alert! Girls dance for 2 hours a day and cause “muscle dissolution”. Seek medical attention immediately when these symptoms occur

[Source: Guangdong Anti-drug]


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Unscientific Movement

Actually Dangerous


topic#Girls dance for 2 hours a day to cause muscle dissolution#

< p> rushed to the hot search

caused many netizens to discuss

Recently, Xiao Zhu from Shaoxing, Zhejiang

span>Because I was sitting all the time at work, I followed the video to do exercises when I got home at night, sweating and stretching my muscles and bones. At the beginning, 2 hours a day, the intensity is not large, and there is no discomfort.

The picture comes from the Internet (not related to this article)< /span>

After a few days, she increased her physical activity, lowerextremity muscles Soreness begins, until it gets worse,urine changes to soy sauce span>, Xiao Zhu realized that something was wrong.


Xiao Zhu’s blood creatinine, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase p>

and other indicators are seriously high

the doctor considers her to be suffering from


After treatment

Xiao Zhu’s symptoms improved significantly

What is “rhabdomyolysis”?

Human muscles are mainly divided into three categories, There are skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. Striated muscle refers to the skeletal and cardiac muscle. As a “strength” muscle, the striated muscle is one of the main types of muscles in the human body.

rhabdomyolysismeans What isafter the destructive injury of skeletal muscle, the contents of striated muscle cells, such as myoglobin, creatine phosphokinase and ions, small molecule toxic substances, etc., are released into the blood circulation, and finally from the urine. It is excreted in the body, leading to metabolic disorders and organ functional damage.

The most typical manifestations aremuscle pain, weakness, and strong tea-like or soy sauce-colored urine< /span>. Serious, life-threatening conditions such as acute renal failure, arrhythmia, heart failure, liver failure, etc. may also occur.

In addition to strenuous exercise that can induce rhabdomyolysis, trauma, ingestion of exogenous substances, such as drugs (statins, etc.), alcohol , toxins (poisonous mushrooms, certain weight loss drugs), and viral infections (influenza, cytomegalovirus, coxsackie virus) may cause rhabdomyolysis.

Some media reports pointed the cause of “rhabdomyolysis” to crayfish. But there is no necessary link between “rhabdomyolysis” and crayfish.

National senior food inspector and internal auditor of China’s HACCP food system Wang Silu said that there is currently no sufficient evidence to prove that “eating crayfish will definitely induce rhabdomyolysis syndrome”.

How to prevent “rhabdomyolysis”?

To prevent rhabdomyolysis syndrome, the doctor gave the following suggestions-

First, exercise should be moderate and gradual. Warm up before exercising and add water and electrolytes during exercise. If you feel unwell after exercising, especially if you have problems such as muscle weakness, muscle soreness, and dark urine, be sure to seek medical attention in time!

Secondly, pay attention to drug factors. Clinically, rhabdomyolysis syndrome caused by misuse of drugs is not uncommon. Once the symptoms of suspected rhabdomyolysis syndrome appear after taking the medicine, you should stop the medicine immediately and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. And once diagnosed, avoid taking the same medicine the next time you get sick.

Excessive exercise can be judged by, for example: running can talk to people, heart If there is no feeling of overload, it is a healthy amount of exercise; when exercising, if there is pain in a certain part of the body, the number of exercises and the range of motion should be reduced; for beginners, the time should be controlled within 15 ~20 minutes.

From before to after exercise

Prevention of sports injuries p>

can play a better exercise effect

Save this tip↓↓

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hot summer< /p>

Reasonably arrange exercise intensity

step by step

Don’t let exercise be a “health killer”

Source: Yangcheng Evening News, Nanfang Daily, Popular Science China, People’s Daily

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