An eye protection institution that claims to allow myopic children to take off their glasses in two days has been investigated |

Two days ago, Jieyou Gang reported on an eye care organization in Nanjing, claiming that after their two-day course training, shortsighted children can take off their glasses (details). After the law enforcement officers of the market supervision department learned about it, they immediately investigated and punished the eye protection agency.

During the summer vacation, an eye protection agency named “Jia Lei Si” The Lishui District of Nanjing put out a number of posters, claiming that for “juveniles with myopia within 600 degrees”, after two days of training, they can “take off their glasses”.

When the reporter visited the institution, the staff said that after children use their eyes too much for a long time, the eyeballs will be deformed and the ability to adjust focus will be lost, which will lead to myopia; training sessions to restore the focusing function of the eye.

The cost of the training course is as high as more than 13,000 yuan. The staff of the “Jia Leisi” eye protection agency told reporters that they will use an instrument called “Satellite TV” to help children with myopia restore the focusing function of their eyes.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaojun, director of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, said that according to the current medical technology, it is impossible to achieve this effect whether it is instruments or treatment methods.

“At present, no scientific research institution, or expert or doctor, dares to make such a big statement.” Director Zhang said.

Law enforcement officers from the Market Supervision Bureau of Lishui District, Nanjing came to Go to the “Jia Lei Si” eye protection agency for inspection. There are multiple satellite TV sets in the classroom of the institution, and a primary school student is receiving course training; a person in charge of the scene, Zhou Mou, has also released a number of videos of short-sighted children using satellite TV sets.

The inspection by law enforcement officers found that the satellite TV device is a “Class II medical device”, the registered name is called vision training device, and the registered effect is only to “relieve visual fatigue”. According to the regulations, a record certificate shall be obtained for the operation of Class II medical devices.

The law enforcement officers asked Zhou to show the record certificate, but Zhou was dumbfounded. Said that he did not operate medical equipment. The law enforcement officer said: “The satellite TV in the classroom is a medical device, and it is a second-class device, don’t you know?” Class medical device record certificate. After inquiries, the “Jia Lei Si” eye protection agency did not obtain a record certificate. On the spot, the law enforcement officers ordered Zhou to make corrections and gave a warning.

Regarding the propaganda terms of Jialeisi eye protection agency about “rehabilitation of vision” and “take off glasses in two days”, law enforcement officials said that the State Administration for Market Regulation and other departments have long been It has been published many times that myopia cannot be cured, and children and adolescents myopia correction institutions shall not use expressions such as “rehabilitation”, “recovery”, “reduction of degree”, “myopia cure”, “myopia nemesis” and “degree repair” to mislead children, adolescents and parents.

Regarding the posters posted by “Garys”, such as “Take off glasses”, law enforcement officials said that these terms are misleading and should be removed. In addition to removing the illegal propaganda, law enforcement officers asked Zhou to go to the Market Supervision Bureau for questioning, and will file a case against the “Jia Lei Si” eye protection agency.

Since the end of 2021, the State Administration for Market Regulation launched a special rectification of the myopia prevention and control industry. , has exposed a number of myopia correction institutions suspected of exaggerating propaganda. Some claim that massage acupoints can improve vision, while others claim to have developed glasses that can reduce the degree of prescription. Now this “Jia Lei Si” eye protection institution is more daring, and directly claims that it can completely remove glasses for myopic children. These institutions, without exception, have two characteristics: one is sensational propaganda, and the other is very high fees. Still the same sentence, although we have said it many times, we still have to remind parents again and again: To correct the vision of the child, you must go to a regular medical institution.

[Source: Litchi News]

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