Attention middle-aged and elderly people: these 3 things should not be too diligent, they are not good for health

Having a healthy body is the dream and goal of many people. With the development of the times, in addition to the elderly who pay attention to health care and maintenance, some young people are gradually realizing the importance of physical health. Many people know that people will contract some high-risk diseases after middle age, such as high blood pressure and high blood lipids.

As we age, so does physical performance. It is believed that many middle-aged and elderly people will have the performance of physical deterioration, just like they used to be able to go up four floors in one breath, but when they are older, they will feel out of breath when going up the stairs. Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly people, if they want to be healthy, there are three things that cannot be done too diligently, then what are the three things? What’s the matter?

I. Exercising too diligently

As the saying goes: “Life lies in exercise “Although exercise can strengthen the body, excessive exercise can also damage the body. As people get older, they are more likely to suffer from calcium deficiency. As they get older, various functions of the body will go downhill, and calcium will be continuously lost. Therefore, it will indirectly affect the weakening of the bones and accelerate the osteoporosis of the middle-aged and elderly.

Therefore, many people will think of supplementing calcium through exercise, and some middle-aged and elderly people will often go there. Sunbathe outdoors. Although both exercise and sun exposure can improve the absorption of calcium, frequent exercise and excessive exposure to the sun will not only not increase the absorption of calcium, but also increase the absorption of calcium. It can lead to other health problems in the body.

In addition, some middle-aged and elderly people also like walking as a relatively easy exercise. Walking can indeed help middle-aged and elderly people improve their physical fitness and make their cardiopulmonary function better. But it is not recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to walk for too long every day. For example, some middle-aged and elderly people like to walk 10,000 steps a day. For middle-aged and elderly people, it is not the better to walk as many steps as possible. Walking too much is not only unhelpful for the elderly, but also causes damage to their knees.

For older people, doctors recommend jogging rather than walking . Jogging is a good exercise for middle-aged and elderly people, but if you have asthma or bronchi, you need to exercise in moderation. In addition, middle-aged and elderly people with high blood pressure need to avoid strenuous exercise if their blood pressure is unstable. Compared with vigorous confrontation exercise, moderate and casual exercise is more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

Exercise is a very healthy living habit,but middle-aged and elderly people must be within the limits that their bodies can bear. Exercise within the range, and the frequency and time of exercise should not be too diligent. In addition, if the middle-aged and elderly people find that they have degenerative joint diseases, they need to pay special attention not to exercise too much, so as not to aggravate the disease.

Second, nutritional supplements are too diligent

There are some elderly people in life For the sake of good health, people often eat some foods that can nourish the body. Although those medicated meals that nourish the body can help middle-aged and elderly people get better nutrition and increase their resistance. However, we must pay attention to the appropriate amount of nutritional supplements, and do not overnutrition. Frequent nutritional supplements may not affect the body in a short period of time, but frequent nourishment in the long-term will affect the body.

With the development of society, various health products have gradually appeared on the market. Many seniors have a misconception that health supplements are rich inNutrition, can improve various functions of the body. But they don’t know that some health products can only bring benefits to the body if they are used correctly. If they are abused, they will not only be unhealthy for the body, but even harm the health of the body.

In addition to health products and nourishing medicated meals, some elderly people also have wrong eating habits. The vast majority of middle-aged and elderly people believe that meat is the best diet for supplementing nutrition, but they do not know that excessive intake of large fish and meat will not help the body to supplement the required Nutrition, and may even cause obesity. In addition, meat also contains food additives, and once it exceeds the maximum intake, there is a high risk of poisoning.

In addition, if middle-aged and elderly people can develop good living and eating habits in peacetime, they do not need to supplement their body needs through exercise and health products. Nutritious. Health products are only suitable for sub-healthy people or people with specific diseases. So middle-aged and elderly people should not follow the trend to buy health care products to eat, and they should not be too diligent to supplement nutrition.

Third, taking a bath and doing housework too diligently

With age, many The elderly will smell some odors on their bodies. In fact, it is not the odor, but the smell of the elderly. The smell of old people is caused by many reasons such as slow metabolism and increased fat in middle-aged and elderly people. The middle-aged and elderly people usually choose to take a bath when they find that they have an old-fashioned smell on their body. Although bathing can help to remove the old-fashioned smell, the frequency of bathing should not be too high.

Excessive bathing will damage the stratum corneum, and the skin itself of middle-aged and elderly people is very fragile. Therefore, it is recommended that such people not take baths too frequently, and it is more appropriate to take a bath once a week. In addition, if middle-aged and elderly people want to reduce body odor and protect their skin, they can choose to apply some products such as body lotion on the body after bathing . This not only hydrates the skin, it also leaves a fragrance.

