Attention! This commonly used medicine cannot be used for a long time

Organization: Gcplive

Source: Center for Drug Evaluation

No Careful of getting burned? Rub some erythromycin! How many bags were bitten by mosquitoes? Rub some erythromycin! Have pustules and acne? Rub some erythromycin! The corners of the mouth are rotten? Let’s rub some erythromycin…erythromycin ointment

, which is only two or three dollars a tube, has always been a household medicine for ordinary people The “frequent visitor” of the box

1% erythromycin ointment is a kind of antibiotic external medicine, the excipients yellow petrolatum and soft It is composed of liquid paraffin.


a topic about erythromycin ointment

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span>CCTV ReminderAttention! #erythromycin ointment is not a panacea#erythromycin ointment is a common smeared drug in life, and it seems to have become the “panacea” in the eyes of many people “. Doctor reminds: #Erythromycin ointment must not be used for a long time#, it is antibiotics . Once abused, the body can be left without medicine when it is really needed. Can I use erythromycin ointment if I have skin problems? The doctor said that you can judge whether you need to use erythromycin ointment according to whether the skin is ulcerated, whether there is an infection, and whether you need to prevent infection.

Erythromycin ointment is used in two broad categories:

Treatment of infections and infection prevention




Folliculitis manifests as pustules or papules on an erythematous basis. More common in hot climates. Folliculitis is usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Theoretically, erythromycin ointment can be used for the treatment of folliculitis, but because Staphylococcus aureus is more resistant to erythromycin, 2% mupirocin ointment or cream is currently used , External use, 2 times a day, for 5 days.


Acne: span>

Acne occurs in teens and is the result of the interaction of hormones, sebum, and bacteria in the skin and hair follicles. Antibiotics with anti-P. acnes and anti-inflammatory properties can be used in the treatment of acne. Erythromycin cream is theoretically suitable for superficial inflammatory acne lesions such as papules and pustules due to its less irritating reaction. It is recommended as the first choice of antibacterial drugs, and it is not recommended for single or long-term use. For the initial treatment of mild acne, benzoyl peroxide cream or gel is recommended. 3

Minor burns:

Minor burns Immerse in cold water as soon as possible. After the wound is cleaned, antibiotic ointment such as sulfamethoxine can be applied. It’s important to note that antibiotics may help prevent infection, but they are not always needed. 4

Rotten Mouth:

Rotten Mouth, Medical Angular stomatitis is a common oral disease in autumn and winter, mostly in preschool children. The only way to avoid the pain of your child’s “rotten mouth” is to take preventive measures as soon as possible. Introducing more foods rich in vitamin B2 and zinc to children, strengthening lip moisturization, and applying lip balm to children will help prevent “rotten corners of the mouth”. Erythromycin ointment should only be given to a child if a bacterial infection has been established. 5


Bleeding from dry noses can occur in winter. In clinical practice, isotonic sea salt water, normal saline, gel nasal lubricants, peppermint oil drops, etc. are often used to moisten the nasal mucosa to avoid nasal scabs, improve mucociliary clearance, To promote mucosal repair, erythromycin ointment is usually not used. Erythromycin ointment should avoid contact with eyes and other mucous membranes (such as mouth, nose, etc.). 6


The main causes of hemorrhoids are “The Anal Pad Downwards Theory” and “The Varicose Vein Theory”. From the “varicose vein theory”, the pathological state of the venous plexus in the anal cushion is of great significance to the occurrence and development of hemorrhoids. Diosmin tablets are vascular protective agents and capillary stabilizers, which can reduce venous dilatation, improve venous blood stasis, and restore capillary wall permeability. It has been approved for the treatment of acute hemorrhoid attacks. of various symptoms. . Hemorrhoids should generally not be treated with erythromycin ointment. 7


< strong>You can soak your hands in warm water first, and after the skin becomes soft, use a nail clipper to cut off the barbs. Erythromycin ointment is generally not required to prevent infection.


Mosquito Bites:

In more severe cases,after cleaning the wound, apply an ointment containing antihistamines, pain relievers and corticosteroids to relieve itching, pain and inflammation. People who are highly allergic to insect bites should seek immediate medical attention or use their carry-on antihistamine and epinephrine. Erythromycin ointment is generally not required for mosquito bites.

Erythromycin is good but it has Adverse reactions that cannot be ignored


01Allergic reactions

The allergic reactions and side effects of erythromycin vary from person to person. A strong allergic reaction will occur, once an allergic reaction occurs, the drug should be stopped in time to avoid more harm to yourself.

02Dry skin

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Erythromycin is indeed effective in treating various skin diseases and can play an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, but long-term use will inevitably cause dry skin. Therefore, stop applying when the affected area is almost healed.


Although erythromycin ointment is a topical drug, it is also an antibiotic drug, and these drugs have a common feature, that is, drug resistance. It just doesn’t work the more you use it.

Many people start with erythromycin ointment< span>Very goodbut not so good after a whileThis is the manifestation of resistanceWhat’s worse isRed mold Veterinary antibioticsare effective drugs for the treatment of mycoplasma pneumoniaIf resistance develops< /span>Once you have a disease like Mycoplasma pneumoniaThere is really no medicine available Recommendation

Before use, be sure to read the instructions carefully, and those who have contraindications try not to use it. If it is to be used in combination with other medicines, you should consult your physician or pharmacist first.

If some adverse reactions occur during use, the drug should be stopped immediately. For breastfeeding and pregnant women, children, the elderly, liver and kidney function Special groups such as unhealthy patients should take the medicine safely under the guidance of a doctor.

It is a three-point drug Use with caution

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