All the medical staff of Hutian Town Health Center, Yuanzhou District, Yichun went to each village to do nucleic acid sampling in the rain (photo)

Dajiang Net/Yichun Toutiao Client News Yi Zhihong, Liu Yan Report: Recently, all the medical staff of the Hutian Town Health Center in Yuanzhou District, Yichun went to the villages in the town to conduct nucleic acid sampling for all staff in the rain.

At 5:30 in the morning, all medical staff gathered at the health center and set off. They include medical staff in clinical and medical technology departments, as well as administrative logistics staff. After arriving at the villages, they put on protective clothing, masks, face shields, and gloves, and began a day of nucleic acid sampling. A set of standard sampling procedures, they have to repeat hundreds of times a day, and they can’t tell how many times they pressed the hand cancel, how many cotton swabs were torn, how many bottle caps were twisted, and how many times they said “open your mouth again.” “…they just want their hands to move faster and faster, so residents can wait in line for less time.

In order to avoid going to the bathroom in the middle, save a set of protective clothing, and at the same time be able to work longer, drink less water and eat less. The consensus of all sampling “big whites”. In order not to miss anyone, they provide nucleic acid testing home sampling services for people with limited mobility. The difficulty and intensity of home sampling is greater than that of centralized sampling. The medical staff participating in the sampling wear protective clothing and carry sampling equipment. When entering the village, they climb stairs one by one, and sometimes need to climb seven floors. In many villages, the road conditions are not good enough to drive in, so they have to enter the house on foot. The weather in May is warm spring outside the clothes, but midsummer inside the clothes. After a while, their faces were covered with beads of sweat the size of beans.

There is also a group of people who, in order to ensure the activity of the samples and strictly prevent the leakage of the samples, after each nucleic acid test sample is collected at a collection point, They did not rest for a moment, and immediately rushed to the next collection point, achieving efficient and fast transportation.

After a day’s work, they can finally take off their protective clothing. The clothes inside are soaked with sweat, and their hair is wet and sticking to the scalp , the forehead and cheeks were deeply imprinted by the mask and headgear, and the hands were covered with “white wrinkles”, which made people feel distressed.

Since the start of nucleic acid testing in Hutian Town, Yuanzhou District, Yichun, about 1,600 tubes and 33,000 people have been tested each round. A group of ordinary people, they leave their small family for everyone, and move forward with a heavy burden for the sake of a peaceful life. Everyone is sticking to their beliefs. In the current epidemic situation, it is our duty to do our best to defeat the virus with everyone, and it is our heart’s desire.

[Source: Dajiang Network]

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