Are hemorrhoids related to age? Who is prone to hemorrhoids in life?

[Source: Red Net]

Red Net Moment News, June 13th (Correspondent Shu Li) Hemorrhoids are a unique disease of human beings. Since humans need to walk upright, the bearing capacity of the anus is relatively large, which easily leads to varicose veins in the anus, which easily leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. Many people think that hemorrhoids are a disease that only older people get, but this is not the case. Clinical data show that the incidence of hemorrhoids in modern young people is not low due to the influence of people’s poor living and eating habits. Which groups of people are more likely to suffer from hemorrhoids?

Changsha East Great Anorectal Hospital Deputy Chief Physician Zhao Yuhua said that hemorrhoids can occur at any age, but they are more common in adults and less common in children. This may be related to the fact that children are in the developmental stage. The elasticity of anorectal blood vessels and muscles is relatively good. In addition, they are lively and active, and their postures are changeable, so it is not easy to form blood stasis in the anus. As adults grow older, various organs of the body, including the anal organs, will gradually age. In addition, they are more prone to hemorrhoids due to factors such as decreased activity, prolonged sitting, excessively spicy food, constipation, staying up late, pregnancy and other factors.

Zhao Yuhua pointed out that hemorrhoids are a common anorectal disease, which generally occurs in the following groups of people:

1. People who sit and stand for long periods of time

Sitting for a long time, the center of gravity of the body presses on the buttocks, resulting in poor blood circulation in the anus, varicose veins and easy formation of hemorrhoids, and standing for a long time will also lead to blood pooling in the anus, thereby causing hemorrhoids.

2. People whose diet is too spicy and irritating

The diet is heavier, and they like to eat greasy, spicy, irritating and other foods, which will stimulate the rectum and perianal area, causing the venous plexus Congestion, which induces hemorrhoids.

3. People with less dietary fiber intake

Drink less water every day, and do not like to eat vegetables, fruits, protein, high fat, high cholesterol and other refined foods. It is easy to cause constipation, causing congestion in the rectum and anus, which leads to the formation of hemorrhoids.

4. Pregnant women

Pregnant women are at high risk of hemorrhoids, because with the enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy, the rectum is compressed, which forms pressure on the inferior vena cava and causes the pelvic cavity to be compressed. The internal blood flow is blocked, and the blood in the perianal venous plexus is stagnated, which can easily lead to the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

5. People who take too long to defecate

Many people have the habit of going to the toilet, playing mobile phones or reading books, which will lead to prolonged defecation time, which will lead to increased abdominal pressure, Affecting venous return, over time, it is easy to induce hemorrhoids.

Changsha East Anorectal Hospital reminds that the occurrence of hemorrhoids is related to people’s lifestyles, and with the increase of age, the incidence of hemorrhoids will gradually increase, usually pay attention to develop good living and eating habits , to avoid the stimulation of adverse factors, in order to reduce the probability of suffering from hemorrhoids.

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