An explosion occurred in a company in Guangxi, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared on the scene! How powerful is the explosion of the electric box?

On the morning of April 17, 2022, Beijing time, a textile factory exploded unexpectedly in Guiping City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, my country, and a mushroom cloud rose in the footage shot by passers-by. According to the investigation, this textile factory is affiliated to Litailong Knitting and Dyeing Co., Ltd. The cause of the accident was an explosion caused by a short circuit of the electric box used as power supply equipment.

Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident. Seeing the shape of the mushroom cloud, most people must be surprised, because in our conventional impression, only the explosion of heavy weapons such as atomic bombs will produce such a terrifying picture. In fact, the impact of the short circuit of the electric box is also very dangerous.

So, why does the power supply equipment have an accident? What kind of power can the consequences of its explosion achieve?

The safety hazard of the electric box

The electric box is a common power supply equipment main gate device. Or you can see it in rural courtyards. In the event of an unexpected power outage, maintenance personnel generally need to start repairs from the electrical box. When changing light bulbs and other daily electrical appliances at home, it is also necessary to turn off the small switch at home to ensure safety.

So, everyone knows this common sense. Although electricity is a great invention that benefits the industry and the people, even the electric box, which is common every day, actually has very dangerous safety hazards.

For example, everyone has noticed that The various switches and switches in the electric box are not clearly marked, and even if they are, they are all in English, and they are relatively vague. Most of us have done simple electrical maintenance at home, and we will have this kind of trouble when the power is cut off. If we are not very proficient in grasping the specific position of each switch, we usually have to try it several times at the beginning to understand.

However, even for ordinary appliances such as refrigerators, TVs, and air conditioners at home, a sudden power failure will cause certain damage to the body. It is conceivable that if it is placed in a factory and used in the operation of high-power machines, the degree of damage caused by misjudgment will increase exponentially, and the consequences will increase to an uncontrollable situation.

Secondly, the space inside the electrical box is too small to carry out maintenance operations inside. Although there is a problem with the circuit, it is necessary to find the problem in the electric box, but this does not explain the specific operation of maintenance, but also starts from the electric box. Because even the power supply equipment of a large factory, it is basically impossible to give too much storage space to the electric box, which is generally a small iron box.

In addition, there are all kinds of complicated wire lines inside. If it is not handled properly during maintenance inside the electric box, it is likely to cause more serious situations and even threaten the lives of maintenance workers.

Another point is that the outer skin of the electric box is easily damaged. As mentioned earlier, whether it is a home or factory electrical box, their outer skin is generally wrapped by a layer of metal shell, and most of them are made of iron. Although such an outer layer design can ensure the stability of the electric box, if there is a lack of maintenance management for a long time, wear and tear will occur.

And if this situation is not paid attention to, then the electric box is likely to seep into water droplets in rainy days and frosty weather. The electrical box is like the brain of the entire electrical system. If this “brain” is paralyzed, the problem will extend to all wiring. What’s more, with so many wires tangled together, once a short circuit occurs in one place, it will cause unimaginable serious consequences.

The actual power of the electric box explosion< /h1>

First of all, let’s explain this terrifying mushroom cloud. Mushroom cloud is actually a large amount of gas and smoke. The expansion phenomenon after entering a wide environment from a narrow outlet can be easily explained from the perspective of physics.

Not many people imagine that only nuclear weapons such as atomic bombs, or other large-scale explosion accidents will occur. As long as the above conditions are met, even a small explosion power can produce a mushroom cloud effect. For example, when children set off firecrackers at home during the Chinese New Year, some like to put firecrackers in the mouth of a small bottle and ignite them. If you observe carefully, you will see a small mushroom cloud after the explosion. Of course, this kind of behavior is very dangerous, and you still need to take care of your children.

A small firecracker is still like this, what kind of power should the electric box of a textile factory have? Actually, different models and sizes of electrical boxes also have different risk factors.

Let’s first talk about the household electric box that is easier for everyone to see. In February 2022, there was an electric box fire accident in a corridor in a community in Nanning, Guangxi. At that time, smoke filled the entire unit building, and many people saw open flames on the floor where the accident occurred, indicating that the situation was still somewhat dangerous.

Fortunately, the residents of the community and relevant security personnel discovered the fire in time, and used fire extinguishers to quell the accident. No casualties were caused, but the power supply of many residents was inevitably affected for a period of time. The stoppage of time.

In the light of the electric box fire accident in the textile factory, the huge mushroom cloud on the surface and the thick smoke several meters high are enough to show that if such a large electric box with high power, many circuits and complexities has an accident , maybe not so simple.

Although there is no record of casualties, it can only be attributed to the fact that there are no dense crowds around. Therefore, if it is not for such good luck, many families in Guiping City will lose their relatives, and in terms of society, many elites may also be lost. Housing construction within a certain area around it will inevitably lead to waste of property.

However, the fact that the short circuit of the electric box of the textile factory causes an explosion does not mean that the power must be so serious.

Because whether it is a home electric box or a factory electric box, the key factor that determines its power is not themselves, but whether there are flammable and explosive materials around the explosion site, and whether people subjective response speed. Because it is only the electric box, there are not so many combustibles.

Generally speaking, the electrical box, especially around the large electrical box, must not be placed with dry or explosive items, because this is likely to cause secondary danger after the electrical box is short-circuited and exploded. The electric box itself is made of metal. As long as the temperature does not reach a very high level, it will basically not ignite the casing. The combustion can only be supported by some internal plastic devices and other external combustible substances.

Therefore, whether it is ordinary people living at home or workers who work in factories with high demand for electricity, we must have a sense of safety in electricity consumption and learn to reserve enough knowledge

strong>. For example, around household electrical boxes and large-scale collection electrical boxes, it is necessary to ensure that the environment is clean and tidy, and there should be no accumulation of flammable items.

Especially in autumn, even the fallen leaves from the trees are a big hidden danger. If the dry leaves gather around the electric box, once the electric box has an accident, it will undoubtedly cause a large area. The fire, thinking about it, is very scary. Even in southern regions with a better climate, dry plastic products can easily expand the area of ​​open flames.

In addition, for us ordinary people, after all, everyone is not an electric box, and they do not understand the working principle of the electric box, let alone when it will have circuit problems, or even cause a fire and explosion. . The daily contact with it is to occasionally glance at it when passing by the street or the door of the community. However, we must have the ability to detect the fire situation of the electric box, as well as the ability to extinguish and first aid in case of fire.

When you pass by the electric box, if you inadvertentlyIf you find that there is smoke gushing out of it, or you see an open fire directly, you should report it to the relevant departments as soon as possible, and do not put out the fire on your own initiative. If the fire is known and needs to be put out manually, most of the fire in the electric box is due to the short circuit of the wire, so under normal circumstances, dry powder fire extinguishers can cope with it.

Of course, in general, all actions should be based on relative safety. If you encounter an unknown fire situation, or you do not have enough relevant knowledge, you should not try electricity easily. Box fires. Even if you are familiar with the fire conditions and understand certain principles, you should use fire extinguishers carefully and follow the arrangements of on-site professionals.

That being said, as a part of community life, it is understandable to make your due contribution when the public needs it. Finally, I hope that the relevant management personnel and technical personnel can find out the specific reasons for the electric box accident in the textile factory as soon as possible, and make adjustments and repairs in time to prevent such phenomena from happening again.

Author: Kinoshita Yiren Proofreading Editor: Xiao Wan