Always have white phlegm, always have clear nose? Erchen pills, orange red pills are invalid? Introducing Fang Xiaoqinglong Granules

There is a lot of phlegm in the throat, and the nose is always runny. When I catch a cold, the throat and nasal cavity that are blocked by phlegm and nasal mucus are particularly uncomfortable, and it is difficult to breathe and hurt. After coming out, the phlegm in the mouth kept spitting. The first thing that many people think of is to use Erchen Pill and Juhong Pill to reduce phlegm, but the final effect is not very satisfactory. Today, Dr. Cui will share with you a method to resolve white phlegm in the body , phlegm thin, cold phlegm Chinese patent medicine – Xiaoqinglong granules.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that some white phlegm, thin phlegm, and nasal discharge are actually cold phlegm. You can think about whether you have phlegm and phlegm in winter or when the weather turns cold and a little cold. The snot will become more, then we can see that many of these white phlegm and white snot are cold in nature. Since it is cold in nature, we must use warm medicine for conditioning.

Let’s take a look at these Erchen Pills first. It is composed of four herbs, Pinellia, tangerine peel, Poria and Licorice. These four herbs are warm herbs. , can play the role of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, but due to the lack of warmth, the effect is not very good, it is not conducive to strengthening the spleen and curing the root cause, but the symptoms are not very strong, so Erchen Pill is good for people with spleen deficiency and phlegm dampness. improve.

This orange red pill is composed of orange red, dried tangerine peel, pinellia, tuckahoe, platycodon, almond, melon wilt, fritillary, gypsum, etc. It belongs to both cold and heat, but it is still cold inside It is good at clearing heat and resolving phlegm. It is suitable for some people who have yellow phlegm, sticky phlegm, and are not easy to cough up. It is good at clearing heat and phlegm in the lungs. If you have cold phlegm in your body, then you will not experience anything after using it. effect, but the more you eat, the colder it becomes.

Let’s take a look at this Xiaoqinglong Granule. It is composed of ephedra, cassia twig, white peony root, dried ginger, asarum, schisandra, pinellia, and licorice. Can play the role of sweating, dispelling cold and relieving the surface, ephedra can disperse the lungs and relieve asthma, and cinnamon twigs can transform qi and flow water. The two medicines are used together, and they are the king medicine. Dried ginger and asarum can warm the lungs and change the drink, and can assist ephedra, Cinnamon twig dissolves the exterior and dispels pathogenic factors, is a ministerial medicine, Schisandra chinensis astringes the lungs and relieves cough, peony nourishes blood and nourishes, Pinellia dries dampness and resolves phlegm, lowers the inverse and harmonizes the stomach, and is an adjuvant. Assistant envoy, the combination of several herbs has a good improvement for people with aversion to cold and fever caused by exogenous cold, no sweat, cough, white phlegm, nasal congestion and runny nose, and white and slippery tongue coating.

Finally, let’s summarize, Erchen Pill is suitable for people with spleen deficiency and phlegm dampness, Juhong Pill is suitable for people with lung heat and yellow phlegm, and if you have white phlegm, it will always flow If you have snot, it is more suitable for this Xiaoqinglong granule. If you have such people around you, you can collect them and find a Chinese medicine doctor to differentiate the symptoms.