In addition to taking a bath, middle-aged and elderly people also need to do housework and should not be too diligent. Frequently doing housework will cause a certain degree of damage to the muscles and joints of middle-aged and elderly people, such as bending the waist for a long time when mopping the floor. Long-term bending over and mopping the floor is very unfavorable for middle-aged and elderly people with lumbar disc herniation. In addition, middle-aged and elderly people often squat down and wipe the floor, which also has a certain impact on the knee joint.

For older people, cleaning once or twice a week is generally enough. If middle-aged and elderly people do housework too diligently, it is easy to cause muscle strain and back pain.. When you have nothing to do, you can choose to take more walks, which is not only good for the body but also helps to promote metabolism.

Fourth, middle-aged and elderly people should avoid these health care misunderstandings

1 、Drink more water

Water is the source of life, and drinking water every day is indeed very helpful to your health. But it’s not that more water is better for your body, everyone’s daily needs are different. If you consume too much water in a day, it is likely to put a burden on the kidneys and eventually harm the body. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should drink water according to their physical conditions every day, and try to stick to 1500-2000ml of water every day.

2. Eat only whole grains

Because coarse grains contain some trace elements and dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, many middle-aged and elderly people have also begun to develop the habit of eating coarse grains. Some middle-aged and elderly people have even developed the habit of eating only whole grains instead of rice. Actually, the concept of only eating whole grains is wrong. Eating only whole grains for a long time will not only not achieve the effect of health preservation, but will damage the gastrointestinal tract and affect the absorption of local nutrients.

3. Natural things must be good

< strong>Health generally involves dietary supplements, so many people often drink some pure natural things to maintain health. Some middle-aged and elderly people think that pure natural things must be better than those on the market. But in fact, many pure natural things are also toxic to a certain extent, and they must be processed before they can be used. Otherwise, poisoning is likely to occur.

4. The more sweat, the better

Sweating can help our body excrete some metabolic products and toxins, so proper perspiration is also a healthy way. However, many people think that the more sweat, the better, but in fact, sweat is also part of the body fluid. If you sweat too much, it will easily cause body fluid. Deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, etc.

5. Long foot soaks

If the health care is not correct, there will be hidden dangers, especially those who soak their feet for a long time. Although foot soaking is a way to promote health, it is also necessary to control the time of foot soaking. If you soak your feet for more than half an hour, it may increase the burden on the vital organs of the human body due to the rapid blood circulation. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people must develop the correct habit of soaking their feet, and cannot soak their feet for a long time.

6. Often go to cupping to remove dampness

< span>In life, if many people experience excessive moisture in their bodies, they will immediately think of cupping to remove moisture from their bodies. Although cupping is beneficial to the removal of moisture, it is not appropriate to cupping frequently. If middle-aged and elderly people frequently cupping in a short period of time, or repeatedly cupping in certain parts, it will bring safety hazards to the body, and even cause serious damage to the skin. Therefore, in the process of health preservation, middle-aged and elderly people must avoid these misunderstandings of health preservation, so as not to cause harm to the body.

Five, the correct way of maintaining health

1. Control emotions


Emotions are very important to a person. In daily life, people always encounter unpleasant things or do not know how to ease their emotions. As everyone knows, bad emotions will not only have a certain impact on our mood, but also burden the human cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system .

In addition, if a person is in a bad mood for a long time, it can easily lead to depression. . So, in order to have a healthy body, you should first control your emotions.

2. Take supplements in moderation

In life, we often see some children who choose to buy various supplements for their parents for the sake of their parents’ health. Although the nutritional value of supplements is high, the metabolism of middle-aged and elderly people is very slow.

Therefore, supplementing a large amount of supplements will not only burden the body organs of middle-aged and elderly people, but also affect the health of the elderly. physical health. It can be seen that appropriate supplements can increase the nutrition of the body, but it is definitely not that the more supplements you eat, the better.

3. Reasonable diet

As the saying goes: “Disease comes from the mouth”, many diseases in the body are caused by people’s unhealthy diet. In life, many people like to eat fried food with strong seasoning. Although those foods are delicious, they can cause various diseases in the body for a long time, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, if you want to keep healthy, you should develop good eating habits in your daily life.


In life, whether it is middle-aged or elderly Both people and young adults can be affected by the disease. However, once a person is over the age of 50, it means that the rate of physical decline will accelerate.

Although diligence is a good way of life, there are some things that cannot be too diligent for middle-aged and elderly people. For example, if the three lifestyles mentioned above are too diligent, it will not only be unhealthy but also affect physical health. Therefore, as a middle-aged and elderly person, it is necessary to understand the correct way to maintain health and protect the body.

In fact, it is not difficult for middle-aged and elderly people to be healthy. details to break some habits. A healthy body can only be achieved by living a proper lifestyle.

In addition, for middle-aged and elderly people, it is appropriate to take half an hour every day to do some aerobic exercise. This can help the body to increase the frequency of metabolism and promote smooth blood circulation, but you should choose aerobic exercise that suits you according to your physical condition. Finally, I hope this article can help the middle-aged and elderly people.