Aunt eats and soaks fungus for 2 days and is admitted to ICU the next day? Don’t eat these foods like this!

Yesterday a hot search rushed to the list 2:

#Hangzhou aunt eats and soaks fungus for 2 days and is admitted to ICU the next day#

Life is hard-won, who would have thought that the fungus that every household is eating can put people into the ICU? !

In fact, in addition to fungus, there are many foods in the kitchen that can be poisoned if not handled properly.

Get out a small notebook and write it down!

Boiled fungus

Normal dried fungus is non-toxic, and normal foamed fungus is not poisonous either.

So, how did the common people in the news get poisoned?

The answer is: “Rice yeast acid” poisoning.

The bacterium that produces rice yeast acid is a bacterium called “Pseudomonas cocoa”, and the fungus may be contaminated with this bacterium. If the temperature of the soaking water is suitable, it can multiply rapidly , If the soaking time is long, rice yeast acid can be produced.

Rice fermented acid is very heat-resistant and can withstand normal cooking temperatures, so heating is useless.

Little Chestnut Tips:

1.How much fungus and white fungus to eat and soak;

2.Bubbling time should not exceed 2 hours

3.It is safer to soak in the refrigerator;

4. After soaking, it feels sticky to the touch and smells peculiar, so throw it away and don’t eat it!

Wet rice noodles, wet rice noodles, wet rice noodles

In July 2020, an incident of food poisoning caused by rice rolls occurred in Huilai County, Guangdong Province.

This dangerous and fatal food poisoning incident was also caused by rice yeast acid. For this reason, Guangdong also issued a consumer warning to “beware of rice yeast acid poisoning”.

In addition to rice noodles, rice noodles, rice noodles (rice noodles), rice noodles, etc. wet rice noodles, sour soup (Northeast Snacks, a fermented cornmeal product) carry this risk. Cornmeal used to make sour soup may also be at risk of aflatoxin if not stored properly.

Little Chestnut Tips:

1. Homemade fermented cereals, milled to prevent wind and moisture, and do not use moldy corn;

2.Cereal soaking should be changed frequently, and if there is odor, throw it away;

3. The wet rice noodles purchased should be refrigerated and eaten the same day!

Heart Cane

Red heart sugarcane is not a new variety of sugarcane, but mold sugarcane, don’t eat it!

The epidemiological survey results of moldy sugarcane poisoning showed that most moldy sugarcane poisoning occurred in February-April, with obvious seasonal characteristics[1 ]. #It’s this season! #

Moldy sugar cane produces a substance called 3-nitropropionic acidstrong> toxin, which is a highly toxic substance that can cause nausea, vomiting, convulsions, respiratory failure, and even death.

Little Chestnut Tips:

1. Sugarcane must be eaten clean;

2. If you buy red sugar cane, please throw it away, don’t dig out the discolored part sparingly and eat it;

3. It is not recommended to buy sugarcane juice from unknown sources #Who knows if there are any black-hearted merchants who use unsold moldy sugarcane for juice! #

Uncooked beans

The main toxic substances in the bean family are lectins and saponins.

Different varieties of beans contain high or low levels, and the risk of poisoning varies. From the current research and case reports, the most at-risk types are green beans, oil beans, and lentils.

And Cowpeas, snow peas, broad beans (a type of bowl bean) are less risky and can be fried directly.

▲In the variety show “Longing for Life”, Huang Lei and Song Dandan were poisoned by eating undercooked beans.

Although bean poisoning is not as likely to be as life-threatening as those mentioned above, it is really uncomfortable to suffer! (vomiting, diarrhea, headache, chest tightness, numbness in the limbs, etc. may occur)

Little Chestnut Tips:

1.Blank first, then cook further until cooked through.

2. When cooking mixed beans like red kidney beans, be sure to soak and cook them thoroughly first.

Sprouted potatoes

Sprouted potatoes produce solanine.

This is a alkaloid that can damage cellular biofilms, and poisoning can cause nausea, diarrhea, tingling in the tongue and, in severe cases, will kill.

Potatoes that have not turned green and sprouted also contain solanine, but the content is very low, and most of them are concentrated in the green part under the skin. It is safe to eat after peeling the skin. .

Alternatively, soak the potatoes in water, and some of the solanine will dissolve in the water; add a little vinegar to destroy the solanine, such as vinegar and shredded potatoes.

Little Chestnut Tips:

1. Potatoes that have sprouted will have a surge in solanine content, so please don’t eat them!

2. Green tomatoes that have not grown to maturity also contain solanine, so wait until they are red and ripe before eating! (Except the variety itself is blue)

Fresh daylily

Fresh daylily contains colchicine, which is oxidized in the body to dicolchicine.

This substance is toxic and can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even kidney damage, with symptoms such as anuria and blood in the urine.

Little Chestnut Tips:

1. Fresh day lily should be carefully detoxified by soaking, scalding or drying before eating.

2.No need to worry too much about the dried day lily that you usually eat, it has been processed and the possibility of poisoning is very small.


Ginkgo is the seed of Ginkgo biloba.

Chinese people have the habit of eating ginkgo and like to take whiteFruit is used in soup and cooking, and some people eat ginkgo as melon seeds.

There have been news of eating ginkgo as a snack before and eating myself in the hospital.

Ginkgo is not as mild as it looks, but a food that contains various toxins.

Ginkgo rind contains substances such as ginkolic acid, which may trigger dermatitis. Remember to wear gloves when picking up ginkgo.

Ginkgo pulp contains hydrocyanic acid, MPN(4′-O-methylpyridoxine)GAs and other toxic substances .

Among them, MPN is the main culprit of acute poisoning from eating ginkgo, and MPN poisoning will make people have neurological symptoms such as convulsions.

▲By H. Zell , CC BY-SA 3.0,

Little Chestnut Tips:

1.The most poisonous part of ginkgo is the germ, which must be removed when eating;

2.Ginkgo is poisonous even when cooked, so don’t eat it in large quantities;

3.Children should be especially careful when eating ginkgo, the younger the age and the larger the consumption, the more serious the poisoning symptoms!

Bitter gourd and gourd

Sprouted potatoes are bitter, and ginkgo is also bitter. Bitterness is not actually a good taste to “remove fire”, it is just a signal from plants to you: Don’t eat me! I am poisonous! !

Vegetables with a bit of bitter taste, such as bitter gourd and bitter chrysanthemum, have a long history of cultivation and consumption by humans, so there is no problem in eating them normally.

But if vegetables and fruits that should not have bitter taste appear bitter, such as loofah, gourd, gourd >, honeydew, pumpkin become bitter, indicating that some toxins have accumulated and should be discarded decisively.

Little Chestnut Tips:

1.If you buy bitter gourd, loofah, gourd, don’t eat it;

2. They contain phytotoxin alkali glycosides, which are difficult to break down even when heated and cooked.

In October 2020, someone died after eating rice rolls in Jieyang, Guangdong;

In October of the same year, nine people died after eating sour soup in Jixi, Heilongjiang;

In March 2021, a man in Ruian, Wenzhou was admitted to the ICU for a week after eating fungus that had been soaked overnight…

Food poisoning occurs frequently, and you must pay attention to your daily diet: buy food from reliable sources, pay attention to cleanliness and proper handling of food during operation; eat regular food, try to eat less or even refuse to eat it “Unconventional” food. The biggest food safety hazard may be in your home!

Editor: Jasmine

Design: Grapefruit