A total of 48 confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections in Binzhou have been discharged from hospital

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Zhao Xu

On April 2, the Binzhou Municipal Government Information Office held the 21st press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic . Sun Jinghua, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, introduced the precautions and follow-up health management for infected people after they were discharged from the hospital.

As of 24:00 on April 1, a total of 48 confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections in the city have been discharged (including 13 confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections) 35 cases).

Patients with COVID-19 who have reached the discharge criteria are in good health. According to the requirements of the state, rehabilitation and discharge can be processed. Follow-up health management, need to pay attention to the following points:

Continue 7 days of home health monitoring, live in a well-ventilated single room, open windows on time for ventilation, and minimize close contact with family members , separate meals, do good hand hygiene, and do not go out for 7 days. On the 1st, 3rd, and 7th days after discharge, a nucleic acid test of nasal and throat swabs (double-collection and double-test) was performed respectively. Nucleic acid testing is carried out by the staff at the door.

Pay attention to changes in body temperature, measure body temperature at least 4 times a day, if it is higher than 37.3℃, you should contact the local medical staff in time. Divide meals and do good hand hygiene. And pay attention to cough, sore throat, runny nose and other respiratory symptoms.

Closely observe the physical condition, adjust the diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, and supplement sufficient vitamins, which is conducive to the recovery of the body. Work and rest on time, adjust your body, maintain optimism, and avoid anxiety. You can choose step-by-step aerobic training according to the past exercise habits and hobbies of the recovering person, so as to prepare for normal work and life.

Here, I also call on the general public to take the initiative to vaccinate against the new crown vaccine, have a reasonable diet, strengthen physical exercise, and further improve their own immunity.