After being addicted to alcohol for more than 20 years, the 53-year-old Shandong Dahan was diagnosed with two types of cancer.

[Source: Qianjiang Evening News]

Qianjiang Evening News Hours News Correspondent Wang Yifeng Reporter Wu Chaoxiang

53 years old Mr. Zhang is from Shandong. He likes to drink for more than 20 years. Recently, he was diagnosed with two types of early cancer: esophageal cancer and hypopharyngeal cancer. In the process of treatment, whether or not to “protect the throat” became a difficult problem until Mr. Zhang came to Zhejiang Cancer Hospital.

He has been addicted to alcohol for more than 20 years

Two kinds of early cancers that are easy to be found are found

Mr. Zhang is burly and outspoken. His greatest hobby is drinking, and he has been drinking almost every day for more than 20 years. However, Mr. Zhang, who is addicted to alcohol, still has some health awareness. He is afraid that long-term drinking will damage his body, so he will have regular physical examinations every year.

Three years ago, doctors advised him to add gastroenteroscopy, and this time a precancerous lesion was found in the esophagus. At that time, he went to a large hospital in Beijing for esophageal ESD (endoscopic submucosal dissection), and the postoperative pathology also confirmed that it was a precancerous lesion.

After that, Mr. Zhang maintained the habit of annual gastroscopy. In May of this year, the physical examination found that there was a precancerous lesion in the mucosa of another part of the esophagus; at the same time, there was also a mucosal lesion in the hypopharynx at the entrance of the esophagus, which was considered to be early hypopharyngeal cancer.

The doctor pointed out that the two locations are close together, and it is not surprising that esophageal and hypopharyngeal cancers often occur together. However, esophageal cancer can be solved by ESD surgery, but the cancer of the hypopharynx is very difficult. Because the shape of the hypopharynx is irregular and it is very close to the vocal cords, the patient will lose their voice if they are not careful, and this position is relatively closed. It is very skillful to reach this position with the minimally invasive knife, and few doctors can do it.

The local doctor consulted and suggested that the surgery should be performed with a support laryngoscope. The side effects of this surgery are more obvious, which can cause vocal ligament damage and laryngeal edema. At the same time, due to the stimulation of the vocal cords and airway during intubation, breathing difficulties and even suffocation may occur in severe cases.

If you want to treat two cancers in one operation, you can only do it through open surgery. The surgery is traumatic, affects the future vocal function, and seriously reduces the quality of life. This is unacceptable to Mr. Zhang.

When he was in a daze, a doctor pointed him in a direction during the consultation in Beijing: Professor Wang Shi, director of the Endoscopy Department of Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, has considerable experience in ESD treatment of hypopharyngeal cancer, and is currently One of the few doctors in the country who can implement the technology. Like grabbing a life-saving straw, Mr. Zhang immediately made an appointment with Professor Wang Shi’s expert number and rushed to Hangzhou for medical treatment.

The expert gives the best surgical plan

He seems to have taken a reassuring pill

at first sight When he arrived at Professor Wang Shi, Mr. Zhang shared his anxiety and confusion, “I still have a long way to go, I don’t want to live with malignant tumors, and I can’t accept the sequelae of loss of voice, otherwise my life will have no quality. Even the big hospitals in Beijing can’t solve this problem. They all say early diagnosis and early treatment. I don’t want to cause huge losses to my body.”

Professor Wang Shi replied after a serious evaluation: “We can pass the Endoscopic ESD minimally invasive technology solves the problems of the esophagus and hypopharynx at the same time, without the need for a large surgical knife.”

At the same time, Professor Wang Shi explained the steps of simultaneous ESD in the esophagus and hypopharynx in detail. , Difficulties and solutions that may be encountered during the operation. Such a clear surgical idea undoubtedly gave Mr. Zhang a reassurance, so he decided to perform the operation immediately.

Soon, Mr. Zhang was admitted to the hospital. After completing the preoperative examination, he underwent ESD on June 22. The process was very smooth. Then open to eating. Postoperative pathology confirmed that Mr. Zhang’s hypopharyngeal and esophageal lesions were completely resected, and they were superficial early cancers. According to the guidelines, he did not need radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and he only needed regular follow-up. Two days later, Mr. Zhang, full of gratitude, was discharged from the hospital safely.

Professor Wang Shi introduced that clinical upper and lower pharyngeal cancer is relatively rare. When discomfort occurs, it is often in the advanced stage of the disease and has a poor prognosis. If early diagnosis and treatment can be performed, the prognosis can be significantly improved.

However, laryngoscopy is not a basic item of physical examination, so the overall detection rate of early hypopharyngeal cancer is low. Middle-aged and elderly men with a long history of smoking and drinking are a high-risk group of the disease. Professor Wang Shi suggested that such people should undergo regular endoscopic examinations, and pay attention to carefully observe whether there are lesions in the hypopharynx.

It is reported that ESD is a new treatment method that has emerged in recent years. This kind of technology with good clinical application prospects can allow more early-stage gastrointestinal cancers to be completely removed under endoscopy at one time. , eliminating the pain of open surgery and the removal of organs. In the treatment of early hypopharyngeal cancer, it can completely strip the lesions and preserve the function of the throat. It has the advantages of less trauma, faster recovery and less cost, and can significantly improve the quality of life of patients. However, due to the difficulty, there are few doctors in China who can perform this operation for hypopharyngeal cancer. Zhejiang Cancer Hospital has been carrying out such operations for seven years, and has accumulated hundreds of successful cases. The prognosis of the patients is also very good, which opens up a better treatment way for the early treatment of the disease.

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