After the Qingming Festival, the hot summer is coming, how should we regulate our body?

After the Ching Ming Festival, the weather is getting hotter, and it is entering the hot summer. So how should we regulate our body and do a good job in daily health care in summer?

In the “Nei Jing” of Traditional Chinese Medicine, “Plain Questions, Four “The Great Theory of Air-conditioning” says, “Xia Sanyue, this is called Fanxiu; Heaven and earth are in harmony, and all things are magnificent.” In summer, when the sun is scorching hot, the temperature rises rapidly, and reaches the peak of the year. With constant rain, many plants “grow wildly” at this time in preparation for the autumn harvest.

Xia belongs to the fire in the five elements, and the fire in the five internal organs Corresponding to the heart, the yang qi is relatively strong. People should pay attention to the characteristic that the yang is more abundant than the outside in summer, and take appropriate health care methods to protect health and prevent diseases.

1. Diet adjustment

Summer sunshine continues When it rises, the heart fire of the human body is easy to be too strong. According to the principle of heart fire restraining lung gold, excessive heart fire will inhibit the function of the lungs. Therefore, people should eat food that nourishes the lungs, such as spicy food, and should not eat too much bitter food; in hot summer, people often experience digestive tract dysfunction such as loss of appetite and indigestion.

Therefore, it is advisable to eat light food, not greasy food ; It is easy to suffer from heat stroke in summer, and people can eat watermelon, mung bean soup and other foods to cool off the heat; in summer, people sweat a lot, which will lead to a lack of salt in the body and affect the heart function. It is advisable to eat more salty foods; bacteria and viruses are easy to breed in summer, so , should pay attention to dietary hygiene, taboo eating rotten and spoiled food to develop a good habit of going to bed late and getting up early. It is not advisable to open a fan or sleep in the open air when sleeping; it is best to take a warm bath every day to cool off the heat and prevent illness.

2. Emotions p>

The weather is hot in summer, and people are often irritable, which is not conducive to health care. Good health practitioners should pay attention to avoid the negative emotions brought about by the hot weather in summer, keep a calm and optimistic attitude, and keep out the scorching heat and high temperature in summer.

3. Prevent disease and eliminate evil< /p>

summer common High temperature, rain, fire, heat, and dampness can easily invade the human body and endanger human health. People often suffer from dampness, heat injury, and heatstroke.

People should be prepared to prevent diseases such as, Prevent heatstroke by eating heatstroke-preventing foods and getting enough sleep. In addition, from Xiaoshu to the beginning of autumn, that is, Fuxia, the temperature is the highest and the yang is the most abundant. This stage is the best time to prevent and treat diseases such as bronchial asthma, diarrhea, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. Patients with such diseases should seize this opportunity. Good time for prevention.

4. Reasonable exercise

It is hot in summer, Therefore, when working or exercising, you should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, do not work for too long in an environment such as hot sun or continuous high temperature, and try to avoid labor or exercise at noon.

The weather is hot, and it is not advisable to exercise for too long, If the intensity is too high, it is best to choose a lighter exercise in the morning or evening, such as walking, playing Tai Chi, etc. It is not advisable to take a cold shower after exercise, and it is not advisable to drink too much cold boiled water.