After the unblocking of Daocheng Yading, the top off-road line – Loya Grand Circle Line was born!

A year later, I look back on the Lockline again

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Yes, it’s so beautiful

The creation of heaven and earth does not even waste the smallest corners

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Daocheng Yading National Nature Reserve

officially opened

On December 21, 2021, the Ganzi Daocheng Yading National Nature Reserve issued an announcement, announcing that the management of closing mountains and fires will be fully implemented from now until May 15, 2022. On December 30, the Public Security Bureau of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture issued the 2022 Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention Order. The little friends pursue nature but also need to abide by the laws and regulations, and Aden enters the winter break.

On June 30, the area under the jurisdiction of Daocheng Yading National Nature Reserve officially ended the fire prevention management period, and the gods of the Aden lines returned! However, it is currently announced that the next round of fire prevention period will start on November 11. This area can only be said to be open for a short time. If you are interested, don’t hesitate, hurry up and travel!

Source: Ganzi Daocheng Yading National Nature Reserve Administration

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Source: Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Public Security Bureau

Daocheng Yading National Nature Reserve is located in the “Hengduan” on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The southern section of the Shaluli Mountains, one of the Seven Veins, has many high mountains and deep valleys due to long and complex geological movements. The height difference between valleys and ridges is generally greater than 3,000 meters, providing a more closed and primitive space for the reproduction of diverse life; The water vapor from the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean condenses and snows on the top of the mountains, forming glaciers and turning into rivers, which provide a sufficient source of energy for life in this area.

As a result, between the towering snow-capped mountains and glacial canyons, animals and plants multiply and breed here. The complex biota, the variety of species, and the richness of endemic species are found in the Hengduan Mountains and even the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. are extremely rare.

Daocheng Yading National Nature Reserve is located in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province , adjacent to Shangri-La, Yunnan in the south, Lugu Lake and Lijiang in the southeast, with a total area of ​​1,457.5 square kilometers. The Daocheng Yading Scenic Area, which is familiar to the public, only accounts for 1/45 of its area. It is attracted by the holy beauty of snow-capped mountains, meadows and plateau Haizi. Over one million tourists come to check in every year.


What does it represent Daocheng Aden?

Aden, a public engagement about the secret realm “Shambhala”, an extreme confrontation between the noisy world and the silent wilderness.

The sacred snow-capped mountains are reflected in the tranquil lake and tremble slightly. The golden eaves of the temples reflect the sunlight, and herds of cattle and sheep grow freely on the grassland. Even if it is developed into a scenic spot, it has irreplaceable quietness and simplicity.


If you are driving by yourself Arriving at Daocheng Yading Scenic Spot, Haizishan Geopark will be a must-stop on the way. Get off the bus and set foot on the black ground with an average altitude of 4,500. In front of you, there are overwhelming and strange jagged rocks. A strange dream.

Three Parents

Three Lords , refers to the three Bodhisattvas of “Guanyin Bodhisattva”, “Manjushri Bodhisattva” and “Vajra Hand Bodhisattva”, and in local legends, they correspond to the three snow-capped mountains of Xiannairi, Yangmaiyong and Xianuoduoji respectively. The three snow-capped mountains are arranged in the shape of “pin”, standing on their feet, blessing the grassland pastures, streams and forests under their feet.

Xian Nairi



Some people are impressed by Yang Maiyong’s noble temperament, some people like Xian Nairi’s round and soft figure, the editor only loves the clear folds of Xianuo Dorji, which is sharp, strong, with a big Overwhelming power exclusive to nature.

Plateau Lake

In Aden, Haizi Embellished like pearls.

Aden Scenic Spot is only three or four kilometers away from the Milky Sea and the Five-color Sea, allowing Haizi to easily break out of the travel circle and become a beautiful scenery that regular tourists can reap just by gnashing their teeth and persevering for a few hours.

The sea of ​​milk is not as pure and white as imagined milk, but in Every time I look back, there is a different brilliance in the footsteps. From the sky, the Milky Way looks like a love, no wonder it is surrounded and guarded by three sacred mountains.

The legendary five colors that can “replay history and predict the future” The sea, like an eye staring at the world, the faint pupils gradually deepened in color.

The pearl sea is hidden in the forest and the green water reflects the gods Nairi’s silhouette, the sun radiated a little light just in time.

