Academician Zhang Boli: In response to Omi Keron, Chinese medicine is effective

(People’s Daily Health Client Liu Xiaoxu) “In the first round of China’s Omicoron siege on January 8, 62 patients, ranging in age from 12 to 90 years old, were treated by traditional Chinese medicine in the TCM ward established in Tianjin. The average length of hospital stay is 11.4 days, the average nucleic acid turn negative time is 9.7 days, and the fastest negative turnaround time is 5 days, and none of the cases became severe.” Academician Zhang Boli introduced that the Omicron strain is more contagious , the incubation period is short, but the symptoms are relatively mild, mainly including dry and itchy throat, sore throat, fever, cough and other upper respiratory tract symptoms. The initial stage of pulmonary inflammation is not obvious, and most of them are mild and asymptomatic. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment The effect is better.

Recently, there have been outbreaks of COVID-19 caused by mutated strains of Omicron all over the country. In order to adapt to changes in the situation, the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly issued the “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Version 9)” to revise and improve the content of traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

The new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan is more than a year after the previous version. What is the background? Why should the content of TCM treatment be revised and improved? The winner of the National Honorary Title of the People’s Hero and academician Zhang Boli, a national famous Chinese medicine doctor, was a guest. The Chinese Medicine Channel of the Health Client of Min Daily specially planned a special live broadcast of “Chinese Medicine Strategy Anti-epidemic” to interpret the guiding significance of the new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan for the diagnosis and treatment of Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine is effective in coping with Omic, and the new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan simultaneously increases the length of traditional Chinese medicine

“The biggest change in the new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan is that the length of traditional Chinese medicine has increased significantly.”< /p>

Introduced by Academician Zhang Boli, there are many differences in the manifestations of new coronary pneumonia caused by the Omicron strain, but the core characteristics of TCM syndromes have not changed. This revision has formed an expert consensus by summarizing the treatment experience across the country. In the process of forming the plan, the experts took into account the regional climate characteristics of Qinghai, Gansu and other northwestern regions. In the past two years, the onset of the epidemic has been manifested in syndromes, and the epidemic toxin is easy to dry. Therefore, this part of the content is added to the plan, emphasizing that it is necessary to adapt measures according to the time and place, which is more conducive to guiding the treatment in various places. “

The content of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment has been added to the new version of the plan: “Acupuncture and moxibustion have been used in clinical treatment for two years since the new crown epidemic, and have definite curative effects in improving symptoms and regulating immune function. There are also some reports of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of new coronary pneumonia. Academician Zhang Boli said that in the new version of the plan, different acupuncture points and techniques are recommended for different patients with light, common and severe types, reflecting the syndrome differentiation and treatment of acupuncture, which not only enriches the methods of traditional Chinese medicine, but also provides acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of new coronary pneumonia in the international arena. It is also of great significance to promote it.

The infection is more mild, and the new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan adds a new medication guide for children.

Academician Zhang Boli said that the syndrome characteristics of children with new coronary pneumonia are related to Adults are not exactly the same. In clinical practice, mild types are more common, a few common types are rare, and severe types are rare. The remaining symptoms such as pulmonary inflammation, palpitations, and fatigue during convalescence are also lighter than adults. The new version of the plan arranges prescriptions according to the characteristics of children, and has more targeted interventions. It has guiding value for guiding the treatment of children after infection.

“Taking Tianjin as an example, the children screened out may have mild symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, etc., but the loss of smell and taste, digestive tract Symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) are not prominent, and the main syndromes are damp toxin attacking the surface and wind-heat. Therefore, we use Yinqiao Powder and Maxing Shigan Decoction according to the disease characteristics of children, which can relieve the wind and relieve the surface. , clearing heat and detoxifying; for children with common pulmonary inflammation, Qianjinweijing Decoction plus Houttuynia cordata, Zhejiang shellfish and other treatments can be used to quickly improve the symptoms. Clinical results have also proved that children’s medication takes effect faster than adults, and none of the more than 100 children who have been ill turned into severe disease. “

“Western medicine has no symptoms, Chinese medicine has syndromes”, and asymptomatic infections still need to be taken seriously

“Western medicine has no symptoms, and Chinese medicine has syndromes”, Academician Zhang Boli said, Asymptomatic people should pay attention to them, especially those with high risk factors such as older age, underlying diseases, weak constitution, obesity, and unhealthy lifestyle habits. First, although asymptomatic, they are still contagious; second, asymptomatic today, two Symptoms may appear in three days. Therefore, it is advisable to adopt the treatment strategy of “preventive symptoms and truncating the disease”, and treat according to TCM syndromes, so that symptoms will not appear all the time, and the nucleic acid will turn negative.

Mild symptoms cannot be ignored, and the key lies in early intervention.

The new version of the plan points out that light patients should be managed in centralized isolation, which means that mild patients can go to a cabin or hotel for isolation and observation without going to the hospital. Mild patients run on medical resources, but medical observation does not mean that no treatment can be ignored, especially for the above-mentioned high-risk groups. From our experience over the past two years, treating these patients with traditional Chinese medicine can improve symptoms and prevent conversion. It is also conducive to recovery. The key to treatment is “early”, intervening as soon as possible during the active period of virus replication to improve the treatment effect, and the “three-party three-drug” treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can be applied, and the first time and the first amount Doubling it, drinking more water and resting, can control the disease from spreading and development.

“Traditional Chinese medicine early intervention and full participation have played an important role in all stages of the new coronary pneumonia, adhere to the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and use both Chinese and Western medicine, believe us to overcome this epidemic. said Academician Zhang Boli.