After the age of 65, beware of these actions, which may cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular collapse

In my country, the number of people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases has exceeded 270 million. It is the leading cause of death from all diseases. In addition to the high fatality rate, there is also a disability rate. More than 50% of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases cannot take care of themselves.

Experts at home and abroad remind us that the following 9 Try not to do this exercise after the age of 65, especially the first one!

< span>Suddenly back

< p data-track="7">“This action can easily lead to headache, dizziness, and even acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease attacks, neck fractures, etc. in severe cases.”

Professor Shen Yanying, an expert from China Health Education Center, introduced that she has high blood pressure , cervical spondylosis, osteoporosis and other diseases in the elderly especially to avoid.

This is because, When you turn your head, your neck also moves. Although the neck is thin, it contains cervical vertebrae, dense nerves and blood vessels and other tissues. It is an important “lifeline”. The carotid arteries on both sides of the neck provide more than 80% of the blood supply to the brain. The signals sent by the brain All have to go down through the neck.

The elderly are often prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and the cervical spine is more fragile. The act of turning back suddenly may become the fuse for the collapse of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular .

< span>Bend over your feet

” Stand with your legs upright, then bend over to reach your feet with your hands, this is a common warm-up and is always used to measure a person’s flexibility. ”

However, Dr. John White, an American medical expert, reminds that doing this exercise after the age of 65 will cause adverse effects on the spine, bones, muscles, and even blood pressure.

on As we age, the joints that connect our hips and back begin to weaken, making it more likely to cause muscle damage and even fractures. Of course, a warm-up before exercise is essential and can be replaced by moving your wrists, ankles, or briskly walking for a few minutes.


If you are young, it is best to stick to dozens of supines every night Sit up, but after 65, don’t hold on to it anymore.

Shen Yanying said, < strong>There are three possible risks of sit-ups in middle-aged and elderly people:

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  • First, holding the head with both hands requires forward force, but it may be caused by insufficient arm muscle strength. Body imbalance;

  • Second, it uses almost the entire spine of the human body, and many middle-aged and elderly people have problems with the cervical and lumbar spine. Coupled with osteoporosis, it is very easy to cause sports injuries;

    < li data-track="37">Third, the position of the head changes greatly, and the head is mainly lowered, which may lead to increased blood pressure and accidents in patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

torso twist

From one side of the body, take the waist as the axis, and rotate to the other side as much as possible. This action is beneficial to improve the flexibility of the body.

But John White Said that the strength of the back muscles of the middle-aged and the elderly has decreased, and the range of motion has also begun to be limited. Standing and doing this action can easily cause sports injuries, and may also cause falls due to body imbalance.

If middle-aged and elderly To do this, can be done lying down or sitting. Shen Yanying reminded that everyone must protect the waist, the meat will be reduced by 3% to 5%, and the balance of the body will also deteriorate.

stair climbing

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Stair climbing is an exercise that can lead to accidents.

John White said that data show that more than 51% of falls among people over 65 years old are related to climbing stairs, which cause 20,000 deaths each year, and only elevators cause deaths. There are 27 people.

Shen Yanying said, absolutely Most of the middle-aged and elderly people over 65 years old have degenerated joints. When going up and down stairs or climbing mountains, the knee joint bears 3 to 5 times the normal body weight, which will aggravate joint aging.

She suggested,< strong>It is best not to choose the exercise method of climbing stairs for middle-aged and elderly people. If you need to go up and down the stairs, you must grasp the handrail firmly.

Stand with pants

The ligaments and joints of middle-aged and elderly people have experienced different degrees of aging or lesions. Standing wearing pants or shoes is not only easy to be caused by poor balance It can lead to falls, and then cause fractures. It may also stimulate the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular because of the constant bowing, resulting in increased blood pressure.

Therefore, When middle-aged and elderly people wear trousers or shoes and socks, they must sit on a chair or bed.


Walking backwards

Many people think that walking backwards has changed the usual way of walking way to slow down brain aging. But in fact, the theory that the brain dominates the opposite side is mainly for the left and right sides, and does not apply to the front and back.

Walking backwards, Due to the decline in balance, vision, and reaction ability of middle-aged and elderly people, it is easy to cause accidents. If an unexpected sound is heard, the middle-aged and elderly people are also prone to turn around in a conditioned reflex, which increases health risks.

She believes that normal brisk walking is the best form of exercise. You can rub a fitness ball or walnuts in your hands as you walk, which is good for stimulating peripheral loops.

If you insist on pouring If you are going, you must also find a safe area with fewer people and fewer cars, and it is best to have someone behind you to remind you of the risks at any time.

< span>Bend over to pick up heavy objects

< span>Many people in life have had the experience of “flashing waist”. Shen Yanying said that bending over to pick up heavy objects is an action that everyone should avoid, especially middle-aged and elderly people over 65 years old.

This is because they After many years of “service”, various problems have occurred in the waist of the waist. Bending down to directly extract heavy objects may lead to accidents.

fetch “Three steps” for heavy loads:

  • The first step is to move your body closer to the weight;

  • The second step, bend your knees, bend your hips, and use your hands to hold the object steady; span>

  • Step 3 , extend your knees and hips to pick up the item.

Stools too hard

70-year-old Xiamen native Wang has been suffering from high blood pressure for more than 10 years , I recently developed constipation. One morning, I finally had the “feeling urge”. He was in a hurry and tried too hard to defecate. Unexpectedly, he suddenly became dizzy, had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and fell to the ground.

Shen Yanying explained, In patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension, the elasticity of blood vessels becomes poor, the abdominal pressure of the patient increases during defecation, the resistance of peripheral blood vessels increases, and blood pressure rises accordingly. Sudden cerebral hemorrhage.

When the elderly have a bowel movement, they must not be too anxious and take their time. Develop the habit of regular bowel movements and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have a high incidence, high disability rate, high recurrence rate, and high mortality rate, and we do not want accidents to occur to ourselves and our families.

So, a certain time Remind yourself and your family to stay away from these dangerous behaviors and be alert to various signs before the disease! Show it to them now!