After 4 days of Internet celebrity hangover pills, a 25-year-old boy became a “minion”

Changjiang Daily, Wuhan client, May 23 (correspondent Zhou Shan) used the Internet celebrity hangover medicine as a “talisman”, and the man drank liquor and red wine for 4 days. , become the “yellow man”. Doctors said that a step later, it may lead to liver failure.

Zhai Jun (pseudonym), a 25-year-old man, often has dinners with friends to relieve stress. In the first ten days of May, he specially purchased a popular imported hangover drug online, and took it before drinking and during drinking. Relying on the drug’s “liver protection and hangover” effect, he drank half a catty of high-quality liquor every night for 4 consecutive days. Nearly 300ml of red wine. Unexpectedly, he had nausea and vomiting, weakness of limbs, and itchy skin. He worked reluctantly for several days until his urine, skin color, and sclera of his eyes turned dark yellow. Zhai Jun came to the nearby Changjiang Shipping General Hospital and Wuhan Brain Hospital to seek medical treatment. .

After timely and perfect examination, gastrointestinal, gallbladder, kidney, heart and other diseases were ruled out, the consultation expert Xie Lingli found that the patient’s total bilirubin was significantly higher than the normal value, and the transaminase was even higher than the normal value. More than 20 times the upper limit, combined with the course and symptoms, Zhai Jun was diagnosed with liver insufficiency caused by drug-induced and alcoholic liver damage.

“People who live irregularly for a long time and who drink heavily will increase the risk of liver damage.” Xie Lingli said that the patient suddenly overdose with unknown ingredients in a short period of time. Alcohol further increases the burden on the liver, and if the treatment persists, the disease is aggravated, and a series of acute liver damage symptoms such as sclera and skin yellowing, dark yellow urine and so on appear.

Xie Lingli is doing a physical examination for the patient.

In order to prevent the deterioration of the condition and lead to fatal risks such as liver failure, the Department of Gastroenterology immediately consulted with multidisciplinary experts such as the Department of Infectious Diseases, and promptly formulated comprehensive treatment plans for Zhai Jun, including liver protection and jaundice. After 10 days of careful medical care, his transaminase has been significantly reduced, his total bilirubin has returned to normal, and the yellowing of his eyes and skin has disappeared.

Many hangover medicines, especially the so-called internet celebrity products, claim to protect the liver, protect the liver, and accelerate alcohol metabolism, which is actually an exaggeration. Xie Lingli explained that although the nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache and other discomforts that occur after drinking can be relieved by taking drugs, alcohol and drugs both rely on the liver to detoxify, which greatly increases the burden on the liver.

“It’s better to drink less or not drink for health.” Xie Lingli reminded that once frequent nausea, vomiting and other digestive system discomfort occur after drinking, calling should not wait for disturbance of consciousness, flushing, irregular heartbeat, For cardiovascular abnormalities such as blood pressure fluctuations, do not delay. You must seek medical treatment as soon as possible and carry out symptomatic treatment to avoid acute liver damage, secondary heart and cerebrovascular diseases, and life-threatening.