An average price reduction of 48%! Executed from the 20th

A few days ago, the Heilongjiang Provincial Medical Security Bureau and the Heilongjiang Provincial Health and Health Committee jointly issued the “Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Implementation of the Sixth Batch of Nationally Organized Centralized Drug Procurement (Insulin Special)”. The results of centralized insulin procurement will be released in May It was officially implemented in our province on the 20th.

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Insulin is an important drug for diabetic patients to control blood sugar and has an irreplaceable position in diabetes treatment. This special collection of insulin covers the second- and third-generation insulins commonly used in clinical practice, including 16 generic varieties. The province’s medical institutions agreed to purchase 3.4 million pieces in the first year, and the average price of the selected products was reduced by 48%. Based on the pre-purchase price, it is expected to save 110 million yuan per year.

Taking the commonly used clinical insulin glargine as an example, the average cost is reduced from 180 yuan per bottle to about 70 yuan per bottle, and each patient can save about 4,000 yuan per year. The selected products include not only well-known enterprise products commonly used by medical institutions, but also emerging enterprise products, which can reduce the burden on patients and achieve a high match with the actual clinical needs.

This centralized procurement adheres to the principle of “integration of recruitment and procurement, linking volume and price”. Based on the successful experience in the exploration of centralized procurement of drugs and consumables in the early stage, the procurement rules have been optimized according to the characteristics of insulin.

First, fully respect clinical choices, maintain the stability of clinical medication, and reduce substitution risks. The second is the merger and competition of insulins with different generic names for the same therapeutic purpose and clinical mechanism of action, taking into account the needs of clinical use and the sufficiency of competition. The third is to attach great importance to the supply of selected products. According to the characteristics of insulin production and use, various measures are taken to ensure the supply through thorough investigation of production capacity and sufficient preparation time for production.

In order to ensure the smooth and stable implementation of the insulin selection results in our province, all relevant departments shall coordinate and cooperate with each other in accordance with the requirements of the notice, and do a solid job of listing the selected drugs on the Internet, organizing the signing of purchase and sales agreements, linking medical insurance payment policies, promoting rational drug use, Strengthen supply monitoring and other work to ensure the smooth and orderly implementation of insulin selection results. In the next step in the implementation process, the Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau will cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen monitoring to ensure that the reform dividends benefit the majority of patients.

Reporter Yu Yonglan

(New Evening News)