Alert! From 0 to 16:00 today, Xiamen added 2 new local confirmed cases

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2 new local confirmed cases in Xiamen!

The reporter learned from the Fujian Provincial Health Commission that from 0 to 16:00 on March 30, 3 new local confirmed cases in Fujian Province (Xiamen 2 cases, 1 case in Quanzhou, including 1 case asymptomatic transferred to diagnosis), 76 local asymptomatic infections (71 cases in Quanzhou, 3 cases in Putian, 1 case in Fuzhou, 1 case in Ningde).

Since March 13, Fujian Province has reported 1,126 local confirmed cases (1,021 in Quanzhou, 61 in Putian, 23 in Xiamen, 16 in Zhangzhou, and 2 in Fuzhou). 1 case in Ningde, 1 case in Sanming, 1 case in Nanping, including 48 asymptomatic cases transferred to diagnosis), 1884 local asymptomatic infections (1825 in Quanzhou, 23 in Fuzhou, 16 in Putian, 16 in Zhangzhou, and 2 in Nanping). , 1 case in Ningde, 1 case in Longyan); 997 cases are still in hospital (including 0 cases of critical illness and 2 cases of severe cases), and 1,804 cases are still under medical observation in isolation.

Just now! Putian Announcement

2 positive cases were found in Licheng District

One positive case was found in Hanjiang District

All were imported (returned) from other provinces< /p>

Licheng District Responding to the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic

Work Command Notice(No. 6)

On March 29, 2022, when Licheng District conducted nucleic acid testing for personnel entering (returning) Pu in key areas of other provinces and cities, found that 2 people were initially screened positive, and were reviewed by the Putian CDC as positive. The city’s expert team determined that they were asymptomatic patients with new coronary pneumonia, and they have been transferred to a designated hospital for observation and treatment. Putian City and Licheng District quickly activated the emergency response mechanism at the first time, and immediately organized and carried out work such as flow tracing, isolation and control, nucleic acid testing, community prevention and control, and disinfection of relevant places. The close and sub-close contacts were identified as soon as possible, nucleic acid testing was carried out, and isolation and control were put in place according to regulations.

The general public is requested to consciously abide by the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control, pay close attention to the authoritative information released by the official, and do not panic, believe or spread rumors. Further improve prevention awareness, wear masks scientifically, wash hands frequently, ventilate often, do not gather, and actively cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control measures. If you have new crown-related symptoms such as fever, dry cough, sore throat, etc., please go to the nearest fever clinic for investigation and treatment in time, wear a surgical mask during medical treatment, and avoid taking public transportation.

Licheng District Response to Novel Coronavirus Infection

Pneumonia Epidemic Work Command

March 30, 2022< /span>

Hanjiang District responds to the new crown pneumonia epidemic

Notice of the Work Headquarters

On March 29, Hanjiang District conducted nucleic acid tests on returnees from other provinces and cities During the test, found a positive at the initial screening, which was confirmed as positive by the Putian Center for Disease Control and Prevention. At present, the person has been transferred to a designated hospital for observation and treatment. Our district immediately launched an emergency plan, implemented a flattened operation, and organized and carried out key tasks such as flow control traceability, isolation management and control, nucleic acid testing, community prevention and control, and disinfection and disinfection as soon as possible.

The general public is requested to consciously abide by the epidemic prevention regulations, pay attention to the authoritative information released by the official in a timely manner, and do not panic, believe or spread rumors. Further raise awareness of prevention, strengthen personal protection, wear masks scientifically, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, do not gather, actively cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control measures, and those without contraindications should be vaccinated as soon as possible vaccine. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, etc., please go to the nearest fever clinic for investigation and diagnosis and treatment in time, wear a disposable medical mask or above during the medical treatment, and do not take public transportation during the medical treatment.

Hanjiang District Response to New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Work Command

March 30, 2022 span>

Source: CCTV News Client

Hanjiang District’s response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic Command,

Licheng District Response to Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Work Command