After fighting for 36 days to cure more than 3,000 people, the Liaoning medical team to Shanghai is on its way home

“We have forged a deep friendship with the people of Shanghai. Now we cherish our goodbyes, and a vibrant Shanghai is just around the corner.”

“The smiling faces of the patients who have recovered from the cabin are the most beautiful faces of the Liaoning team. Good report card!”

On the morning of May 21st, 200 medical team members from Liaoning Province in red to Shanghai successfully completed their medical work in Shanghai and boarded the plane on their way back home.

On April 15, the Liaoning Provincial Aid Shanghai Medical Team arrived in Shanghai and took over the Baoshan Fangcang shelter hospital. On the 17th, the cabin was opened to receive 1,500 beds. The medical team was formed by Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 3 TCM hospitals affiliated to the university, with a total of 200 medical staff. Lv Xiaodong, the president of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, served as the team leader and expert consultation team leader. The average age of the team members was 33 years old, including 62 party members. , 32 people with senior professional titles or above, and the post-90s account for 46%. Among the team members, there are 11 young Qihuang scholars, national outstanding TCM clinical talents, academic experience successors of old TCM experts and provincial famous TCM practitioners, accounting for 22% of the total number of dispatched doctors. The medical staff specialize in TCM lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, critical care medicine, emergency, acupuncture, rehabilitation, pediatrics, gynecology and hospital infection.

The Liaoning Provincial Aid Shanghai Medical Team gives full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine technology, so as to achieve the comprehensive treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. Covering, using “three sides and three medicines”, focusing on traditional Chinese medicine techniques, applying acupuncture (eye acupuncture), massage, scraping, thunder fire moxibustion, traditional Chinese medicine sticking, auricular pressure seeds, burning moxa and incense and other special treatments to achieve “eliminate symptoms, cut off Condition, turn negative as soon as possible”. The consultation team entered the cabin many times, and established the treatment principle of “strengthening the body and consolidating the root” for patients with nucleic acid “Changyang” (which has not turned negative for more than two weeks), children, the elderly and those with underlying diseases. Characteristics, regional characteristics, and the characteristics of the patient’s own physical constitution, the four diagnostics are combined with reference to the participation, the syndrome differentiation and treatment, and the “one person, one policy, one side” is adopted, and an exclusive Chinese medicine prescription is prescribed for each patient.

At 9:00 on May 20, the second phase of Shanghai Baoshan Jingcan Road Fangcai Hospital under the jurisdiction of the Liaoning Provincial Aid Shanghai Medical Team was officially closed. A total of 3,064 patients have been cured. The minimum age is 3 months and the maximum The age of 90 years old, the “Changyang” patient’s 7-day negative rate is over 90%, and the usage rate of traditional Chinese medicine is 97.38%.

(The video and pictures are provided by the Liaoning Medical Team for Shanghai Aid)

(People’s Daily Client Shanghai Channel Jiang Hongbing)