Anhui 96-year-old man easily “replaces bones” after getting out of bed and walking a week after surgery

Source: China News Network

China News Service, Hefei, March 10 (Wu Lan, Fuyan, Wu Xiaozhen) The Orthopedics Department of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of An Medical University recently successfully performed artificial hip replacement for a 96-year-old elderly man One week after the operation, the old man was able to get out of bed and walk.

The 96-year-old grandma Ge is in good health and can take care of herself. On the night of February 20, I accidentally fell at home, and then felt unbearable pain in the hip joint. Not only could I not walk, but I couldn’t even stand up. The family sent her to the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of An Medical University, hoping to be treated.

The hospital’s orthopedic team immediately organized medical staff to conduct a detailed assessment of Grandma Ge’s condition, and was diagnosed with a right intertrochanteric fracture of the femur. If the operation is performed, it can not only relieve her pain, but also avoid complications such as hypostatic pneumonia, bedsores, and deep vein thrombosis caused by long-term bed rest. However, as a super old man, Grandma Ge has poor physical conditions and poor lung function, and the risk of surgery, especially the risk of anesthesia, is very high.

In order to ensure the safe and smooth operation of the operation, the Chang Jun team of the Department of Orthopedics of the hospital has formulated a complete personalized operation and treatment plan based on the actual situation of the elderly with high age, degeneration of physical function, poor ability to tolerate surgery, and slow recovery after trauma. Anesthesia protocols and detailed contingency plans. On February 25, Grandma Ge underwent right artificial femoral head replacement and fracture reduction and tension band wire fixation, and the operation was successfully completed.

Chang Jun introduced that femoral tuberosity fractures are a type of hip fractures. This injury has the notoriety of “the last fracture in one’s life”, because after a hip fracture, once surgery cannot be performed, it is very difficult. It is easy to become bedridden, resulting in a variety of complications, and the patient’s physical condition deteriorates sharply and can no longer stand up or even endanger his life.

“We perform hip replacements for many elderly patients over 80 years old every year. Elderly patients have high surgical risks and require multidisciplinary collaboration. The technical requirements of the entire surgical team are very high, and rich clinical experience is required. And good psychological quality, otherwise it is impossible to complete such a difficult operation. With the increasing aging of society, more and more elderly patients, with the maturity and progress of medical technology, advanced age will no longer be an absolute taboo for surgery.” Chang Jun Express.