After suffering from angina, keep these 5 nursing methods in mind, or it may help the condition get better

Angina pectoris is a relatively serious chronic disease, mainly caused by insufficient coronary blood supply or increased myocardial oxygen consumption. Common in the middle-aged and elderly population.

This condition causes patients to experience chest pain and chest tightness.

Over time, the pain will spread to areas such as the shoulder and back, rest for a whileOr medication for some relief.

However, some patients have recurrent symptoms, causing dizziness, nausea, and difficulty breathing.

Because the disease is difficult to completely cure, it requires long-term care. The following is a detailed introduction to five common nursing methods, which patients should pay special attention to.

1. Rational drug use

< p>First of all, once a patient suffers from angina pectoris, they should go to the hospital in time for examination to clarify the cause, and then carry out rational drug use under the guidance of the doctor .

During taking the medicine, patients should follow the doctor’s instructions as much as possible, do not use any medicine blindly, let alone discontinue the medicine without authorization.

If you experience some abnormal symptoms during drug treatment, such as skin bleeding, please inform your doctor as soon as possible, >It is up to the doctor to decide whether other medicines need to be changed.

Second, Pay attention to postoperative maintenance p>

If the condition is serious, the patient should go to the hospital for angina surgery as soon as possible to fundamentally improve the condition.

However, be aware that this type of surgery will leave an incision on the patient’s body, so the patient should pay great attention to postoperative care to preventbody. strong>Incision site has redness, swelling, bleeding and other problems.

Once there is a abnormal situation, it is necessary to inform the doctor in time to avoid wound infection and deterioration Happening.

Three, insist on review after operation

Even if a patient successfully completes the related surgery, that doesn’t mean the body is healed.

Because of the high probability of recurrence of this disease, after surgery, patients should still follow the doctor’s advice and arrive within the specified time. Hospital to go to Recheck to learn about the recovery of the condition.

If the patient has experienced unpleasant symptoms in the recent period of time, such as nausea, general weakness, etc., then take timely treatment Action to process it.

Fourth, adjust eating habits

If angina pectoris surgery, within three days after surgery, patients should timely adjust their eating habits and try to eat a liquid diet< /strong>Mainly, and then gradually transform liquid diet into normal diet according to your own recovery.

Specifically, the patient’s diet should be based on low-salt, low-fat, and less fried, spicy or other irritating foods. Food, supplement more protein and vitamins, to better improve the condition.

V. Properly strengthen exercise

In < strong>During treatment, while the patient needs more rest, this does not mean staying in bed all the time.

In normal times , patients should also strengthen exercise appropriately, and try to choose some moderate sports, such as walking, tai chi, etc., so as to Promote metabolism and improve the body’s immunity.

However, it should be noted that the patient’s daily exercise time should not be too long, so as not to cause adverse effects< /strong>.

These are five common care practices. Regarding angina pectoris, patients should be prepared for long-term care.

During the treatment process, patients should follow the doctor’s orders to take medicines and regularly go to the hospital for re-examination, so as to improve their recovery. At the same time, patients should avoid excessive physical labor, rest more, and maintain emotional stability in their daily life, >To avoid aggravating the disease.

If the patient has other diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, etc., then attention should be paid to timely diagnosis of the primary disease. Control.