Applying soy sauce, toothpaste, sesame oil… Are these “earth methods” advisable to treat scalds?

In daily life, 120 often receive scald incidents of infants and children, most of which are scalded by hot water or hot porridge.

According to the WeChat public account of the Beijing Emergency Center, the Beijing Emergency Center recently treated a child whose face was scalded by hot porridge. During the treatment process, regarding the parent’s question about “scalding soy sauce or something,” the dispatcher of the Beijing Emergency Center told the parent, “You must not rub the scalded area indiscriminately. Doing so may cause the wound to become infected. What can be done now is to Rinse continuously with running water, if it is inconvenient to rinse, soak a clean towel in cold water and apply lightly to the scalded area to relieve pain.” When scalded, immediately rinse with cold water; take off the clothes on the burnt area carefully, but if the clothes stick to the skin, do not forcibly peel it off, you can carefully cut it under running water; if it is not convenient to rinse with cold water, you can also remove the injured area. Soak in cold water to cool down. If it occurs on a large area of ​​the back, you can use a clean towel to soak in cold water and apply a wet compress to the wound.

So, after a burn, can you rub soy sauce or something?

Beijing Emergency Center stated that various “earth methods” and “home remedies”, such as smearing soy sauce, toothpaste, sesame oil, incense ash, etc., cannot achieve any therapeutic effect. On the contrary, it will increase the risk of infection; do not use antibiotics, disinfectants, red syrup, etc. by yourself, which will hinder the doctor’s judgment on the degree of scalding; do not puncture the blisters by yourself, which is easy to be infected; it is not advisable to apply ice directly to the wound, which will lead to The blood vessels under the wound are strongly constricted, which is not conducive to recovery, and even causes secondary damage.

In addition, in daily life, items containing high-temperature water and food must be kept out of the reach of children, and children should be taken care of and watch their dangerous actions , to avoid hidden dangers. (Reporter Sun Hongli)