A waterfall stone in a scenic spot in Hangzhou fell and hit tourists, local: caused by the impact of water flow, it has been disposed of

Jimu News reporter Manda Zhang Qi

On July 26, a boulder rolled over a waterfall in the Baoshou Mountain Scenic Spot in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, almost hitting tourists playing below. On July 27, the sub-district office of the scenic spot responded to the Jimu news reporter that the rockfall was caused by the long-term impact of the water flow, and the scenic spot has been dealt with after the fact, and the inspection will be increased in the later stage.

The tourist Mr. Wang introduced to the Jimu News reporter that at about 5 pm on July 26, he was swimming in the swimming pool not far from the waterfall when he suddenly heard the sound of rolling stones and found a A stone larger than the washbasin rolled halfway around the waterfall, shattered as it rolled, and then smashed into the pool below the waterfall. At that time, three female tourists were taking pictures by the pool. Fortunately, they found the falling stone in time and avoided it.

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Mr. Wang told reporters that after the incident, the scenic spot had a fence on the scene, so that no people approach. For fear of being hit by stones, he will not go to play under the waterfall again.

July 27, Jimu News reporter contacted Baoshou Mountain Scenic Spot. The customer service staff said that there were indeed rocks falling from the waterfall in the scenic spot, which had been dealt with. As for the specific reasons, the other party did not answer.

Jimu news reporter contacted Yuhang District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau. The staff said that Baoshou Mountain Scenic Spot is not an A-level scenic spot, and the issues involved need to be checked with the local street office. The relevant staff of the Xianlin Sub-district Office in Yuhang District said that after investigation, the rockfall was caused by the long-term impact of water flow, and the scenic spot has been disposed of, and inspections will be increased in the later stage.