Anemia, Bleeding, and Systemic Infections Together | Deciphering Aplastic Anemia


“Mr. Shen Du, what is anemia? What is aplastic anemia? What are the symptoms?”

It’s good, why is it anemia? Why do I bleed when I have aplastic anemia?

The time is tight and the task is heavy, Shen Du Jun never plays tricks, only sends the most practical dry goods! “Aplastic Anemia Mechanism” is on the air, those who love to learn keep up!

bloodby < /span>plasmaand blood cells, of which Blood cellsincludeserythrocytes, leukocytesand < strong>Platelets.

erythrocyteslike transporters, put oxygen< /strong>andnutrientsdelivery to tissues and organs, and then metabolized by tissues and organsGarbage and CO2 transported away to protect the human body< span>Metabolism.

white blood cellsis a type of immune cell that can fight against bacteria, Viruses, etc.

plateletskind of like a first responder, specializing incoagulation span>andhemostasis.

Blood cellsLife, old age, sickness and death just like people,hematopoietic stem cellsisblood cellsthe common mother.

Hematopoietic stem cellsmainly located inbone marrow strong>, responsible for the production of blood cells, which is what medical books saybone marrow hematopoiesis Features.

bone marrowin the marrow In the cavity, is the body’s hematopoietic organ.

splitting the bone, which contains A cavity called the medullary canal.

medullary cavitythe fluid in it isbone marrow< /strong>Yes.

This hematopoietic red marrow is called Red marrow,non-hematopoieticyellow marrow, called Yellow marrow.

Before 5 years of age, the whole body bone marrow is red marrow< /span>, can make blood.

after age 5, red marrow gradually becomes yellow marrow< /span>, by adulthood, red marrow and yellow marrow Almost 50/50.

How exactly is blood made?

Let’s take a look at these three big names in the bone marrow, hematopoietic stem cells, stromal cells< /strong>andsinusoids.

Hematopoietic stem cellsis the mother of all blood cells. After proliferation and differentiation, they eventually become< strong>red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets blood cells.

stromal cellsa bit like the nurserymen of blood cells, under its stimulation, hematopoietic stem cells can know what they are To erythrocytes, or to leukocytes differentiation.

Differentiated blood cells can thrive without stromal cells care.

sinuses, which are the blood vessels that run through the bone marrowcapillaries span>, also nascent matureblood cellsentersblood The entry for span>.

How are red blood cells born?

Nursersstromal cellscan secrete< strong>hematopoietic growth factor,hematopoietic stem cellsstimulated by this factor , differentiated into erythroid hematopoietic progenitor cells.

erythroid hematopoietic progenitor cellscontinue to differentiate under the stimulation of various hormones and eventually become a< /span>Red blood cellsBaby.

red blood cellslive after birthbone marrow , mature slowly under the care of stromal cells.

matureerythrocytespassingsinusoidal This door, enterbloodbecome a freshmanRed blood cells.

leukocytesandplatelets< span>‘s growth experience can be completely referenced by red blood cells, so I won’t be verbose if you read it deeply!

Read your little reminder:

The number of blood cells in the body basically remains within a fixed range.

that is,new blood cellsand < span>The number of dead blood cellsis almost the same.

I don’t know what’s wrong withhematopoietic stem cells? Or stromal cells malfunctioning?

In short,the ability of the bone marrow to produce blood cells is reduced, resulting in new blood cells. far more than dying.

Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets all decrease, causing disaster, and this is Aplastic Anemia.

What are the symptoms of aplastic anemia?

Oxygen transportinsufficient red blood cells, the tissues of the body will be Hypoxia, fatigue, shortness of breathand other symptoms will come.

responsible for resisting the invasion of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens Insufficient white blood cells, a person will have weak immunity, easyinfection, fever, etc. Symptoms.

Insufficient platelets responsible for blood clotting and hemostasisinsufficiency,< strong>nosebleeds, bleeding gumsetc.bleedingthe symptoms come.< /span>

“Shen Dujun husband, you are so talented, I love you What should I do with my soul? “

Marry you! Marry you! Marry you!

“Shen Du Jun, well, the bone marrow is the hematopoietic function Why is it an obstacle? Can aplastic anemia be prevented? ”

Deep reading Jun sells a good deal first, the next episode, you are here, the Lun family will tell you!

< span>Follow “Deep Reading Video”, remember to like and forward it! Jiu Mi!

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