“Art” to protect! Take a look at the online anti-epidemic art exhibition of Linyi No. 7 Middle School

The epidemic affects people’s hearts, and art conveys warmth. The students of Linyi No. 7 Middle School used their brushes as spears and their creativity as a shield to describe what they saw and talk about what they thought, creating pictures of anti-fighting with clear themes, rich content and full of emotion. Epidemic-themed paintings, pay tribute to the “soldiers” who are fighting on the front line! Cheers to Linyi!

These excellent themed artworks spread positive energy, praise the anti-epidemic heroes, sing praises for the front-line staff, publicize protection knowledge, and depict warmth Scenes, depicting the most beautiful “war epidemic” heroes.

Pictures of paintings bring close-up of ordinary figures and freeze moving moments. Like a warm current that warms people’s hearts, like an invisible force inspiring people to forge ahead. The true feelings are revealed, and the full of positive energy is held high.

All teachers and students of Linyi No. 7 Middle School will insist on fighting the epidemic with “art” and walk with the “soldiers” on the front line warmly.

Qilu One Point Correspondent Gao Chunyan