After 50, how long should you sleep every day? ‘8 hours’ sleep may not be for you anymore

Sleep is a big deal,Not getting enough sleep every day is exhausting, It’s like losing the soul, without spirit. It also has a great impact on our lives, and our body will quietly detoxify us when we are asleep. If we don’t sleep well, it will hurt our body.Young People who are healthy can sleep on the bed without any scruples. What about people after the age of 50?

Beginning at age 50, the body will feel less and less like before, whether it is action Whether it is sensitivity or immunity, diseases of all sizes may occur. If the weather turns cold, you will also catch a small cold, eat a little food, and sometimes experience indigestion and flatulence. So, after the age of 50, you still have to be old, and you have to pay attention. For example, sleep is the most important thing .

Starting at age 50, your sleep may be about to change.

Researchers in the United States conducted an experiment on how much sleep 50-year-olds need to be good for their health. The subjects of the experiment are 90,000 people over the age of 50, and then follow up for seven or eight years.It turns out that these people sleep every day People who sleep 9 hours a day are more likely to have a stroke than those who sleep 7 hours a day, and up to 70%, The difference is only two hours, the difference in risk is so big, it can be seen The importance of sleep for people over 50 years old.

The blood of the elderly is relatively viscous, the sleep time is not controlled, Excessive length may lead to cardiovascular disease. And older adults tend to be more tired the more they sleep. A study published in the journal Sleep showed that people who slept more than 9 hours a day were more likely to suffer from cognitive impairment than those who slept 7 to 8 hours a day, and dementia. The Alzheimer’s Association has also announced that if the elderly sleep more than 7 hours for a long time, the brain will be unable to concentrate and increase the risk of early dementia.In other words, sleep well The longer it is, the more dangerous it is.

So after the age of 50, the sleep time should still be controlled., the sleep time for men is 6.5 hours, and the sleep time for women is 6.5 hours. 7 hours is fine. If work is too busy, nap for about 20 minutes at noon is fine.

Many elderly people have poor sleep quality, and without good sleep, their body quality will get worse and worse. We all know that the elderly are prone to waking up early, and they may gradually experience some discomfort symptoms due to the increase of age, and then affect sleep. The sleep of the elderly is very important, and we must correct it in time.

If you want to sleep well after the age of 50, don’t ignore these points!

Keep a quiet environment before going to bedbecausethe elderly have light sleep,< /strong>Any bells and whistles can affect them, and then it can be hard to fall asleep. Therefore, any adverse factors must be avoided before going to bed.It is best to choose curtains that do not transmit light in the bedroom, good sleep is inseparable The secretion of melatonin in the body should be normal. In addition to the brightness and the air humidity in the bedroom, open the windows frequently during the day to keep the bedroom environment in a good condition, as well as the temperature, the bedroom should be Close to the main road, you can choosethicker curtainsalso have the effect of sound insulation.

Eat dinner at night until 7 minutes full., the digestive ability is not good when you are old , Eating too much will cause bloating and affect sleep. It is best to chew the food several times in the mouth, about 30 times is best, you can drink it in the eveningPorridge cooked for a long time,If it is made withbeans Even better, helps the body replenish protein. After a meal, you can walk for about 30 minutes to digest food and reduce the burden on the stomach. During the daytime, you can choose to exercise at around 4 pm, sunshine temperature and moderate temperature are suitable, You can do Tai Chi, or shake the diabolo. Pay attention to the choice of clothing, shoes with soft bottom thickness, the clothes should not be too tight, and it is good to absorb sweat and breathe.

Feeling sleepy at noon, many elderly people choose to take a nap at this time, the time is the most Well, no more than 1 hour, Because a long nap will lead to more energy at night. Then it becomes staying up late, which is very unfriendly to the body. If you can’t sleep at night, you can drink some hot milk, or soak your feet, The soaking time should be about 15 minutes, the acupuncture points on the feet More, you can massage while soaking, relieve body fatigue and promote sleep. Read the newspaper or chat with familyRelaxing is fine.

If the elderly do not sleep well, you can try the above points. If you persist for a period of time, your sleep condition should be greatly improved. If you want to know if you are sleeping well, you can see if you meet these points.

sleepcan lie flat without chest tightness, Many people have a higher risk of coronary heart disease as they age, and they will feel chest pain and stuffy feeling if they sleep. Lie down and fall asleep in less than half an hour, and sleep in minutes. There will be no cramping or tingling in the legs when sleeping,no sudden awakenings in the middle of the night, and even if you wake up, you will fall asleep quickly. At night, I hardly get up to go to the toilet or go to the toiletfew times to the toilet, and sleep well until dawn is considered a good night’s sleep.

If you do the above few days, it means that after 50, you are still a healthy old man. No matter how old you are, you still have to have a good attitude and keep an open mind about everything. After all, you are over half a century old, and your health is the most important thing.


1. “Is it good to feel more? Can really sleep “stupid” sleep time is too long and easy to get dementia”—— 2021-06-29

2. “The quality of sleep in the elderly is poor? Pay attention to these 5 aspects , to help you improve your sleep quickly” – – 2020-02-21