alert! The suicide rate of these patients is very high! Often misdiagnosed as “depression”

Bipolar disorder is a serious, complex and familial clustered mental disease. Patients have both manic and depressive episodes. The global prevalence rate is 2.4%. The rate reaches 0.6~1.5%. At the time of the onset, the patient’s emotions are uncontrollable, sometimes soaring into the sky, sometimes falling into the mud, like being forced to ride a roller coaster, unable to extricate himself. Some people call bipolar disorder a “genius disease”, but behind its over-romanticization, it hides pain and harm.

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder has many aliases, manic depression, bipolar disorder, bipolar disorder, etc. It refers to patients with very significant and lasting emotional problems, showing obvious depression at a certain stage, other The stage will show mania or excessive excitement, these two extremes appear in one person, so it is called bipolar disorder.

What are the dangers of bipolar disorder?

The serious harm of bipolar disorder is called “five highs and one low”, high prevalence, high recurrence rate, high disability rate, high mortality rate, high comorbidity rate, and younger age. Statistics show that 90% of patients with bipolar disorder will face relapse or even multiple relapses in their lifetime. Many people with bipolar disorder experience self-harm and suicidal behavior, and 11 to 19 percent of people with bipolar disorder eventually die by suicide. Bipolar disorder is a disease that seriously harms the physical and mental health of patients.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Depressed patients suffer from low mood, diminished or diminished interest, and psychomotor retardation. Affects the patient’s thinking and executive brain function, and manifests significant self-blame and guilt, fatigue, sleep disturbance, changes in appetite and weight, executive deficits, and suicidal thoughts.

What are the symptoms of a manic episode?

During a mania episode, the patient’s body is in a state of high energy from the inside to the outside in its behavior. Elevated mood, self-confidence, running thoughts, reduced sleep needs, only 2-4 hours of sleep per day, increased goal-directed activities, talkative, distracted, adventurous urges.

The difference between general mood swings and bipolar disorder

Most normal people have mood swings, and they can quickly recover through self-regulation. The diagnostic criteria for patients with bipolar disorder is that they have been in a depressed state for more than two consecutive weeks. Manic episodes are still full of energy, sleep only 2 to 4 hours a day, the state lasts for more than 4 days as hypomania, and the state lasts for more than 7 days as severe mania.

Is bipolar disorder a serious psychological problem?

Bipolar disorder is not a psychological problem, but a mental illness. In my country, once bipolar disorder is diagnosed, it is classified as a severe mental disorder for management. The first reason for bipolar disorder is genetic factors, and the genetic prevalence of immediate family members is about 40% to 60%; the second is pregnancy risk factors, such as pregnancy alcoholism, drug use, and a major blow to the mother; third The third is risk factors in the growth stage, such as viral infection of the brain or mental stimulation.

Is bipolar disorder a “genius disease”?

For most people with bipolar disorder, “disease” and “genius” do not coexist, and the symptoms of the disease have a profound effect on them. After the manic state is overdrawn, the patient transitions to a depressive state, which lasts for many months, and the patient may take very risky suicidal behavior. Therefore, this disease is quite harmful to patients, and doctors often spend more time and more treatment methods to help patients get out of depression.

Is bipolar disorder easily misdiagnosed as depression?

This statement is correct. People with bipolar disorder usually go to the doctor during a depressive episode, very similar to pure depression, and it is especially easy to misdiagnose when mania has not yet occurred. According to past data, it takes about 8-10 years from the onset of bipolar disorder to the diagnosis. If family members can realize that the patient may have potential bipolar disorder and seek medical treatment as soon as possible, the pain of the patient will be relieved earlier.

As a family member and friend of someone with bipolar disorder, what should I do?

For the treatment of bipolar disorder, it is a systematic project. The maintenance of the patient’s biological rhythm is very important. As a family member of the patient, we must cooperate with the doctor to help the patient control the biological rhythm. Including sleep rhythm, eating rhythm, to help patients adjust sleep, eating rules. At the same time, the patient’s emotional fluctuation time, how many days of depression, and how many days of mania were recorded, and they were provided to doctors for reference during follow-up visits.

The other is social rhythm. In addition to the patient’s family and friends, more people come to care, understand, and love the patient, maintain their social rhythm, make them feel accepted by the society, and promote their recovery.