Academician Zhang Boli interprets the new version of the new crown diagnosis and treatment plan

Health Times reporter Li Yimeng

“On the basis of the previous eight editions, the ninth edition of the plan, which combines the mutated virus strains, emerging clinical manifestations of new coronary pneumonia and the actual situation of treatment progress, is very timely and reasonable. It will play a better guiding role in clinical prevention and treatment.” On March 23, Zhang Boli, the winner of the national honorary title of “People’s Hero” and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was a guest on the live interview program “Chinese Medicine Policy Anti-epidemic” on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Channel of the Health Client of the People’s Daily. Authoritative interpretation of the new version of the new coronary pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan.

New crown diagnosis and treatment plan is more accurate

Zhang Boli introduced that this version of the program has many new changes. For example, in terms of admission standards, “antigen self-test + nucleic acid diagnosis” has been added, and infected cases are classified and treated, and mild patients are managed in centralized isolation instead of going to the hospital for treatment; in terms of discharge standards, the Ct value of nucleic acid is clearly marked , that is, you can be discharged when it is greater than or equal to 35, which is more accurate than the previous threshold; in terms of treatment, two specific anti-new coronavirus drugs are recommended; in terms of release of isolation management, the time for post-discharge isolation management and health monitoring has been reduced from 14 days Adjusted to 7 days, etc., the new version of the plan also revised and improved the content of Chinese medicine treatment. These more scientific and precise changes take into account social costs and anti-epidemic effects, and coordinate with epidemic prevention and control and social and economic life.

Traditional Chinese MedicineAccording to the time and placeConditionsTypes of medication< /p>

“In this round of epidemics, the new coronary pneumonia caused by the Omicron strain in Tianjin, Hong Kong, Jilin and other places all showed severe dampness, but the symptoms were slightly different. Such as cold, heat, dryness, etc.” Zhang Boli said that compared with the past, the new coronary pneumonia caused by the Omikron strain has many differences, but the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine syndromes have basically remained unchanged, and the core pathogenesis is still dampness. Epidemic pathogen stagnation of the lung is characterized by concurrent onset of the disease, emphasizing the use of medicines based on time and local conditions and syndrome differentiation.

Zhang Boli introduced that the expert group saw the regional climate characteristics of Qinghai, Gansu and other northwestern regions, and the epidemic virus is easy to get dry. Such patients usually have dry and itchy throat, constipation and discomfort, dry tongue and less fluid. In terms of treatment, the symptoms of dryness and other pathogens are also different from the report on the treatment of dampness and accumulation in the lungs. Therefore, adding this part of the content to the plan is more conducive to guiding the treatment in various places.

Add acupuncture, Chinese medicine for children

It is worth noting that the content of acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatment for children has been added to the new version of the plan.

“Acupuncture stimulates and strengthens the zang-fu essence by stimulating acupuncture points, so that the invading pathogenic pathogens are disintegrated and expelled from the body, regulating immune function, improving the body’s self-protection ability, and contributing to the prevention and treatment of new coronary pneumonia. Treatment and rehabilitation, overseas experience has also confirmed this.” Zhang Boli said that the addition of acupuncture will further enrich the treatment methods of new coronary pneumonia, especially for the overseas application of acupuncture treatment.

In the new version of the program, different acupuncture points and manipulations are recommended for different patients with mild, common and severe types, which is also a manifestation of acupuncture and moxibustion. In severe cases, it protects organs, regulates immune function, removes residual toxins and restores righteousness during the recovery period, and achieves different treatment goals at different stages of the disease.

In recent epidemics, there are many children infected with the new crown. Zhang Boli said that taking the children with new coronary pneumonia from the current round of epidemic in Tianjin as an example, their syndrome characteristics are not exactly the same as those of adults. In clinical practice, mild type is more common, common type is rare, and severe type is not seen. Pulmonary inflammation, palpitations, fatigue, etc. are left in the recovery period. Symptoms are also milder. The new version of the plan arranges prescriptions according to the characteristics of children, which is of great significance for guiding the treatment of children after infection.

The key to treating mild patients with traditional Chinese medicine is “early”

“The Omicron strain is more contagious and has a shorter incubation period, but the symptoms are relatively mild, mainly including dry and itchy throat, sore throat, fever, cough and other upper respiratory tract symptoms The performance of pneumonia is not typical, and most of them are mild and asymptomatic infections, and the treatment effect of traditional Chinese medicine is better.” Zhang Boli pointed out that the new version of the plan pointed out that the light patients should be isolated and managed in a centralized manner, and the key to treatment is “early” (the virus replication is active as soon as possible). Intervention effect is better), can use traditional Chinese medicine three-party three-drug treatment, the first time to use the drug and double the first amount, drink more water and rest, and try to control the disease from spreading and developing.

“Western medicine has no symptoms, while traditional Chinese medicine has syndromes.” Zhang Boli said that asymptomatic infections should be paid attention to, as they are contagious, and symptoms may gradually appear, especially if they are older, People with high-risk factors such as underlying diseases, weak physique, obesity, and unhealthy lifestyle habits change rapidly. Such people often have symptoms such as dry and itchy throat, greasy tongue coating, unpleasant or dry stools, etc., which can be treated by pre-existing symptoms and truncated. According to TCM syndrome differentiation, use herbal medicines such as Lianhua Qingwen, Huoxiangzhengqi, Yinqiaosan, Jingfang Granules, Fangfengtongsheng and other Chinese patent medicines to regulate Qi and blood imbalance, dampness and turbidity, etc. It will play a good role in promoting Yin conversion and no symptoms.

“Traditional Chinese medicine intervenes early and participates in the whole process. It has played an important role in all stages of the new coronary pneumonia. Adhering to the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, I believe we can overcome this epidemic.” Zhang Boli said.