After the boiled water is cooled, it is comparable to “chronic poison”? Does drinking water at 65°C cause cancer? This article tells you

Water is the source of life, and is an indispensable source of power for the growth of all things. The normal functioning of the human body’s major organs is inseparable from water. The seedlings in the paddy fields will stop growing and developing if they lack water, and they may die if they are not nourished by water for a long time. The same is true for the human body.

Drinking water is a good habit that everyone must develop, only constant Supplement the human body with a certain amount of water in order to maintain normal physiological activities. Chinese people are also very particular about drinking water, and people often boil water to drink it. However, since the temperature of the water just boiled is as high as 100 ℃, the boiling water of this temperature is very hot, so many people choose to let it cool before drinking.

However, there have been a lot of remarks on the Internet recently about “boiled water is comparable to a chronic poison after cooling down”. The continuous fermentation of the Internet has also attracted the attention of many people. Some people are skeptical, some do not believe it, and some people believe it. So is this statement true?

1. Is boiled water comparable to chronic poison after cooling down?

Water is the source of life, We need to develop a good habit of drinking water every day, we can By drinking water, drinking soup, and drinking tea to absorb the water needed by the human body, only by ingesting enough water can we ensure the healthy operation of the body.

Chinese people likeBoil the water before drinking it, which is actually a very good behavior. Because in the process of boiling water, high temperature can kill the microorganisms and bacteria in the water, and to a certain extent prevent the microorganisms and bacteria in the water from entering the human body through people’s esophagus, which is harmful to health. Therefore, drinking boiled water is actually beneficial to human health, not harmful to human health. Then the remarks about “boiled water is comparable to chronic poison after cooling down” is naturally wrong.

The reason why many people say that drinking boiled water is equal to chronic poison is because cool boiled water for a long time Contact with the air will breed bacteria.These bacteria will enter the body with the esophagus. Some people will have stomach pains after drinking it, but most people will not have any problems, so don’t too worried. To prevent the cold water from breeding bacteria, you can choose to drink the boiled water as soon as possible, or pour it out directly after placing it for a certain period of time.

Drinking boiled water is good for the body, But the cold boiled water should not be left for too long, 16 hours is the best.

Second, the best drinking period of boiled water is 16 hours

place The water quality of boiled water for more than 10 hours will not only decrease, but also seriously affect the taste. At the same time, if the water is left for too long, it will inevitably breed bacteria. Therefore, some children with weak stomachs or children who drink boiled water that has been stored for more than ten hours may easily have diarrhea.

In addition, many people’s water cups do not have lids or never cover lids, which can easily cause invisible microorganisms in the air to enter the cup and breed. Bacteria that are harmful to the human body, so boiled water is best not to drink after 10 hours of storage, If you really want to drink water, you can re-boil the water drink.

We all know that the temperature of boiled water in China is as high as 100℃, but many People don’t wait for the water to boil before pouring it out and drinking it. Will drinking water that is not fully boiled for a long time or drinking water at 65℃ for a long time cause cancer?

Three, often drink 65 ℃ water will cause cancer?

An expert did an experiment. A total of 20 people were invited to the experiment. The expert divided the 20 people into two groups, A and B. A total of 10 people in each group. Next, the experts boiled the water at 100 ℃ and let it cool, and then gave it to the group A to drink, and let the water with only 65 ℃ cool and then gave it to the B group to drink, and then observed for an hour. Responses of people in group B.After an hour some people in group B started to have stomach pains, while people in group A did not feel any discomfort. p>

Through the analysis of this experimental expert, it is concluded that only boiling water at 65°C does not completely kill the bacteria in the water, so it can cause some people to have stomach pains. But not everyone will have a stomachache after drinking it, and there is no direct evidence that drinking water at 65°C will cause cancer.

However, after in-depth research, experts found that many people think that the water at 65°C does not reach 100°C, which is not very hot, so they often drink the water that has just been boiled to 65°C directly. It causes the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus and stomach to be scalded, thereby causing cancer. Therefore, many people often misunderstand the original intention of experts, thinking that “drinking water at 65°C often causes cancer” and “frequently drinking water just boiled at 65°C will burn the esophagus” cause cancer. The descriptions are mixed up.

