00 pm on the 15th, the state has There were 30,402 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 5 deaths within hours. Due to data processing reasons, the number of confirmed cases on that day also included 10,000 positive rapid antigen test cases registered on the 13th and 14th.

New South Wales Health Minister Brad Hazzard pointed out on the 15th that there is a “mismatch” between the current number of confirmed cases and the number predicted by modelling. He said the state government could not be sure that all cases were counted because of the use of rapid antigen tests. Hazard has now asked the Ministry of Health to check whether a significant number of people have not reported positive test results.

According to statistics, there are 1016 new crown cases requiring hospitalization in NSW, of which 44 are being treated in intensive care units. (Li Hanyue)