After the operation, she felt as if she was lying in the water, icy cold all over.

“Long-term folic acid supplementation will cause cancer, is it true?”

The backstage received a private message from a fan elder brother, he is 46 years old this year, I heard that folic acid supplementation is good for health and can prevent I have had a stroke, so I have been taking it, but recently I heard that folic acid may cause cancer, and I was very scared.

Folic acid should be no stranger to pregnant women. It can provide nutrition for pregnant women and prevent neural tube defects in babies. And for middle-aged and elderly people, folic acid supplementation is also beneficial. But is long-term folic acid supplementation really safe?

1. Study: Taking folic acid may increase cancer risk by 21%

Last year 10 On March 27, Daily Express reported a study that said B12 and folic acid may increase the risk of cancer, based on research from Haukeland University Hospital in Norway. The Haukland University Hospital in Norway looked at more than 7,000 heart disease patients who received an average of about three years of B vitamins between 1998 and 2005.

The study found that taking vitamin B did not change cardiovascular outcomes, and 341 of them were followed up for three years after treatment ended. Cancer was diagnosed in 288 patients who took folic acid and vitamin B12 and 288 who did not take supplements. Patients who supplemented with vitamins and folic acid had a 21% increased risk of cancer and an 18% increased risk of death from other causes.

To sum up, why is the risk of cancer increased? This is mainly due to an increased risk of lung cancer, 32% of the 236 cancer deaths in study participants were due to lung cancer, and the incidence of cancer in study participants was higher than in the Norwegian population as a whole. 25%.

Does folic acid supplementation cause lung cancer?

Andrew Shao, vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs at CNR, believes that the study is more a reminder that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, after all, more than 90% of the Lung cancer patients were smokers, and lung cancer findings were not found in other studies.

Second, the question is, can folic acid still be eaten?

First of all, it should be emphasized that the Hawkland University Hospital study in Norway is an observational study and cannot directly infer a causal relationship between folic acid and cancer.

Secondly, taking folic acid in moderation can actually help fight cancer, because folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin and is relatively stable in DNA synthesis , and is closely related to the maintenance of high levels of methylation. If methylation levels are low, the cancer gene is highly active, and the chance of developing cancer increases. Taking folic acid can maintain the level of DNA methylation, make the activity of cancer genes disappear, and prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Finally, it should be noted that once there is a tumor in the body, overdose may accelerate the growth of cancer cells, such as patients who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer and gastric cancer, Do not take folic acid casually.

Third, there are several benefits of folic acid supplementation for middle-aged and elderly people

In general, a moderate amount of folic acid supplementation does not actually increase the risk of cancer , and folic acid supplementation has obvious benefits for middle-aged and elderly people.

1. Prevention of cerebral infarction

73% of cerebral infarctions in my country are related to hypertension, In addition to paying attention to diet, folic acid supplementation is also very important for the prevention and treatment of hypertension, especially in H-type hypertension patients (patients with high homocysteine ​​levels), most of the hypertension belongs to H-type High blood pressure, folic acid supplementation can reduce homocysteine ​​levels, thereby reducing the risk of cerebral infarction.

2. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Folic acid deficiency may lead to increased homocysteine, which can lead to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease A risk factor for disease is Homocysteine. Because homocysteine ​​has a certain relationship with thrombosis, increased platelets, and vascular endothelial damage, appropriate supplementation of folic acid can prevent cardiovascular disease to a certain extent.

3. Prevention of Cognitive Impairment

The older the age, the higher the incidence of cognitive impairment, cognitive impairment and homocysteine When homocysteine ​​increases, the brain will be in a state of ischemia and hypoxia, and nerve cells will die rapidly.

Fourth, how to supplement folic acid better?

Having said so much, what is the best way to supplement folic acid? In fact, supplementation methods are also different for different groups of people. Shen Shiwei, Deputy Director of the Second Obstetrics Department of the Fourth People’s Hospital of Nanchong said:

1. For normal people, food supplements are enough

We usually eat more foods such as spinach, avocado, animal liver, and maintain a balanced diet. The daily intake of folic acid is sufficient.

2. Additional supplements for some groups of people need to be controlledDosage

For patients with known H-type hypertension, or those who lack folic acid in the body, they can be supplemented by nutritional supplements (drugs). The recommended additional daily intake of folic acid is >0.4-0.8mg, the amount of folic acid supplementation should be determined according to your own situation.

Although folic acid supplementation is beneficial for middle-aged and elderly people, we must also pay attention to the amount. Excessive supplementation will cause nerve damage in the human body and may increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, folic acid supplementation for middle-aged and elderly people must be It depends on the actual situation of your body.


[1]”Supplements warning:Two popular vitamin supplements that may increase cancer risk by 21%”.The Daily Express.2021.10.27

< p>[2] “Reasonable folic acid supplementation, accurate prevention of geriatric diseases”. Nanchong Fourth People’s Hospital Service No. 2021-11-12

[3] “Can folic acid supplementation fight tumors? “.

[4]”Does pregnant women only take folic acid? Appropriate supplementation for the elderly is also beneficial” People’s Information. 2021-07-06