After the movement trajectory of the confirmed cases is announced, where will the public go to check? How to check self-examination?

Since the outbreak on April 1, as of 24:00 on April 15, a total of 51 local confirmed cases have been reported in this round of epidemic in Chengdu.

At the same time as the confirmed case is announced, the trajectory of the case will also be announced, and citizens who overlap with the trajectory of the confirmed case are required to report to the community and unit (or hotel where they live) immediately. Prepare and accept nucleic acid testing as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

So, where can I find the trajectory of confirmed cases? How should citizens conduct self-examination against the trajectory? What kind of overlap counts as track overlap? In response to the concerns of citizens, a reporter from Red Star News interviewed experts from the Chengdu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the experts answered them.

Red Star News:What is the overlap Count as track overlap?

CDC: The time and space overlap with the published case movement trajectories, that is, the trajectories overlap.

Red Star News:Where can I check the movement trajectories of confirmed cases?

CDC: The trajectories of cases in Chengdu can be checked on official WeChat accounts such as “Chengdu Release”, “Healthy Chengdu Official Wechat” and “Chengdu CDC” .

Red Star News:If the trajectories overlap, what should the public do if they find out?

CDC: Citizens and friends conduct self-examinations against the movement trajectories of the cases. If they find overlapping trajectories, please take the initiative to report to the community, hotel, and workplace where you live. Report and actively cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention and control measures.

Red Star News:How to implement classified control measures for citizens with overlapping trajectories?

CDC: The points involved in the case trajectory are divided into high, medium and low risk according to the epidemiological investigation. Citizens can refer to the “Healthy Chengdu Official WeChat” “The management requirements for relevant personnel at risk sites in Chengdu, self-inspection of the risk level of the sites and the prevention and control measures that personnel at high, medium and low risk sites need to implement. It is worth noting that the key point control measures may be adjusted according to the on-site flow adjustment situation.

The determination of risk personnel such as close contacts shall be made by professional institutions after epidemiological investigation.

●Persons at high-risk sites:

Home or centralized isolation for 7 days (if the conditions for home isolation are not met, centralized isolation is required), on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th days Carry out a nucleic acid test.

●Persons at medium-risk points:

Home health monitoring for 7 days, and nucleic acid tests are carried out on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days each.

●Persons at low-risk sites:

Complete a nucleic acid test as soon as possible and carry out 7-day health monitoring.

Citizens who receive the 12320 health reminder text message, please follow the requirements of the text message for community reporting and nucleic acid testing.

Attachment: The latest coming (returning) Sichuan policy

< strong>Since April 15th, our province will classify prefecture-level cities (including prefecture-level cities, provincial capital cities, and municipalities directly under the Central Government) with local epidemic outbreaks into Category A areas (prefectures and cities with high risk of epidemic imported into our province) according to the size of the risk. ) and Category B areas (except for Category A areas, other prefectures and cities outside the province where local epidemics have occurred), implement classified management and control.

·All personnel coming to (returning) Sichuan must provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, cooperate with the inspection of the health code and communication itinerary card, and conduct another nucleic acid test within 24 hours after entering Sichuan detection.

·For those who came to (returned) Sichuan with a history of living in Category A areas within 7 days, centralized isolation was implemented until 7 days after arriving in Sichuan, and a throat swab nucleic acid test was performed on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days. The isolation was released after the last double sampling and double testing were negative.

·For those who came (returned) to Sichuan with a history of sojourn in Category B areas within 7 days, the classification management shall be implemented in the following ways:

(1) For counties with local epidemics ( People who come (return) to Sichuan with a history of living in cities, districts, and flags will be quarantined at home until 7 days after arriving in Sichuan, and a throat swab nucleic acid test will be performed on the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days. After the last double sampling and double testing are negative Those who are released from isolation and do not meet the conditions for home isolation will be subject to centralized isolation.

(2) For those who came to (returned) Sichuan with a history of living in other counties (cities, districts, and flags), after entering Sichuan, a throat swab nucleic acid test was performed twice (24 hours apart) for 3 days. Before the results come out, don’t go out or gather unless necessary.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Ling

Editor Wang He

Related links: Hurry up and bookmark! One-click query of nucleic acid detection points in Chengdu↓↓↓ (Click the image below to directly query nucleic acid detection points with one click)

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