Arterial blood vessels “clear blockage and silt”, doctors rule out the hidden danger of stroke for the “three high” elderly

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client July 20 (Correspondent Zhou Shan) “Now I’m not dizzy, my hands and feet are strong, and the key is that I don’t need to take medicine for a long time in the future. It’s a pleasant surprise!” On July 19, the 65-year-old Mr. Liang’s re-examination before discharge showed that the originally severely narrowed right carotid artery lumen had returned to normal, and the plaque had been completely cleaned. He excitedly held the hand of the chief surgeon Xiao Guomin tightly, and thanked him repeatedly.

Mr. Liang has suffered from “three highs” for many years. Due to his insistence on taking medicine, the indicators are well controlled. At the beginning of this month, he suffered from dizziness, weakness in his left hand and foot, and worried about a stroke, so he went to a nearby hospital for examination. Although conservative treatment such as expansion of blood vessels was performed, his symptoms remained unchanged for a week, and then he was transferred to Wuhan Brain Hospital, Changjiang Shipping General Manager. The hospital sought further treatment.

Before surgery, the severe stenosis rate at the origin of the internal carotid artery had reached 95%.

The examination revealed that the patient’s right common carotid artery bifurcation – the origin of the internal carotid artery had severe stenosis with mixed plaque, and the stenosis rate had reached 95%. Deputy Chief Physician Xiao Guomin, a cerebrovascular disease expert who received the consultation, believed that it was the unstable arterial plaques here that fell off and caused mild cerebral infarction, which caused the patient’s left limb weakness, dizziness and other discomforts.

In order to prevent the plaque from falling off again and causing stroke, or even life-threatening, Xiao Guomin suggested that the elderly should immediately undergo carotid artery stent placement or carotid endarterectomy. After careful evaluation of the patient’s surgical tolerance and the possibility of avoiding long-term in-stent restenosis, Mr. Liang’s family finally agreed to choose carotid endarterial plaque resection, which requires more surgical techniques. Take the block clean and feel more at ease!”

After full preoperative preparation, under the protection of neuroelectrophysiology and cerebral oxygen saturation monitoring, Xiao Guomin led the surgeon Chen Qiang to carefully protect the peripheral blood vessels and nerves. On the basis of tissue, the plaque in the blood vessel is precisely locked and completely removed.

After re-examination, the origin of the internal carotid artery has returned to patency.

After re-examination, the vascular lumen of the old man returned to normal, and no neurological dysfunction was left. Mr. Liang was very happy to learn that he only needed regular re-examination and did not need to take medicine for life.

The carotid artery provides more than 80% of the blood supply to the human brain, so its patency directly affects the level of blood and oxygen supply to the brain. Carotid plaques combined with severe lumen stenosis are not only prone to cerebral infarction due to plaque shedding or insufficient distal perfusion, but also long-term ischemia and hypoxia in brain tissue can also cause cognitive decline and even dementia. Xiao Guomin reminded that in addition to quitting smoking and ensuring a good diet and daily routine, special attention should be paid to the control of primary underlying diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. Once asymptomatic carotid stenosis such as dizziness or mild headache occurs; or limb weakness, facial paralysis, sudden speech impairment, sudden transient black eyes, and cerebral ischemia and cerebral infarction related to carotid stenosis When there are obvious manifestations, they should seek medical attention in time and actively carry out relevant treatment.

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]