This is what regular tourists can see, and you can pass Walking harder and deeper, you will see more and more…

Snake Lake

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Tsogaida Lakes

Black Lake

Forest Ranch

The relatively closed space and sufficient water vapor bring a unique vertical ecosystem to Daocheng Yading: forests, meadows, green grass in summer, Autumn is golden, and snow-capped mountains, forests, grasslands, and rivers together form an idyllic picture of quiet time.

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Chonggu Temple

Chonggu Temple is located at the foot of Xiannairi Snow Peak. Road. It was built in the Yuan Dynasty. The original temple was dilapidated. Now everyone sees the new temple. The main entrance of the temple faces the Shenshan Xiannairi. .


In Aden, don’t Afraid of being too far from the world. The smiling faces and loyalty of the caravan will accompany you back to the world.

The lake, the mountains, the forest and the fireworks in the world together constitute the choice in the dream – Daocheng Yading.


Let’s go, go to Daocheng Yading

In Daocheng Yading National Nature Reserve, sacred mountains, lakes, humanities, pastures, virgin forests , not only a necessary element of a line, if they call out their names again, who will not be surprised how advanced this combination is.

Around these representative scenery, the Baokang Line, the Locke Line, the Aden Long Line, the Aden Short Line, the Luya Line, and the Nia Line are currently well-known to travelers. And direction to Aden, approached Sanshenshan.

Rock Line

From Muli County Starting from Shuiluo Township, we walk along the Baishui River, from the forest to the meadow, from the red and green autumn scenery in Western Sichuan to the disintegrating and lonely boulders. Xianuoduoji, Xian Nairi, and Yang Maiyong are displayed in front of the eyes. Black Lake, Snake Lake, Milk Sea, Five-color Sea and Pearl Sea are the nodes of the trip. The end point is Daocheng Yading Scenic Spot, which will return to the world together with mobile phone signals.

Luya Line

Luya Line Starting from the hot spring village, pass through Dake Valley Duo Pass, Qiongyin Pass, Galuo Pass, Xia Luoduoji Pass obliquely to Chonggu Temple, from the meadow pasture to the forest crossing, there are several small high mountains and seas on the way. From the Xianuoduoji Pass, you can overlook the three-sacred mountain in the same frame.


Sail to the secret realm

Crossing the core area of ​​Shangri-La

  • D1: All over the country-Chengdu (Assembly Day)
  • D2: Chengdu-Crossing the Baokang Line (Sichuan version) Duku Highway)-Xinduqiao
  • D3: Xinduqiao-Sangdui Red Grassland-Daocheng Aden
  • D4: Aden Long Line-Luorong Cattle Farm-Milk Sea-Five-color Sea
  • D5: Aden Short Line – Chonggu Temple – Pearl Sea – Luya Line – Mana Tea Gold
  • D6: Mana Tea Gold – Muli Temple – Lugu Lake
  • D7: Lugu Lake – Self-driving around Lugu Lake – Ancient City of Xichang
  • D8: Xichang – Qionghai Scenic Area Around the Lake – Jiaoding Mountain Starry Cloud Sea
  • D9: Jiaoding Mountain Sunrise Sea of ​​Clouds-Pingle Ancient Town-Chengdu Airport

Detailed road book

D1 Chengdu all-day gathering day

Today, friends gather in the land of abundance – Chengdu, which not only has rich cultural and historical heritage, but also has countless delicacies and snacks, you can go to The famous Kuanzhai Alley and koi, many snack net red shops can go all the way to taste, absolutely delicious.

D2 Chengdu-Crossing Baokang Line (Sichuan version of Duku Highway) )-Xinduqiao

After breakfast, drive to the Baokang Line to cross the starting point, embark on the ultimate off-road road, cross the pass over 4000 meters above sea level, cross the lush virgin forest, the slowly flowing clear stream, The plateau scenery is a mysterious place composed of green meadows and rare animals and plants.

Arrived at Xinduqiao before the evening, looking for a camp with a good view to cook on a fire. Tonight at the campsite, BBQ, barbecue with sweet and juicy melons and fruits, eat meat and drink tea/wine to cheer up!

D3 Xinduqiao-Sangdui Red Grassland-Daocheng Aden< /p>

After breakfast, leave the camp and continue along the 318 National Road to Daocheng Yading. Along the way, the endless beauty of nature has been perfectly interpreted here, hitting everyone’s heart.

