Anhui added 4 cases of local asymptomatic infection, 35 cases of asymptomatic infection still under medical observation

The epidemic prevention staff is entering information. Photo by Ge Qingzhao

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Anhui added 4 cases of local asymptomatic infections and 35 cases of asymptomatic infections still under medical observation

China News, Hefei, March 18th From 0:00 to 24:00 on March 17, Anhui Province reported 4 new cases of local asymptomatic infections. As of 24:00 on March 17, there were still 2 cases of positive nucleic acid screening results to be reviewed (both in Dangtu County, Ma’anshan City).

On March 18, Anhui Province reported on the situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. As of 24:00 on March 17, there were 4 local confirmed cases being treated in the hospital and 8 imported confirmed cases being treated in the hospital; the cumulative 38,098 people were reported under medical observation, and 3,579 close contacts were still under medical observation.

As of 24:00 on March 17, there were 35 cases of asymptomatic infections still under medical observation in Anhui Province, except for 1 imported from abroad, 1 in Anqing, 4 in Suzhou, and 1 in Chuzhou. 1 case in Bozhou City, 19 cases in Maanshan City, and 8 cases in Tongling City.

At present, the epidemic prevention and control work in Anhui is being carried out in a standardized and orderly manner. From 0:00 on March 17th in Ma’anshan City, the city’s cruise taxis and online reservation taxis have been suspended.

Since 6:00 on March 18th, Tongling City will implement closed management in all urban communities in Tongguan District, Yi’an District and suburban areas. materials; rural residents do not go out of natural villages, do not visit, and do not gather. Temporary traffic control will be implemented to ensure supply, people’s livelihood, production and the passage of approved vehicle certificates. All other vehicles are prohibited from passing.