Are “Sugar-Free Drinks” Really Healthy? Experts from the National Health Commission answered

[Source: People’s Daily Online]

The incidence of obesity, diabetes, gout, acne and other diseases is increasing, and most of this is closely related to “sugar”. When people are immersed in When looking at the happiness brought by high-sugar drinks, I have to think about the troubles high-sugar brings to our health. Therefore, “sugar-free drinks”, which can bring taste bud stimulation similar to sugar drinks, came into being.

Most sugar-free drinks are marked with the slogan “0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories”, you It may be thought that this sugar-free drink does not need to worry about excessive calorie intake and will not affect health problems, but we should really think about whether this “sugar-free drink” is really healthy!

In fact, artificial sugar substitutes, such as aspartame, cyclamate, and acesulfame potassium, are often added to “sugar-free beverages” to replace sucrose, and their sweetness is dozens or even a few times that of white sugar. Hundred times, the energy contained is very low, such as drinking too much for a long time will make the body fatter and fatter. Studies have shown that the sweetness of sweeteners can make people feel like eating sugary foods, which in turn stimulates the body to produce insulin, resulting in a drop in blood sugar, a feeling of hunger, and an increase in appetite. Although the “sweetener” in sugar-free drinks has zero calories, long-term intake of artificial sugar substitutes will lead to an imbalance of insulin endocrine, which will lead to metabolic disorders in the human body, making us eat more and become fatter.

Sugar substitution is also not a healthy choice for cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that people who drink artificially sweetened beverages every day suffer from increased risk of There is a 32% increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In the face of our limited cognition, we should also exercise restraint in the face of “healthy substances”, instead of letting it become a reason for our continued indulgence. Regarding sugar substitutes, the article only mentions artificial sugar substitutes, not natural sugar substitutes. In fact, the current mainstream view in the scientific community is that artificial sugar substitutes are more harmful to the body and have the risk of inducing diabetes. However, natural sugar substitutes are relatively safe. Taking erythritol as an example, it does not stimulate the secretion of insulin, nor does it affect blood sugar, nor does it affect triglycerides and cholesterol. There is little change when it is absorbed from the gut into the body and finally excreted through the kidneys.

Scientific development is a spiral upward process, and there may also be a process of constant overthrow and new conclusions. For example, artificial sugar substitute, when it was first invented, everyone thought it was safer, but later, with the deepening of research, its drawbacks were discovered.

In short, according to the current research, sugar substitutes are better than added sugars, and natural sugar substitutes are better than artificial sugar substitutes. If you can’t put down the sweetness, it’s okay to choose natural sugar substitutes. However, the research on natural sugar substitutes is not sufficient, so it is best to maintain proper restraint no matter what sugar-free beverages are faced.

(Source: People’s Daily Online Health, Beijing Municipal Health Commission’s official website)

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