After tooth extraction, the mouth could not be opened, and the Chinese medicine rehabilitation “massage” for its shock wave

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Kong Qian correspondent Sun Xuelian

Recently, female college student Xiao Jiang opened her mouth for a long time due to tooth extraction, resulting in soreness at the temporomandibular joint and opening her mouth. Limited. Jining Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital implemented shock wave therapy for a period of time, and completely recovered after two treatments.

“At the beginning, I just felt a little sore in my chin. I thought I was tired from opening my mouth for too long, but I didn’t care. Later, it became more and more serious. I felt more and more pain in my jaw, and I couldn’t open my mouth. There is no other way, the steamed buns can only be pulled into small pieces and put into the mouth.” Xiao Jiang recalled.

“After careful inspection, it was found that the patient’s opening was less than 2 cm, and the diagnosis was temporomandibular joint disorder. It is recommended that rehabilitation therapist Wu Chen perform shock wave therapy for him, and then perform infrared irradiation after the treatment.” Cheng Aijun, director of the hospital’s rehabilitation department, said.

After the first treatment, Xiao Jiang felt relieved locally and the pain in the jaw was relieved. After the second treatment, the pain disappeared, the mandibular joint opening and closing degree was measured to be 3.5 cm, which was close to normal, and the noose feeling was relieved when the mandibular joint opened and closed, and he could eat normally. After two additional treatments, the patient recovered completely.

Cheng Aijun introduced that traditional Chinese medicine believes that this disease belongs to the category of injury and muscle disease, and shock wave is another form of massage therapy, which can achieve the effects of promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, regulating tendons and rehabilitating. The treatment time is short and the patient is willing to accept it.