As the old saying goes, “Bed against two walls, the family suffers”, what does it mean?

In everyone’s daily life, it depends on feng shui, from the selection of ordinary people to build a house, the orientation of the site and the gate, and the burial of funerals, and even the office of the unit. How the stage is placed has a series of particulars. In fact, this is not superstition but science.

Feng shui is a traditional Chinese system of space and time changes. It can be adjusted and used in daily life. The pattern and environment achieve balance and harmony.


Is there a science in Feng Shui?

To put it simply, Feng Shui is a science that studies space and time. In space and time, there are gold, There are five kinds of gas, wood, water, fire, and earth. With the continuous change of these gases, they have magical predictability, just like the current weather forecast.

In China, the ancients used this predictability to calculate what will happen in the future or what has happened in the past. In life, people often think that Feng Shui is very mysterious, and it is difficult to master and apply this mysterious knowledge.

Actually, Feng Shui is neither magical metaphysics nor superstition. A kind of knowledge of Dacheng.

The essence of it is to allow us to achieve a more integrated state with the environment in our daily life, so that we can interact with the environment, so as to obtain the function of progress. To support each other and move forward in harmony, in the current words, it is: guided by the scientific concept of development, to achieve the ultimate win-win situation.

In fact, each of us uses feng shui in our daily life, but we don’t know what feng shui is, and we don’t believe that feng shui is so simple. so close to yourself.

For example, if one day you get on a bus and find there are a few vacancies, you Will instinctively choose a seat quickly according to their preferences.

You choose the vacant seat in the back row, because you like the seat by the window, it will make you feel good, or you choose the seat next to the window. There is a vacant seat in the middle door, because it is more convenient to get off there when you only take one stop.

Maybe you will choose the vacant seat at the front. It is not convenient for him to get out of the car without relying on the window, but the vision is relatively wide, and it is more comfortable to look forward.

At this time, you will inadvertently use Feng Shui to dispose of your space. In fact, everyone who has taken the bus will appear like this experience.

Under normal circumstances, when vacancies are available, women will mostly choose to sit with their female friends. It is out of psychological vigilance, in fact, it is also an instinctive use of Feng Shui.

In ancient China, although the people were influenced by feudal ideology and their ideological level was generally lowered, the common sayings summed up by their daily life experience were circulated in The world has left a lot of inspiration for the lives of future generations.

These words may not be all right. After all, the times are changing rapidly, and the social living environment at that time has undergone serious changes, although it will be more or less related to the Life right now doesn’t match up at all, but it will also have a certain level of accuracy.

The ancient people attached great importance to the feng shui of the house, and believed that the construction orientation of the house would affect the luck of the family. Whether it is construction or the pursuit of style, it is necessary to adhere to the regulations of Feng Shui to avoid being affected by the bad atmosphere.

There used to be a saying about the placement of the bed in the house, the bed is against two walls, and the family changes it. Placement location, then which two sides of the central wall are? The first side is the side by the window.Is the 2 side the wall near the toilet?


The old saying “the bed What do you mean by leaning against two walls, your home suffers?”

The doctor’s explanation that the wall by the window cannot be chosen is due to the consideration of life and health. In ancient times, the windows of the ancients were basically all It is made of paper and has high ventilation. If you sleep against the window for a long time, it may cause infection and cold in the human body or be affected by positive and negative effects.

With the changing times, life has improved now, because modern windows are not made of paper, but it is still There will be gaps, and long-term night blowing will also cause migraine headaches.

Another point is that the bed is the cleanest place in the family, after all, everyone spends 1/3 of their day in bed , so everyone must ensure that the bed is relatively clean and tidy, in order to ensure the quality of sleep and make yourself comfortable.

In ancient times, due to the limitation of technical level, the windows in each family were not well sealed, and when the strong wind came, the bed would be damaged. It is easy to fall dust, and it may even lead to the penetration of rainwater. If you live in such an environment for a long time, your health will inevitably be affected.

In ancient times, people liked to sit beside the bed and compose poems to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Emotions cannot be satisfied, so from ancient times to the present, the bed not by the window is a rule that our people acquiesce in.

Secondly, one cannot choose a wall by the toilet. It is also for personal health considerations. In ancient times, a person’s homestead was very limited, so To save extra space to grow food, people will build toilets next to their bedrooms.

But the toilets in ancient times were different from today’s. They didn’t have a pumping setting and couldn’t deal with the dirt and garbage in time, so the environment in the toilet was extremely poor.

If you put the rest of your bed next to this wall, the person sleeping in the bed is likely to smell the toilet Odor, affects the quality of sleep, and can also lead to a gradual rise in moisture.

Long-term living is likely to affect personal health, and even lead to moisture poisoning, so the bed should be as close as possible. Do not place against this wall.

Although the installation technology in modern toilets has improved and is no longer as poor as it used to be, it should also be avoided to place the bed close to the toilet wall.

Mainly because the toilets are basically flushed now, people are likely to be disturbed by the sound of flushing when they are asleep. Waking up, in severe cases, will affect the quality of sleep, resulting in poor mental state on the second day.

—Healthy Gas Station


In addition to these two items, how should the bed be placed?

In fact, apart from the above two, try not to place the bed facing the bedroom door. The first point is when parents open When you open the bedroom door, you can see what you are doing in bed at first glance, which is not conducive to the privacy of young people nowadays.

The second point is that no matter how tightly the door is installed, there will be gaps, just like the windows are very easy to get cold, so everyone is in When choosing a bed placement, be sure to avoid this one.

In fact, this saying is left to you by the ancients, but you can see the wisdom of life of the ancient people, and you can also determine the things left by the ancients and not Not all of them are full of feudal colors, but they also contain some truths in life, which they summed up based on their life experience, so everyone can treat the sayings correctly.