After quitting smoking, shortness of breath decreases and cardiopulmonary function improves… But one consequence of quitting smoking may lead to failure to quit smoking!

(the picture comes from the Internet)

A cigarette can release approximately 38 toxic chemicals that can produce more than 40 carcinogens. Smoking can be said to be harmful and not beneficial. According to the WHO report, lifelong smokers lose at least 10 years of life. The health hazards of smoking include: cough, shortness of breath, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and various cancers. Many people have to quit smoking because of strong cough, lung disease, heart bypass and other reasons. However, after quitting smoking, they find that their appetite is getting better and better after quitting smoking, and their weight has increased unknowingly.

Most smokers have a desire to quit or have tried to quit. Weight gain after quitting smoking, among other reasons, may also contribute to failure to quit smoking.