alert! The 24-year-old boy insisted on participating in the unit basketball game after having a cold, and suddenly fell to the ground unconscious

The seemingly normal gastroenteritis and cold

are actually life-threatening

“Go home and rest well, you will have a long time in Japan, and your health is more important.” A few days ago , In the cardiology ward of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, chief physician Ding Yahui told the girl who was discharged from the hospital.

Director Ding Yahui introduced that it was spring in March, but the dramatic temperature difference made many people sick. Middle-aged and elderly people are prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and digestive tract diseases; and a disease that affects young people will also quietly rise, which is myocarditis.

“I thought it was just normal gastroenteritis, but I didn’t expect it to be so serious.” The 19-year-old Xiaoxuan was depressed when he mentioned the heart disease caused by a “gastroenteritis” not long ago.

Xiao Xuan is a freshman girl from a university in Hangzhou with excellent grades. Some time ago, in order to relieve her stress and fatigue, she went for a swim before she got sick, and then she developed symptoms of acute gastroenteritis. It wasn’t serious at first, she didn’t care, but two days later, she gradually developed chest pain and chest tightness, so she came to Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital for treatment.

“The blood test showed that the myocardial damage index was nearly 100 times higher than the normal value, and acute myocarditis was considered.” Director Ding Yahui said, fortunately, the girl’s condition was not serious, and after a few days of treatment, her condition improved. Discharged. However, because myocarditis requires a long period of recuperation, as a scholar, she can only temporarily suspend school.

Director Ding Yahui has encountered many young people suffering from severe myocarditis, and several cases are impressive.

“An 18-year-old high school girl also suffered from acute gastroenteritis. She insisted on going to school and wanted to take a leave of absence to go home to rest. The teacher found her face ugly and insisted on taking her to the hospital. As a result, as soon as she arrived at the emergency room, the girl’s heart and breathing stopped suddenly.” Ding Yahui said that after emergency rescue and the support of ECMO, the child escaped the gate of hell and finally recovered miraculously.

Not everyone is so lucky. There is also a 24-year-old boy who belongs to the unit basketball team and insists on participating in the game after catching a cold. During the game, he suddenly fell to the ground and was unconscious. “When he was sent to our hospital, the heart failure was very serious, the heart was obviously enlarged, the systolic function of the heart was severely reduced, and finally he was unable to recover.” Director Ding Yahui said regretfully.

Myocarditis prefers young people

Director Ding Yahui introduced that acute myocarditis is an inflammatory myocardial disease, and its pathogenesis includes infectious and non-infectious causes, the most common being viral myocarditis. Unlike other cardiovascular diseases, myocarditis favors young people. Before the onset, these people are often in good health, and the cause of the onset may simply be a cold or acute gastroenteritis.

“We found that myocarditis especially favors those young backbones, elites and scholars.”

The incidence of myocarditis has several important characteristics. First, it is more common in young people, and more than ten 2. People in their twenties are a high-risk group. These people are usually strong and strong and feel that their health is fine, so they are easy to ignore. Second, the high-intensity and high-stress work and study state is more likely to damage the immune system and cause pathogens in the respiratory tract and digestive tract. Invasion, coupled with disrupted immune function, can easily induce myocardial inflammation; third, lack of rest and treatment in the early stage of the disease is an important reason for the aggravation of myocarditis. Young people love to work hard and strive for improvement, thinking that their will can overcome the body’s Discomfort, as everyone knows this will make myocarditis worse. In recent years, there have been cases of sudden death of young people working overtime. In fact, some of them may be caused by aggravation of myocarditis. And those who “lie down” as soon as they get sick tend to recover well.

Prevention of myocarditis

Director Ding Yahui reminded:

1. One should follow the rules of life, combine work and rest, exercise in moderation, enhance resistance, and avoid Cold or acute gastroenteritis;

Second, drink plenty of water after a cold, pay attention to rest, do not get tired, and do not exercise vigorously;

Third, after suffering from myocarditis, Usually need to rest for 3 months. If asymptomatic in the future, you can gradually resume work and normal study, but you should still be careful not to get tired, and you should not engage in physical labor and exercise within 1 year, otherwise it will be easy to relapse. Repeated attacks can be transformed into chronic myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, and life-long hazards.

Source: Orange Persimmon Interactive · Urban Express reporter Zhang Yuzin