Acne on the face, often press these 2 acupoints

Tianshu and inner chamber for acne on cheeks and forehead p>

Old acne on cheeks, forehead, and reddish color, heavy breath, bloating, and sometimes constipation.

This is caused by a strong stomach. “Fire inflammation”, the stomach fire spreads along the stomach meridian to the face and forehead, so these parts have acne; the fire goes up the esophagus, so there will be a breath and the stomach will become harmonious, and the stomach fire will go up, which means the stomach The function of the stomach is abnormal, and the food cannot be digested, which will cause abdominal distension; when the anger is large, the scum will be burned, and the water will naturally decrease.

The way to improve is to press Neiting and Tianshu points!


Inner Court: The Ying point of the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, (Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic) has “Ying” The main body is hot”, so the inner court mainly relieves the stomach fire.

The inner court is on the instep where the second and third toes meet. It is necessary to tap 200 times with the belly of the finger in the direction of the bone suture every day. The force should be large. According to the individual’s ability to bear, the degree of acceptance is acceptable. The best time is 7-9 in the morning, because the stomach meridian is the most abundant at this time.

Tianshu: It is the acupoint of the stomach meridian, and it is also the acupoint of the large intestine meridian. The so-called raising point is the gathering place of visceral qi in the chest and abdomen, which is equivalent to the camp where the qi of the large intestine meridian is stationed in the lower abdomen. Therefore, Tianshu acupoint not only regulates the qi of the stomach meridian, but also adjusts the function of the large intestine, promotes defecation, and makes acne and bad breath disappear quickly. It is like a drain pool at home, the sewer is open, and the dirt deposited in the pool will go down quickly.

Tianshu is the width of two thumbs away from the navel, one on each side of the navel. Use the belly of your thumb to press the Tianshu acupoint with a slightly stronger force, then press on the acupoint and rotate it gently.

Operation method: Get up in the morning, first tap the inner court on both sides with your thumb for 2 minutes to relieve stomach fire, and then press and rub the Tianshu on both sides for 2 minutes to relieve bowel movement. Half an hour after a meal, massage the Tianshu point for 1-2 minutes. This stimulus can be used every day regardless of the season.


Inner Court< /p>

Acne, bad breath, irritating phenomena, as long as you insist on stimulating the bilateral inner court and Tianshu for 3 minutes every day, can be quickly eliminated.

In addition, drink more warm water to promote detoxification.

Diet suggestion: Eat less fatty and greasy foods, such as various fried foods, meat, especially beef and mutton ;Eat more vegetables.