The scenery of Daocheng Yading itself is beyond doubt, but it has been developed for several years, which has made it a serious commercialization. However, the leader will try to take everyone to avoid the crowds and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

D4 Aden Long Line – Luorong Cattle Farm – Milk Sea – Five Colors Sea

Get up early today and start a full-day tour of Aden. The most difficult part of the Aden scenic spot is to hike to the Milky Sea-Pearl Sea. It takes 5-7 hours to go back and forth, so we will take the long line of Aden today and go straight to the sea. Milk Sea/Pearl Sea, returning to Luorong Cattle Farm from Milk Sea in the afternoon, under the soft light, is the most beautiful moment of Luorong Cattle Farm.

D5 Aden Short Line-Chonggu Temple-Pearl Sea-Mana Tea Jin

Walking to Aden in the morning: Chonggu Temple – Pearl Sea. Daocheng Yading may surprise you or leave you regretful, but this is just a warm-up, because we will go to the real Shangri-La “Mana Tea Gold”.

After lunch, set off across the Luya Line, all the way to the real Shangri-La “Mana Tea Gold”. This is the place where Guru Padmasambhava consecrated the Three Lords Snow Mountains, namely Xian Nairi, Yang Maiyong, and Shalang Dorji. It is also the only place to see the Three Lords Snow Mountains. You can see dozens of them at the same time. A snow-capped mountain with a height of more than 5,000 meters standing near the Three Lords.

When camping at Mana Chajin in the evening, they all say that you must see the Rizhao Jinshan once. The barbecue under the snow-capped mountains must also be a unique experience. If you have enough food and drink, choose the best location to shoot the starry sky. The galaxy is splendid and the world is worth it.

D6 Mana Tea Gold-Muli Kingdom-Muli Great Temple -Lugu Lake

Watching the most beautiful and shocking sunrise and sea of ​​clouds in the country in the morning, there is a dream in my heart and light in my eyes. The sunrise and sea of ​​clouds under the snow-capped mountains is definitely the most healing morning.

Continue to cross the Muli Kingdom along the Luya Line to uncover the mystery of the core area of ​​Shangri-La written by Dr. Locke.

At noon, we will pass through the “Muli Temple”, one of the largest Yellow Sect temples in Kangba Tibetan area.

Crossing the Luya Line, which has beautiful scenery, and finally arrives at Lugu Lake.

D7 Lugu Lake – Self-driving around Lugu Lake – Xichang Ancient City

Sleep until you wake up naturally in the morning and start driving around Lugu Lake to enjoy the beauty of Lugu Lake from different angles in an all-round way. Some people say that Yunnan has left all the scenery to Lugu Lake. Here, the most extravagant is time, time, you slow down and then slow down.

Arrived at the ancient city of Xichang in the evening. During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Sima Xiangru was sent as an envoy to build the capital of Qiong (the ancient city of Xichang). It has been more than 2,000 years ago.history.

D8 Xichang-Qionghai Scenic Area Ring Lake-Jiaoding Mountain Starry sky and sea of ​​clouds

After breakfast, head to Qionghai Lake: Qionghai, known as Qiongchi in ancient times, is a rifted lake in the early Pleistocene, about 1.8 million years ago, and the second largest natural freshwater lake in Sichuan Province. The famous Italian traveler “Marco Polo” wrote after the tour: the water is beautiful, the grass is lush and the fish is abundant, and the climate and tranquility are far better than the Mediterranean.

In the afternoon, go to Jiading Mountain, the only place in Sichuan province where you can watch the three spectacular scenes of the bright starry sky, the sea of ​​clouds/cloud waterfall, and the sunrise without hiking. In the evening, at the camp on the top of Jiaoding Mountain, set up tents, cook rice on fire, and spend a drunken night with friends under the bright starry sky.

D9 Jiaoding Mountain Sunrise Cloud Sea-Pingle Ancient Town-Chengdu

Waking up early and waiting for the sunrise and the sea of ​​clouds, its spectacular scene is enough to shake my heart and freeze it into a beautiful memory.

Then go to Pingle Ancient Town, which has a history of more than 2,000 years and is also the first stop of the Ancient Tea Horse Road. – Ancient streets, ancient temples, ancient bridges, ancient trees, ancient weirs, ancient squares, ancient roads, ancient customs, ancient songs and many other historical sites.

Arrived at Chengdu Airport around 5-6 pm. At this time, The little friends have a deeper understanding of the classic phrase “no brothers, no off-road”. This special adventure journey, this unforgettable Shangri-La adventure experience, no matter how much each person finally gains, they have already written their most unforgettable experience. Chapter, the interpretation of their most unique life.

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