Drinking water at 65°C will not cause cancer. However, whether the boiled water is 65°C or 100°C, it has a certain temperature.Remember not to drink it directly because of thirst to avoid burning the esophagus . Although drinking water is a normal human behavior, there are also many things to pay attention to. To drink water correctly and healthily, pay attention to the following points.

4. Precautions for drinking water

1. Do not drink too much Water

Once a city child went to his grandfather’s house in the countryside during summer vacation, and when he saw grandpa’s garden full of ripe watermelons, he took Sitting on a small bench and eating in the watermelon field, I couldn’t eat, and made my stomach hurt and I cried. Grandpa felt distressed and wanted to laugh when he saw it. After several hours, the child slowly recovered.

Watermelon contains a lot of water, so eating too much watermelon at one time will make you feel very tired. Drinking too much water at one time is actually a certain truth. Drinking too much water at one time will not only increase the burden on the stomach, but also quickly dilute the blood and increase the burden on the heart, thus endangering human health. So don’t drink too much water or eat too many water-rich foods at once.

2. Don’t be thirsty and drink again

Many people wait until they are thirsty before thinking about drinking water.This behavior will cause the human body and cells to be in a more serious state for a long time. , cause disease, and wait until you are thirsty to drink water, it is easy to drink too much at one time, we have also said that drinking too much water at one time will cause a serious burden to the body.

When you are thirsty, drink water again, and then suddenly a lot of water will come in, It is easy to cause a strong sense of discomfort in the body. Long-term this can easily affect normal physiological activities, cause organ damage, and cause diseases. Therefore, you must get rid of the habit of drinking water when you are thirsty, and develop the good habit of drinking water on time and in quantity every day.

3, Drink less ice water

The hot weather in summer can easily cause thirst, and many people like to drink ice water to quench their thirst However, frequent drinking of ice water may stimulate capillary constriction, causing stomach acid, stomach pain, bloating, and, in severe cases, diarrhea. p>

Many people like to exercise in summer. Drinking ice water after strenuous exercise may also cause certain damage to the heart, spleen and kidney. Severe cases may also cause sudden death.There was a report: Mr. Li has the habit of running every morning, and likes to drink ice water after running. Once or twice is fine. , after drinking the ice water, it is indeed able to cool down immediately, which makes people feel very comfortable. However, one day Mr. Li fell to the ground after drinking the ice water, and it was too late when he was sent to the hospital.

4, Leave the water for a while before drinking it

A lot of water that has not been filtered will have a lot of impurities. These impurities will be very obvious in the boiled water. Maybe you will also see some white substances at the bottom of the water cup after it has been boiled and cooled. These white substances are what people call “scale”.These white substances are harmless to the human body and can be excreted even if they are inhaled.

However, the water in many rural areas still contains a lot of sediment, even after boiling, the sediment still exists, so it is recommended to leave it for a while before drinking. There is still a lot of water that will be polluted, and this kind of water is not recommended to drink. Now the environment is seriously polluted, it is recommended to install a water purifier at home or choose to buy filtered and purified mineral water.

5, Drink more water

With the development of the economy, many beverages emerge one after another. For example: milk tea, green tea, cola, Sprite, milk, etc., as well as beer that many people like, many people choose to use these to quench their thirst. To a certain extent, these can indeed achieve the purpose of quenching thirst, but the effect is still not as good as drinking water directly. Some beverages also feel thirsty the more you drink, So when you are thirsty, you still have to drink water, and you need to drink plain water.

There is a little joke on the Internet, called to drink more boiled water, when two people fall in love, boys always tell girls to drink more Drink plain water, drink plain water for dysmenorrhea, drink more plain water for colds, and tell girls to drink more plain water when there is a situation. Many people think that this boy is very perfunctory. But drinking more boiled water is really beneficial. What are the benefits of drinking so much plain water?

5. Drink plenty of boiled water for beauty and beauty

1, Losing weight

Drinking plenty of water is good for digestion,< span>To a certain extent, it can have the effect of losing weight. Water is the source of life, and many organs of the human body are inseparable from water. Many obese people are a little weak themselves. The organs in the body of obese people are severely affected due to the long-term extrusion, and the speed of teleost is very slow. Therefore, water is very important for obese people.

