Ai Jiaren|Can men get HPV vaccine

There is now a growing interest in the HPV vaccine. Many men are also curious, can they be vaccinated against HPV? What are the benefits of this vaccine for men?

The HPV vaccine, also known as the cervical cancer vaccine, is a biological agent used to prevent human papillomavirus infection. After women are vaccinated with HPV, they can effectively prevent cervical cancer and condyloma acuminatum. This vaccine, in addition to preventing cervical cancer, can also prevent many other diseases, and it is also suitable for male vaccination!

Both men and women can be infected with HPV. Under normal circumstances, the body can completely eliminate the HPV virus in the body through its own resistance and immunity. Due to the different physiological structures of men and women, men do not have the conditions for long-term persistent infection of HPV virus. Therefore, men who are infected with HPV have neither symptoms nor recover more easily.

However, many women will accidentally get infected when their partner is infected with HPV virus. It can be seen that HPV vaccination is also very effective for men. Needed. In addition, many men with low immunity will also cause cancer due to persistent infection of HPV virus. Long-term infection with HPV virus will greatly increase the chances of men suffering from prostate cancer, anal cancer, and penile cancer!