Are people with type O blood strong? Reminder: People with type O blood may have these shortcomings, pay more attention

As a common (ABO) blood type, blood type O is also called universal blood transfusion. The inner layer of blood contains neither A antigen nor B Antigens are mainly based on their own gene molecules and DNA molecules.

In recent years, the research on blood type from the perspectives of clinical medicine and physiology has not stopped. Based on population personality, average life expectancy, and disease-induced probability After conducting investigations in various aspects, we learned that people with type O blood live longer, and the risk of disease is lower than 9.3% compared with other blood types.

Human immunity is the first line of defense for disease induction and resistance. The existing immune factors and cellular components are also resistant to external bacteria. The important tissue of viruses, through coagulation and fusion, effectively handles bacterial viruses and protects human body safety.


A person with blood type O has strong resistance? What’s so special about it?

The formation and resistance of the human immune system are completely dependent on the body’s gene synthesis, which is affected by the parents’ blood type and DNA molecular inheritance. Determining one’s own blood type is a special type in the ABO/RH system.

Different blood types lead to the diversification of antigenic and anticoagulant factors contained in the blood. Resistance to external bacteria and viruses also exists. certain difference.

Based on related blood group population data:

1. The type A antigen gene contained in blood type A is more susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and chronic metabolic diseases.

2. The b-type lectin and antigenic gene components contained in blood type B are more susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases and inflammatory infections.

3. The A-type antigen gene and B-type antigen gene components contained in type AB blood are combined with each other to increase the antibody. Make the body have a strong resistance, which can effectively reduce the risk of serious infectious diseases.

4. The DNA anticoagulation atoms contained in the O blood group determine the ability of autoimmune resistance, and inflammatory diseases can appear in a short period of time, but It will be relieved under the stable treatment effect of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

What is strange is that the average life expectancy of this group of people is about 4 to 5 years higher than other ages, and it also belongs to the average life expectancy age of blood type Number one on the leaderboard.

—— What distinguishes people with blood type O from other people, mainly in terms of personality span>

The people with blood type O have a relatively complete view of their own firm beliefs. They belong to the ideals combined with romanticists. Although they seem unknown on the surface, they In fact, it belongs to self-improvement, self-initiation, and self-development.

Although I was hit by external things and setbacks, I did not give up in a short period of time and pursued my ideals hard. After the target can rest.

People with this type of blood type are more conscious and energetic, and they appear to be engrossed in everything. Lazy, action is also above others.


What advantages do people with type O blood have over the other three blood types?

1. Reproductive

The risk of impotence among men with this blood type is 11.3% lower than that of the other three blood types %, women with this blood type also had a 15.6% lower risk of biased egg quality.

Whether it is a man or a woman, their own fertility is stronger. During the 2-3 months of pregnancy, they should control their own emotions. The chances of successful embryo implantation will also increase.

2. Disease aspects

People with blood type O, the chemical components contained in their own blood can effectively reduce the occurrence of thrombosis and coagulation, and have a stable immune system resistance, which can reduce their own risk of liver cancer, stomach cancer, and oral cancer.

3. Blood transfusion

Excluding panda blood, which has a low population rate and is extremely rare, people of any blood type can save their own lives by transfusion of type O blood once their lives are in danger and the blood bank resources are lacking. And there is no rejection from a physiological point of view.


Reminder : People with blood type O may have these shortcomings, pay more attention

Although people with blood type O are immune, disease The control ability is relatively stable, and the risk of chronic metabolic diseases, acute inflammatory diseases, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is lower, but the following major problems are also prone to occur:

1. Gastrointestinal diseases

According to the statistics of clinical medical data: Influenced by dietary diversification factors, the number of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases in China is gradually increasing. The common types of diseases are acute gastritis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer symptoms.

The patient is accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms within a short period of time, and needs to take medicine for stable treatment in time .

The blood of people with blood type O is not rich in type a antigen molecules, and is easily affected by age factors, and the gastrointestinal motility is too slow. , so that you are easily troubled by gastrointestinal diseases in the middle-aged stage, you should adjust your own diet in time, and stick to light.

2. Diabetes

< span>The symptoms of diabetes induced by the disorder of insulin secretion caused by high blood sugar have become the patent of the middle-aged and elderly people. It is necessary to take metformin and sulfonylurea drugs for stable treatment within a short period of time. It is aimed at patients with diseases caused by physiological genes. , also requires stimulation therapy by means of insulin injections.

According to relevant demographic data, the risk of diabetes in people with blood type O increases by 4.5% compared with the other three blood types. At the age of 45-55, the peristaltic activity of the gastrointestinal tract is too slow, resulting in a large amount of glycogen and oil components deposited on the surface of the blood vessels, causing chronic metabolic diseases.

3. Allergic

Although It is said that people with type O blood have stable immune resistance, but their own skin surface is prone to susceptibility disorders, and they are susceptible to mosquito bites. They are also prone to allergic reactions to the floating of external pollen and catkins.

You should take care of your skin health in time, especially when you go out in spring and summer, do sunscreen, remove mosquitoes, and avoid prolonged exposure. Bacterial infection by mosquito bites.


Extension of popular science: Are fetuses born with type O blood prone to hemolysis?

According to the relevant physiological point of view, it shows that the DNA molecules contained in the blood of type O blood are easy to interact with type a antigen and type b antigen. The mixed reaction of the molecules leads to the yellowing of the skin and the growth of birthmarks in the prenatal period of the fetus. The professional medical term is hemolysis.

As long as you do your own regular physical examination in the early stage, and pay attention to the fetal heartbeat, heart rate and nutritional element supplementation, you can reduce the risk of hemolysis to a certain extent. .

It is recommended that women also supplement the folic acid and vitamins that are lacking in the body during pregnancy. Although hemolysis occurs after the fetus is born, in There will also be self-dissipation within 24 to 48 hours. #Aile Health Guide#