There are also many people who lose weight,drinking more water to help burn fat. And drinking more boiled water can effectively promote human defecation. Many obese people are obese because they eat too much, but because they eat more and excrete less, causing pathology Sexual obesity. Therefore, drinking more boiled water has many benefits for obese people.

2, Cure a cold< /strong>

Many times, some colds are not very serious and generally do not go to the hospital for treatment. Many parents will boil ginger water for their children to drive away the cold. Also urge children to drink more hot water. Drinking more water when you have a cold can promote sweating and speed up urination. Many bacteria and viruses hidden in the body can be excreted by sweating or urinating, so you can drink more boiled water when you have a cold. .

In fact, drinking hot boiled water is better than plain water, but hot water will be hotter, so be careful not to burn your child when you drink it . Of course, you can drink more boiled water for a small cold, but the cold is more serious, with a high fever above 38°, persistent cough, malaise, etc. It is recommended that you go to the hospital immediately.

3, Cure constipation

Drinking more boiled water can help people with constipation and accelerate intestinal peristalsis. It is recommended that people with constipation drink at least 800ml of water a day. It is best to drink water at good times.Don’t drink too much at one time or just a little at a time, be sure to have a plan Schedule a time to drink water. In this way, it can better and faster promote the regular peristalsis of the intestines and promote normal bowel movements.

3. Detoxification

Every morning is the best time to expel toxins from the human body.And these garbage in the body need the help of external force to be excreted. Water is the best source of power. A glass of water every morning can promote intestinal peristalsis and wake up the intestines to start defecation work. By drinking boiled water to promote perspiration and defecation, to expel toxins from the body, you can naturally achieve the effect of beauty and beauty.

Although there are many benefits to drinking more boiled water, the effect will be better if have time to arrange drinking water every day Oh! Then the best time for the human body to drink water is as follows:

5. Drink water Best time

1. Best time to drink water every day

(1) 5-7 am

This time period is the earliest The best time is also the best time to expel toxins from the body overnight, and it is also the best time to drink water. Through the above introduction, we already know that drinking water in the morning can promote intestinal peristalsis and detoxification, so the first glass of water is very important. Usually drink 100~200ml of water at a time.

(2)9 am

9:00 am is the time when many people first arrive at the office. At this time, many people are tired from rushing to work and crowding the subway. In addition, some people are prone to sleepiness due to lack of sleep at night. Therefore, when you first arrive at the office, you need to drink a glass of water to drive away fatigue, refresh your mind and calm your mood, so as to better improve work efficiency.

(3)Drinking water after lunch

Drink a glass of water half an hour after lunch to speed up blood circulation and promote food digestion. Many people like to drink water while eating, and this behavior can affect stomach health. It is not advisable to drink water immediately after eating. Drinking water immediately after a meal will dilute gastric juice and seriously affect digestion.


The human body is easy to fall asleep after a lunch break, and a cup of Boiled waterwakes up the cells of the human body, making people more awake and full of energy, and work more energetically. 2:30 to 5:00 in the afternoon is also the human body During the most frequent period of exercise, whether it is labor work or drudge work, it is easy to cause thirst due to serious work, so be sure to pay attention to adding water and drinking more water.

(5)Half an hour before dinner

Breakfast is delicious, lunch is full, and dinner is small. It is not recommended for everyone to eat too much food for dinner, because many people choose to drink some water before dinner, which can make themselves feel full. Eat dinner There are naturally very few times.


< strong>Everything in the world is inseparable from water.Once the human body is separated from water, all major organs cannot function normally. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink more water, especially boiled water . For many online comments about “boiled water is comparable to chronic poison after cooling down” and “will drinking water at 65°C cause cancer?” Laws have no scientific basis, so don’t let these rumors affect your good habit of drinking water.

It is recommended to drink no less than 800ml of water every day. Boiled water can effectively kill bacteria in the water, but the water that has just been boiled is very hot to the mouth. It is recommended to drink it after cooling to avoid burns. Boiled boiled water should not be placed for too long. The longer the time is, the easier it is to breed bacteria and endanger your health.