Are there more and more people with hyperlipidemia? Doctor: 4 kinds of food will “block” blood vessels, try to eat less

With the continuous improvement of living standards, many people are plagued by various diseases. Among them, many diseases are caused by “eating”, and hyperlipidemia is one of them. We can often find that many people are found to have high blood lipids during physical examinations, because many people with high blood lipids do not have any abnormal performance, so they are only discovered accidentally during blood draws.

Therefore, many patients with hyperlipidemia do not pay attention to it. In fact, as time goes by, some complications related to hyperlipidemia will gradually appear, such as our common Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, etc. It can be seen that high blood lipids are also a major invisible killer of health.

More and more people with hyperlipidemia? Doctor: 4 kinds of food will “block” blood vessels, try to eat less


a lot Middle-aged and elderly people like to eat some foods like pork belly, fatty meat, and animal offal. Although they are delicious, people with high blood fat should eat less, because the cholesterol content in these animal fats is very high. , If you eat it regularly, it is easy to promote hardening of the arteries.

Puffed food

Puffed food is a very common snack in our life, and many people like to eat it. But puffed foods like potato chips, popcorn, and french fries contain a lot of sodium and fat. If you eat it regularly, a large amount of sodium salt will cause the body to lose water excessively, so the fat content in the blood will be high, which will increase the viscosity of the blood and easily increase the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.


Seafood is rich in cholesterol,Such as abalone, oysters, scallops, which contain very high levels of cholesterol.

Preserved food

Preserved food contains a lot of salt, They contain very high levels of sodium ions. Excessive intake of high-sodium foods for a long time will cause certain irritation to blood vessels, because the abnormal contraction and expansion of blood vessels will slow down the blood flow rate in the body, thereby accelerating the accumulation and precipitation of lipids in blood vessels. induce hyperlipidemia.

If you want to stay away from hyperlipidemia and maintain vascular health, you must adhere to the following things in your daily life

Abstain from staying up late

Staying up too late will cause the body to secrete a large amount of norepinephrine and adrenaline, which will cause vasoconstriction and slow blood flow, thereby increasing the Plaque and thrombus formation, which can easily accelerate the blockage of blood vessels. In addition, staying up late for a long time will also affect the body’s metabolic level, resulting in thick blood, high blood lipids, and ultimately damage to the health of blood vessels. So if we want to keep our blood vessels healthy, we need to rest more, stay up less late, and ensure a good night’s sleep.

Drink more water

If you want to lower blood lipid levels in the body, it is very important to drink more water, because drinking more water can dilute the blood , reduce the viscosity of blood, whether it is after exercise or staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time, also pay attention to timely replenishment of water. You can also add some small ingredients that are helpful for blood vessel health when drinking water. Recommended: green money willow burdock tea, which is made of burdock root, green money willow, sea buckthorn, mulberry leaf, cassia seed, locust flower, pueraria root, lotus, Composed of corn silk, chrysanthemum, hawthorn and other small ingredients, insist on drinking 2 cups a day, which helps to remove blood vessel waste, stabilize blood lipids, and maintain the health of blood vessels.

Keep exercising

Exercise can not only relieve our stress, but also make the body more energetic. Therefore, we should develop good habits of exercise in our daily life, such as doing some running, brisk walking, aerobics, etc. Not only can it be very good It can improve the function of our body and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Learn to relax

As the pace of life accelerates , people’s pressure is also increasing, however, prolonged exposure to such high pressure will lead to increased blood pressure in the body, and at the same time will damage the health of blood vessels. Therefore, everyone must learn to release themselves in daily life pressure.